Aemilia Macklyn (Originally known as Aemilia Parker) is a Witch-Vampire, Hybrid that was born in Arizona, during the 13th century, and a main recurring character on . She was sired by Malachai Macklyn.
- Aemilia is a member of the Parker, and Macklyn Familys.
Aemilia was born a Siphoner Witch, but she never knew that she was a Siphoner due to the fact that she only ever did magic while with her familys coven. This could suggest that she was able to do magic as she most likely siphoned magic from other members of the coven without realising she was doing so. Aemilia was saved by Malachai, after she was being raped by a unknown male. Because the mental trauma of the attack Malachai offered Emily to become a vampire, but as Emily was pregnant, he said that she whould have to wait until after she gave birth. Emily gave birth to twins William, and Rachel so Malachai turned her into a witch-vampire, hybrid.
Siphoner Witch[]
While she was a Siphoner, Emily was a cordial and light hearted spirit. However, after being raped, she knew that her family wouldn't forgive her if she said anything. Disgusted at the prospect of living a lie, she asked Malachai to turn her and become the first Witch-Vampire Hybrid.
Witch-Vampire Hybrid[]
Aemilia is a 170+ witch-vampire hybrid who relies on her dry sense of humor to counter a life of pain and dismissal. She is also the most calculating member of her vampire coven.
Aemilia is not without her humanity, as she valued her fellow coven members. She also has a sense of morality, as she took offense at the people who left her for dead when she was run over by their car. However, she won't hesitate to take vengeance, as she, along with Malcolm, Ryan, and James murdered the very people who ran her over.
Siphoner Witch[]
- Witchcraft Siphoners can only use magic if they have a sorce of magic to siphon first. the only way for a siphoner to have there own magic is if a siphoner becomes a witch, vampire - hybrid.
- Siphoning: Siphoners possess the rare ability to absorb nearly all forms of magic from external sources in place of their lack of personal power. As a result of this ability, they are able to detect the magic within other beings as well as unravel the most sophisticated of spells. Siphoning can be used to siphon the magic of enchanted objects as well as the magic from supernatural beings such as other witches, vampires, werewolves, etc. This also extends to a supernatural being's body fluids, such as the blood of a witches, and vampires.
- Spell Casting: Siphoners, after having absorbed magic from an external source, have the ability to cast spells like any witch. This allows them to change and control events through the use of incantations and more. However, the amount of power they have absorbed is finite and will eventually need to be replenished by siphoning more magic, though the frequency of which depends on the amount and strength of the magic they absorbed.
- Potion Brewing: The power to brew and concoct potions, remedies, and elixirs that have supernatural properties.
- Telekinesis: Siphoners, after having absorbed magic from an external source, have the ability to move objects and people like any witch.
- Pain Infliction: Siphoners, after having absorbed magic from an external source, have the ability to inflict excruciating migraines like any witch.
- Pyrokinesis: Siphoners, after having absorbed magic from an external source, have the ability to generate and manipulate fire like any witch.
- Siphoning: Non-Original witch-vampire hybrids possess the rare ability to absorb magic, in all forms, from another source.
- Spell Casting: Non-Original witch-vampire hybrids after having absorbed magic, possess the ability to cast spells like any witch.
- Telekinesis: Non-Original witch-vampire hybrids after having absorbed magic, possess the ability to move objects and people with the mind like any witch.
- Pain Infliction: Non-Original witch-vampire hybrids after having absorbed magic, possess the ability to inflict excruciating migraines like any witch.
- Pyrokinesis: Non-Original witch-vampire hybrids after having absorbed magic, possess the ability to create and control fire like any witch.
- Divination: Non-Original witch-vampire hybrids after having absorbed magic, possess the ability to divine future, past, and present events based off extrasensory perception like any witch.
- Super Strength: Non-Original witch-vampire hybrids have the same strength as that of non-Original vampires and are noticeably much stronger than other supernatruals and Humans. witch-vampire hybrids slowly grow stronger with time. They always have the advantage of superior strength in direct combat with a human. Their other feats include single-handedly lifting grown men high off the ground by the throat and snapping their necks, cutting off a person's head with their bare hands, and ripping out internal organs such as hearts with little to no effort. Their strength is also more powerful than that of Werewolves and Evolved Werewolves in human form. Their strength allows them to jump higher and further than any natural creature.
