Vampire Diaries Fanon Wiki

The fourth, and current incarnation of the Carina Doppelgängers.

Early Life[]

After Clarisse's "death", and transformed into a vampire her human soul was reincarnated as Annalise. When she is in pre-school she met Elena Gilbert, Caroline Forbes, and Bonnie Bennet were they become best friends for life. When she was twelve she dated Jeremy Gilbert till they break up but there still good friends. During the final week summer Annalise, and her parents went to Europe that didn’t know about the deaths of Elena’s parents

Throughout the Vampire Diaries[]

After returning from Europe she reunited with her friends, and giving them souvenirs as gifts. She encountered Stefan Salvatore who sees her resembled Clarisse, and attended the bonfire party were Vicki was attacked & bitten by Damon. During the Halloween party Annalise was attack by Vicki out of jealousy nearly killing her till Stefan stake her to death. Annalise became the third runner up of Miss Mystic Falls, and was on the miss mystic falls float for Founders Day. Sometime during the hunt, and encounter of the cure Katherine tried to kill Elena, but Annalise stopped her by injecting the cure into her sacrificing her only chance to end the Carina curse. When Katherine was on the verge of death use a travelers spell to transfer her soul, and concinous into Annalise, and full control with the help of Katherine's daughter Nadia thus Katherine acts like Annalise without them knowing.

In the Omega Universe[]

On her way to Elena’s place Annalise was abducted, and taken to the Omega Universe as a way to use her blood to save Olga even if it means killing her she was given David’s blood making her temporary immune to compulsion from Aires’ plan is later found by Bonnie, Caroline, & Stefan bringing her back home. Due to her presence in the Omega Universe it led to the creation of that universe’s first Carina doppelgänger Ivy Carydotter. She was later taken to the Omega Universe again this time by Aries to use her blood along with the petrova, and Salvatore blood to turn her, and the rest of her selected into Original Vampires. Discovering that Annalise is pregnant she gave her water which has a spell in it to speed up her pregnancy, and gives birth to Samara then died from cyanie poisoning turning her into a original vampire only for Jeremy to cure her, and they along with Bonnie, and the newborn Samara to return to their universe.

Destruction of the Alpha Universe[]

During the Time Ripple Annalise was killed in the destruction of the Alphaverse, but was brought back after the Alphaverse was reborn.

Throughout the Originals[]

Caroline mentions that Annalise called her about having Samara attend Salvatore Boarding School.

Throughout Legacies[]

Though isn’t seen Lizzie mention going to Annalise & Jeremy’s wedding when she was 6 while her daughter Samara attends Salvatore boarding school.

Future Rebirth[]


She is very sweet, and kind with a bit of shyness, and fear. She could sometimes be mean if someone she knows is being harassed and bullied.


Annalise & Elena: Best Friends since preschool. Unlike the relationship between there doppelgänger ancestors Katherine, and Clarisse they have a very strong friendship.

Annalise & Bonnie: Best friends since preschool. She found out about Bonnie's witchcraft while on there way to school.

Annalise & Caroline: Best friends since preschool. They have a taste for fashion, and always wear certain clothes to fit there personality.

Annalise & Jeremy: Good friends. Dated once but they decided to break up. They are still good friends, and Jeremy is protective of her. When Stefan left in Klaus' control as a ripper Annalise slip into depression, and got back together with Jeremy. They were both married sometime after Katherine nearly destroyed Mystic Falls, and have a daughter name Samara.

Annalise & Vicki: A rivalry between the two. They mostly compete in things like Talent Shows, and beauty pageants. There biggest rivalry involved with cheerleader tryouts that Annalise successfully join. The rivalry ended when Vicki now a vampire try to kill Annalise till Stefan stake Vicki to death.

Annalise & Stefan: When they first met the feelings unknown that is there ancestry that predicted there love. They began to date till Stefan became a ripper abandoning Annalise. They both got back together after Jeremy broke up blaming himself for impregnating Annalise against his will. Incase Annalise dies she told or written a letter to both Stefan, Damon, Caroline, & Elena to protect her descendants, and her next life.

Annalise & Damon: They never get along due to Damon betraying Clarisse when he lied about Clarisse's death by Katherine. He later atone his sins to protect Annalise as a way to forsaken his betrayal.

Annalise & Emily: Not much is known of their relationship.

Annalise & Clarisse: Clarisse is protective of her descendants, and current life Annalise. She saved her after Damon bit her during a ball, and hopes Annalise could let Stefan move on with his life without the guilt of Clarisse's "death".

Annalise & Katherine: Just like Clarisse Katherine despises Annalise, and wanted to kill her after Annalise use the cure on Katherine saving Elena sacrificing her chance to end the reincarnation curse. After learning about Annalise’s ancestors being a different incarnation of her past lives she decided to put her soul into Annalise with the help of Nadia, and controlled her till she was removed from Annalise’s body, and sent to hell.

Annalise & Rayna: While their is very little connection Rayna is often reminded of a girl that looks just like her. Annalise would later give Rayna some of her blood to start a new life after her death.

Annalise & David: Despite being from a different universe she was protected, and given immunity to compulsion temporally.

Annalise & Sybil/Seline: Seeing her as the perfect third sister they had Damon abduct her, and both Sirens turned her into a siren against her will. While Arcadius killed Sybil & Seline with hellfire he spared Annalise by turning her back into a human for free due to her soul being pure, and reminded him of a woman he once loved that burned to death at the stake.

Annalise & Aries: Enemies after Aries’ attempt of killing her, sped up her pregnancy, turn her into a original vampire, and use her blood to create Ivy.

Annalise & Samara: Mother & daughter.


  • Rebirth Blood: The blood of a Carina doppelgänger has the same effects of the curse cast on Anise by Qetsiyah. It could be transfuse or consumed by anyone that is human or witch. So far two has been affected by this curse.


  • She is so far the only character in the series to have her pregnancy sped up.
  • She is the second Carina doppelgänger to be turned into a original vampire only to be cured.
  • As of the series finale of TVD Annalise so far has the most species she became even If cured.