Vampire Diaries Fanon Wiki

Ambrose is the progenitor of the Rakshasa Hybrids. He is also a member of the Gilbert Family.

Early Life[]

In The Mid 400s (A.D) Ambrose would be turned into a Rakshasa. After unknown circumstances it would lead to him becoming a Rakshasa Hybrid (Rakshasa and Witch Version). Once this happened he would become known as the world's first Rakshasa-Hybrid. Later after that Ambrose would become known as a vicious warrior. He participated throughout time as a fighter and conqueror, aiding in many causes that he thought were worthy of his support. At some point in 700 A.D (evidence points towards 714 A.D-719 A.D) Ambrose would turn many Unknown and dying people into Rakshasa Hybrids (like himself). These people would turn other people and it would lead to the start of Ambrose's Rakshasa Hybrid Bloodline. Not long after this Ambrose had a child named Xavier Gilbert, who had a child with an Unknown Member of The Salvatore Family (Darius' Line).


Ambrose is can be an evil-minded and cruel person. In his days as a Warrior, Gladiator, and even Knight he was fearsome and vicious. Many cowled and still do at the hearing of his name and he was very brutish. As a spirit in the Darius Stone Ambrose experiences tremendous punishment for his past sins and he is constant and continuous pain.

Physical Appearance[]

Ambrose has dark brown, moderately curly hair that barely goes beyond his ears, ridged eyebrows, a clean shaven goatee, and has brown eyes.

Powers and Abilities[]

As The Originator of The Rakshasa Hybrids he has the typical abilities that a Original Rakshasa Hybrid would posses.


As The Originator of The Rakshasa Hybrids he has the typical weaknesses that a Original Rakshasa Hybrid would posses.


  • Ambrose is a member of the Gilbert Family.
  • During his time as a Warrior he fathered a son known as Xavier Gibson who he raised until adulthood.
  • Ambrose is used as a energy receptor in the Darius Stone. As such he is constantly deprived off lots of his energy while being tormented in the stone.
  • Ambrose is the original rakshasa hybrid and is the first one.
  • Ambrose was born November 27, 447 A.D.