- Super Speed: Non-Original witch-vampire hybrids possess the same speed as non-Original vampires; able to accelerate their movements to cover short distances in an instant, faster than the human eye can see. When running across long distances, they appear as vibrating blurs of motion. Their reflexes are similarly heightened. Like their strength, their speed increases with age.
- Super Agility: Non-Original witch-vampire hybrids possess superhuman agility. They have shown that they can move, jump very high, climb, and run incredibly fast without difficulty or exhaustion. They can jump with their super speed too. These abilities increase with age.
- Super Senses: Non-Original witch-vampire hybrids possess extremely keen senses of hearing, sight and smell that far exceed those of humans and werewolves.
- Super Durability: Non-Original witch-vampire hybrids can take a great amount of physical damage without being slowed down. Even vampires who have been shot with wooden bullets have been seen to continue fighting, as long as they were not shot in the heart, or the head. As they get older they become more powerful.
- Healing Factor: Non-Original witch-vampire hybrids possess the ability to recover tissue from any form of physical damage to their bodies in seconds, but still feel the pain of a wound before it heals. Vampires can snap their bones back into place after being broken and have been seen to fully recover from gunshots, stab wounds, and torso impalement.
- Immortality: Non-Original witch-vampire hybrids stop aging once turned. Upon their transformation, they become immune to all conventional illness, diseases, viruses and infections, though the exception is cancer, which can only be exacerbated by vampirism.
- Day Walking: Due to their Siphoner heritage, witch-vampire hybrids are immune to the lethal effects that u.v. rays and sunlight have on non-Original vampires and original vampires. Allowing them to walk in daylight without the use of a daylight ring.
- Enhanced Emotions: witch-vampire hybrids experience emotions more powerfully than humans. Emotions like love, joy, and happiness are magnified for vampires, allowing them to live life more intensely.
- Emotional Control: witch-vampire hybrids have the supernatural ability to remove or dull their emotions by "turning off" or "switching off" their humanity which is directly connected to their emotions. Doing so allows them to block out their more negative emotions, such as fear and guilt, allowing them to feed and kill without remorse.
- Mind Compulsion: witch-vampire hybrids have the ability to influence and control thoughts, emotions, and behavior and can alter or erase memories.
- Telepathy: witch-vampire hybrids have the ability, albeit a weak variant, to enter the minds of others as long as theirs is stronger than them. Normally, this ability works in a tactile fashion and the vampire requires physical contact in order for it to work successfully. Like their physical attributes, their mental strength increases with age.
- Dream Manipulation: witch-vampire hybrids can control dreams and subconscious. They can produce and modify dreams, bestow nightmares or lucid dreaming. Other effects of this ability is the distortion of reality and trapping people in their dream.
- Illusions: witch-vampire hybrids have the power to trick the minds of others into seeing/feeling things that aren't actually happening.
- True Face: A non-Original witch-vampire hybrid's true face is the appearance they are hiding under their normal human face. When their true face is revealed, the sclera of their eyes turns blood-red, dark veins appear under their eyes as the blood pumps forcefully through them, and their canine teeth extend into razor-sharp fangs. Their true face can be revealed whenever they wish, but it will appear against their will whenever they are aroused by the scent of blood, or are feeling intense emotions such as anger, lust, sadness, etc. Their fangs are extremely sharp which gives them the ability to tear into almost any substance (including and especially flesh) and tear off limbs. Their true face will appear for the first time, either while they drink human blood for the first time or shortly afterward. With the fangs come the darkened veins under the eyes as well.
Original Name[]
The meaning of the name “Aemilia” is the Ancient Roman spelling of the popular Emilia and family. With Emilia and Amelia so popular, this version, while authentic and attractive, will only create confusion without adding real distinction.
The meaning of the name “Parker” is an English family name and means "keeper of the park" from Old French.