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This article, An Unusual Family, is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time. Please contact the article creator for collaborations..

An Unusual Family is the ninth part of Chapter Three of Omega Chronicles.


Aries and Virgo were drinking at the Ravenshoe Hotel when Syrah arrived with some news for them as Gemini arrived and greeted them, and told them that they were requested at Gordonearl. They went to Gordonearl Road where they spotted a large mansion and enter it. Aries and Virgo were surprised to see a table with Leo, Cancer, Aquarius, Pisces, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Libra, Taurus, and Capricorn assembled around it. Leo revealed to Aries and Virgo that the Kresnik elders are planning their revenge against the Zodiac for Taurus killing Mara and also tell them that Moloch's seal was weakening.

Elsewhere in the Hunted Universe; David and Olga were speaking with Hope Mikaelson (Mikaelson) and Hope Mikaelson (Poor Universe) when Rajesh Tripathi noticed a chest at the corner of the room. David proceeded to investigate it prompting it to try to attack him. Rajesh tried to punch it but soon learned that it was invulnerable like him and did no damage to it. Hope of the Poor Universe and Hope of the Mikaelson Universe channelled each of to perform a Combined Telekinesis Spell to blasts the chest out of the building and into the New Orleans River.

Meanwhile in the Red Universe; Elijah Mikaelson (No Hope), William Smallwood, Josie Saltzman (Mikaelson), Josie Saltzman (Poor Universe), Kaleb Hawkins (Mikaelson), and Jed Tien (Poor Universe) were squaring off with Kaleb Hawkins (No Hope) and Jed Tien (No Hope) as Jed Tien (Mikaelson) as Jed of the Mikaelson Universe was still considering his allegiance to Novus Ordo. Josie of the Mikaelson Universe and Josie of the Poor Universe discuss the merge as an option to combat Novus Ordo. Josie of the Mikaelson Universe point at that they are not twins, but Josie of the Poor Universe stated due to them being the same person and the same age - that it's a possible loophole. A couple of Rakshasa waste no time to ambush the lot, however, Josie was able to siphon their Invulnerability allowing William to bite them both, however, Elijah snaps their necks before stating to Jed of the Mikaelson, Jed of the No Hope Universe, and Kaleb of the No Universe that he had no problem doing the same to them as he mimicks the powers from Kaleb of the Mikaelson Universe. Jed of the Poor Universe accidentally triggers a Mimic posing as a cooler forcing Josie of the Mikaelson Universe to toss a cyanide pill into its mouth causing it foam at the month before dying. They proceeded to align with Elijah as they leave to the streets of Ravenshoe when Aurora de Martel (Poor Universe) approached Elijah and revealing her plans to sacrifice Hope for Moloch. Alfric Blood revealed that it was indeed true and that with Hope being the most powerful sacrifice to offer - she'll make awakening the God of Sacrifice easier work. He turned his attentions to his former allies looking at Kaleb of the Hunted Universe, Jed of the Hunted Universe, and Jed of the Mikaelson Universe to tell them that Reyyan Nigel offered power in exchange for loyalty and they did nothing but spat in her face. Both Jeds used the immenient threat to power themselves and attempt to attack Alfric, but he proceeded to uses a Suffocation Spell on Kaleb of the Hunted Universe to suffocate Kaleb to death before turning his attention of both Jeds, but Elijah managed to save them in time as they fled from them. Svetlana Belov knocked Alfric to the ground and told him that the Zodiacs were her family's target and told him to stay out her way, however, Alfric was able to use his magic to force Svetlana to retreat.

Hope of the Mikaelson Universe and Hope of the Poor Universe were learning about the Mimic when they were shot with a number of Vervain-Wolfsbane-Magic muting darts to the knock them out by Triad Agents. David and Olga tried to stop them, but they were able to return to the Mikaelson Universe before they were able to reach them. Rajesh tried to grab one of the agents but the portal closed just as his went through causing his left her to be severed. Orest Belov emerged from a portal from the Anti Universe with Ivy Carydotter and attempted to capture David, but he was able to dodge his advance with Olga using a silver dagger to impale Ivy in the shoulder before proceeding to dagger Orest in the leg with a Human Ash Dagger causing him intense pain and forcing him to flee.

Back in the New Omega Universe; as the respective events in the Hunted Universe and Red Universe unfold. Aries questioned the return of the Zodiac as Sora Yamimoto arrived as she announced that she received summons. Syrah and Sora meet for the first time as Leo proceeded to announce that they were meeting to try to figure out how to deal with the upcoming return of Moloch as he stated that tricking him into drink eitr won't work. Cancer announced that killing Moloch wouldn't be necessary if they killed Reyyan Nigel as she presented a vial of lunar soil. Pisces mentioned that the soil from the moon will only burn and harm them as Cancer explained that since the restoration of the Multiverse and there altered approach - Kiatero never became lethal to Zodiacs as she reminded Virgo that Zodiacs are of Cosmic origins not Earth origins and as such they answer to the cosmos not nature. The law of the Cosmos degree that everything should die, and that's what it dictated. Zircon became lethal to Zodiacs because of its use in their creation, but in truth the cosmos responded to their immortal creation by transferring left over energy from their creation throughout time and resulted in the creation of the Primordial Bolt; the one consistent thing that could always kill a Zircon, but can also be used to kill a Star Person. Aries reminded her that the Primordial Bolt can indeed kill a Star Person, but finding one was exceedingly rare. Cancer told him that when she was revived she used every ounce of her power to find the bolt, and proceeded to brandish a metallic looking rod out from under her jacket. Aries smirked at Cancer and told her that she was glad that her resurrection was actually worth it. Just as they were talking Flavian Belov, Orest Belov, Svetlana Belov, Galina Belov, and Leonid Belov ambush the meeting and attempt to attack the Zodiac with zirconium knives, but Syrah blasted them back and proceeded to try to kill one with a Human Ash Dagger, but it managed to escape in time.



  • New Omega Universe
    • Ravenshoe
  • Red Universe
    • Ravenshoe
  • Hunted Universe

Body Count[]
