Vampire Diaries Fanon Wiki

Annunciata Gaccione is a Rakshasa that was born in Italy.


Annunciata describes her human personality as a dutiful but naive woman. As human; she believed in the following instructions to the latter and had a mild-form of a OCD.

Annunciata became abrasive about her dutiful ways and expected others to conform to certain aspects as she joined the Strix simply due her to being a part of Elijah's bloodline and believed that all Elijah's vampire should join regardless of the personal desires. Annunciata OCD was described to be heightened as a result of her Vampirism heightening her personality.

Annunciata is abrasive and has an authoritarian personality. She cares little for another person's desires and expects conformity from other Rakshasa. She harbours a dislike for David due to him giving up his Rakshasa lifestyle and had no qualms in killing. She also seems to be impulsive, reckless, and quick to anger as she mauled David to death for Rajesh defying her without knowing that he is an Upgraded Supernatural Hunter and was subsequently cursed with the Upgraded Hunter's Curse.


Early History[]

Annunciata was born in Italy and spent her life in Italy before she was turned by a Vampire from Elijah's bloodline and joined the Strix at an unknown date. She was later killed along with Elijah's bloodline as a result of Elijah's death at the hands of the Hollow.

She was resurrected as a Rakshasa by a member of the Rakshasa Coven and was sent to track down Rajesh.


Aries located Annunciata and invited her to Salem to find Rajesh in exchange of getting the Bristlecone Pine Tree amber. Rajesh and David managed to prevent her claiming the amber which resulted in Annunciata mauling David to death and kidnapping Rajesh after breaking his neck.

She took him to Donnelly - an abandoned school - and Anika Bhavsar and Yashvi Venkatesh tortured him by force-feeding him Ghost Chili seeds while protecting themselves with a pair of gloves.

Annunciata began to feel the effects of the Upgraded Hunter's curses as a result of killing David Phoenix and almost killed Anika and Yashvi. They sent her away as she began experiencing hyper-realistic hallucinations. At first, she was hallucinating Darius Salvatore and the time he tortured her after she attempted to attack his family before hallucinating Katerina Petrova stalking her due to being the one that resulted in Trevor's Omega Universe counterpart meeting her and prompted Klaus' actions against her.

David began tormenting her by pretending to be one of her hallucinations and nearly tricked her into killing herself but Anika managed to knock him out using a baseball bat.

Powers and abilites[]

Annunciata had the typical abilities of a Human.

Annunciata had the standard abilities of a Vampire.

Annunciata has the typical abilities of a Rakshasa.


Annunciata had the typical weaknesses of a Human.

Annunciata had the standard weaknesses of a Vampire.

Annunciata has the typical weaknesses of a Rakshasa.
