Vampire Diaries Fanon Wiki

Angelo Frascone is an Italian-born Rakshasa-Witch hybrid and a close friend of Yashvi's. He was originally her lover and fathered a son with her named Lucas.


Angelo shows a warm, kind, and caring side but while completing tasks for Yasvhi - he displays a stoic demeanour. He can be just as cold as any other member of the Rakshasa Coven and will not hesitate to harm any he believes as a traitor to the coven. When angered - Angelo becomes irrational as he was almost caught feasting on Alternate Sheriff Mac which prompts him to become remorseful afterwards.



Angelo was summoned to Salem by Yasvhi in order to recover Rajesh Tripathi and help take down David for good. Angelo Frascone attacked David after went to meet up with the Salem Coven, however, he was attacked by Angelo Frascone. However, David managed to resist Angelo's illusions as the Rakshasa-Witch hybrid attempted to get an edge over him. Padraig magically snapped Angelo's neck as David and Padraig ran off to the coven.

Angelo woke up moments later and out of anger - he approachs Maya - daughter of Sheriff Mac- who was with her school during a field trip and mauls of her to death. He later visits Sheriff Mac and proceeds to torment her with illusions before proceeding maul her next. Angelo is almost discovered by Alaric as he feasts on Mac's body but Yashvi managed to trick him with illusions and prevented Angelo's discovery.

Yashvi scolded Angelo for being reckless which prompted Angleo to become remorseful. Yashvi kicked a cooler over to Angelo and told him if he was angry - to use the cooler and not the "local wildlife". Anika and told Angelo that he was lucky that no one was able to catch him feasting on Maya.

Out of frustration and anger with Aries for turning Yashvi's not intended inductee into an Original Vampire; Angelo tracked down Æthelwulf and attempted to maul him to death but failed with the only result being that he had Aethelwulf's blood in his system. Aethelwulf proceeded to kill him with a brass nail before leaving.

Angelo awoke in transition and stumbled back to Yashvi's hideout but she refused to help and attempted to kill him, but David arrived to take on the coven for their part in Pádraig's death.

After David's attack, he left with Anika's body and Angelo. He managed to get Angelo to feed to complete the transition. Angelo becomes enraged that he is no longer a Hybrid and will now be considered a traitor to the Coven. David refused to make him a daylight ring and told him to remain before leaving him.

Davd sought Angelo for information after the Mokujin Samurai attacked him, Olga, and Jerick to which Olga compelled Angelo to reveal that the origin of Rakshasa to have started with the first Rakshasa Spell which wasn't as perfect as the current one. The official lie that has been told is that the spell's requirements consist of the blood of a carnivorous animal, a large source of magic, and a recently deceased corpse. However, he is the true requirements are much more involving. Angelo reveals the original spell that created the first of the Rakshasa species known which was created by a Coven of witches of which Angelo has come to known was led by Cancer. The Imperfects failed to transition properly and died as a result only a family of three were successful while she tried again but used a curse but the cursed variants were mostly rabid and uncontrollable. But both spells left both variants with magical blood that Cancer used as part of the true requirements to the Rakshasa Spell. Cancer altered the premise of an old resurrection spell and used it to create the spell that was necessary to give way to the Rakshasa species. Olga was impressed by Cancer's determination but was more shocked that from Angelo's description of the two Rakshasa variants are essentially components. David thanked Angelo for his help before handing him a Daylight Ring. Olga was surprised by David's action with David simply saying that he isn't a jerk, however, as Angelo took the ring he was staked by the Mokujin Samurai.

Yashvi arrived after the battle with the Samurai and attempted to use a spell to revive Angelo as a Hybrid but was interrupted by Aries and was killed by the Zodiac.

Powers and abilities[]

Angelo had the standard abilities of a Rakshasa-Witch Hybrid.

Angelo has the standard abilities of a Vampire.


Angelo had the typical weaknesses of a Rakshasa-Witch Hybrid.

Angelo has the typical weaknesses of a Vampire.
