This article, Æthelwulf, is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time. Please contact the article creator for collaborations.. |
Æthelwulf was the first Sila doppelgänger and killed by a Viking during Battle of Stamford in 918.
Æthelwulf is physically identical to Silas.
10th century[]
Æthelwulf was a Greek warrior that converted to Saxon culture in the early 10th century and fought with the Saxons against the Danes. He was killed during Battle of Stamford by a Danish warrior, however, he was resurrected by Theophilia Flowers. Æthelwulf would later fall for a Danish woman and start a family with her.
After Æthelwulf died from old age; Theophilia and her coven used magic to bury and preserve his body beneath Stonehenge.
15th Century[]
Theophilia's coven would encounter Silas's second doppelgänger in Spain after finding him. Æthelwulf was revived and reverted to use youth in order to steal a Dark Object from the second doppelgänger. He later contracted consumption while in Spain and died. The coven found his body again and managed to preserve a second time before burying him in a location that would one day become Salem.
Anika Bhavsar would later discover his corpse and attempt to use the Rakshasa Spell on him. However, Aries requested his corpse as she had plans for him and took him to an abandoned church after reviving him. After kidnapping Olga, Alternate Josie, Alternate Lizzie, and Annalise Denisa; Aries proceeded to replicate Esther's Immortality Spell using the blood of Olga, Annalise, and Aethelwulf and a White Oak from the tree that Gemini converted. Aries injected the serum to each of her kidnappees along with some cyanide as a contingencies plan in case someone prevented her from killing the rest. The five of them rose as Original Vampires and Original Hybrids respectively but Jeremy was able to cure Annalise before he, Annalise, Isabella, and Annalise's child that was forcibly born through Aries' Pregnancy Acceleration Spell - were sent back to Annalise's universe by Gemini.
Gemini took the four remaining Originals back to her apartment in order to escape Aries' wrath. Aethelwulf received a Daylight Ring from Gemini before heading out to explore the new world.
Out of anger from Aries' spell on Aethelwulf; Angelo Frascone tracked Athelwulf to a construction yard and attempted to maul the newborn Original to death but due to Aethelwulf's immortality - she doesn't succeed. Aethelwulf then proceeded to stab the Rakshasa-Witch hybrid with a brass nail he got from nearby piece of wood. However, due to Aethelwuf's blood in Angelo's system - his transition begins.
Powers and abilities[]
Æthelwulf has the standard abilities of a human.
Æthelwulf has the typical weaknesses of a huamn.
- Theophilia - (Friend)