- "Samara is it?... I've heard alot about you, they call you "The Huntress" where I'm from."
- ―Angelo to Samara Gilbert when they met for the first time.
Early Life[]
At an unknown point of time Angelo's brothers, father, and mother were killed by Samara Gilbert and Victoria Argent Cruz.
Little is known about Angelo's early life.
He appeared to be quite angry at Samara when she killed his family, striking out at her and trying to kill her. Before he did this continuously tried to ask her why she did it and all she did was explain that it was what she did because she a hunter. This in a way enraged Angelo, ultimately leading to his own death.
Physical Appearance[]
Angelo is over 6'0, he has a moderately muscular build, black hair, and blue eyes.
sports a pair of dress shoes, a black suit, a buttoned white-striped dress shirt, and loosened blue necktie accentuated by a beige trench coat. Although he has a very dire demeanor, his outward appearance radiates a natural calm and serenity which makes conversation easy and direct.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Super Strength: Because he is a Werewolf, Angelo possess supernatural strength that makes them far stronger than Immortals, Supernatural Hunters, and Humans.
- Super Speed: Angelo is much faster than humans and some other supernatural beings. He possesses this ability both in and out of transformation, with an animalistic quickness.
- Super Agility: Angelo has superhuman agility. In both human and wolf form, he has demonstrated that they can move, jump very high, climb, flip, and run incredibly fast without difficulty or exhaustion. They can also jump down from incredible heights with almost gravity-defying grace.
- Super Durability: Angelo is able to take far more trauma than humans without nearly as much discomfort or injury, however, not as much as vampires. He can also exert himself for longer periods without tiring.
- Healing Factor: Angelo possess superhuman regenerative abilities, meaning that if they are physically injured, their bodies will heal rapidly. Like vampires, Angelo can heal from the most grievous of injuries, even in human form, albeit more slowly in comparison to vampires. However, unlike vampires, if Angelo's neck is broken, he stays dead.
- Super Senses: Angelo has extremely keen and heightened senses of smell, sight, taste, hearing, and touch that exceeds his wolf counterparts and that of regular canines.With this smell he was capable of smelling Samara Gilbert with ease.
- Lycanthrope Enhancement: Werewolves are able to make their eyes glow when angry or threatened, but only for a short amount of time. When a werewolf is furious or forced to defend themselves, their anger increases all their power and abilities for a short period of time, which allows them to access some of the power of their wolf form to give them an edge.
- Shapeshifting/Transformation Control: During a full moon, they will unwillingly transform from their human form and into their wolf form.
- Werewolf Bite: A werewolf's venom is extremely lethal to non-original vampires. While an Original vampire cannot die from the venom, they are not wholly immune to the effects of the bite. For non-Original vampires, the venom acts as an poison of sorts that will enter the bloodstream and deliver the toxin throughout the body, producing discomfort and weakness, developing uncontrollable hunger that progresses to delusions, hallucinations, rabid rage, and dementia, culminating in death. Original vampires undergo the same effects, but do not die and will eventually fully recover. Angelo's wolf bite was seen when he bite Samara.
- Full Moon: A werewolf's strength, speed, agility, and all their powers are enhanced to their peak during a full moon.
- Immunity to Silver: Werewolves are immune to magic bonded to silver. Weapons made of silver might wound them, but the wound still heals at supernatural rates and will not be fatal to them.
- Mortality: Werewolves can die of old age and share many of the same weaknesses as non-supernatural beings (e.g. suffocation, extreme blood Loss, a broken neck, decapitation, fire, heart extraction, etc.)
- Magic: Werewolves are susceptible to the powers of witchcraft. This is inclusive of mystical objects such as the Starling Necklace, Gilbert Device, and dark objects. Multiple spells have been performed by witches against werewolves to cause several effects against them, such as slowing down or speeding up a werewolf's transformation during a full moon, telekinetically ripping a heart from a werewolf's chest, or cursing a pack of werewolves to be trapped in their wolf form at all times except for a few short hours during the full moon when they return to their human forms. Though not a direct weakness to werewolves themselves, siphoners, and by extension Heretics can siphon the magic from a werewolf directly or the magic of a werewolf bite, as seen in Hope is Not the Goal and I'm Thinking Of You All The While, respectively.
- Physical Trauma: Minor physical injuries such as gunshots, stab wounds and broken bones will cause a werewolf pain and will also slow them down. Fortunately for them, this is only temporary, as they will heal completely within minutes. However, certain injuries, such as a slit throat, a snapped neck, or extreme blood loss have been shown to kill werewolves, as demonstrated by Hayley Marshall and Tyler Lockwood, respectively, prior to their transformations into hybrids, or when the latter died from his fatal wounds.
- Wolfsbane: When ingested, wolfsbane causes a werewolf to become severely weak and feverish. Also, If a werewolf's skin is exposed to wolfsbane, it will burn them.
Former Weaknesses[]
- Doppelgänger Blood Magic: If blood from the last pair of doppelgängers is used in the Magic Purification Spell, all activated werewolves revert back to being a mortal with an untriggered wolf gene like Tyler. Kai absorbed the magic purification spell and as such, it no longer exists.
Angelo is an Italian masculine given name and surname meaning "angel", or "messenger".
The Norman name was originally found as Gislebert or Gillebert, and is composed of the Germanic elements Gisil, meaning "hostage" or "noble youth", and berht, meaning "bright" or "famous".
- Angelo is from the Gibson Family.
- Angelo was killed by Samara Gilbert
- Angelo was birthed in Cherrysville, Louisiana
- Angelo was born in November 12, 1987.