Vampire Diaries Fanon Wiki
"Welcome to Astafor, where you don't have to be afraid to show who you really are. This is my home, Astafor Hill."
Rose Spenstin to Finch

Astafor, officially the Kingdom of Astafor, is a Nordic country in Northern Europe, the mainland territory of which comprises the western and northernmost portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula. It was considered part of Norway before Darius Salvatore conquered it. Because of the land that it stretched, Astafor was considered the largest territory part of Norway. The capital and largest city in Astafor is Arkyn.

Astafor is still known as Astafor to this day, but has come back under the Kingdom of Norway. It is located not too far from Tromsø, Harstad, and Hammerfest. In the past, Astafor was caught against four Norwegian settlements. It was held via monarchy, under the House of Salvatore for many centuries, up until an alliance with the Danish Kingdom. It would later come back to Norway as an indirect result of the Napoleonic wars.

The city has always had a supernatural history, ranging from Vampires and Werewolves, to Witches and even Dragons.


Start of the Middle Ages[]

Over 500 years ago during the Middle Ages, the earliest known members of the Dawson family heard of a mythical and magical land from which the inhabitants were blessed with incredible gifts. Desperate to leave the place they currently lived in due to disease and increasing fatalities, they moved to this land where they lived among the "moon people" as equals. Until one day, the family watched as their cousins perished at the hands of a Werewolf. Some stayed, although the remainder of the family fled the village not long after, leaving for a small settlement just outside Poland, and calling it home. The magical place was discovered some centuries later in 1119 by Darius Salvatore and Lachlan Sigurdsson's armies. These very people would settle in the lands, conquering it and calling it home, and naming it Astafor, with Darius naming himself its king a year after establishing the settlement.

Establishment, 1120-25[]

Darius Salvatore's army finally stumbled upon land of which he could build his empire, and accompanied by Norwegian nomads, decided to finally settle there. He developed Astafor into a country, and fought for its independence from Norway for nearly six years. Astafor becomes a country through Darius' efforts in 1125. After naming himself as its King, Darius ruled Astafor for twenty-five years.

Battle of Astafor, c. 1240s[]

In the 13th century, Astafor was part of the House of Dariussen's trust and was divided between three siblings. At the time, the only cities in the country were Ironmark, Astafor Hill and Ålstad, each governed by the children of Darius Salvatore and Solveig of Jórvík. Soon, it wouldn't be long before in fighting started and conflict began between the three territories. Arkyn Dariussen, the youngest of his siblings gained immense popularity amoungst the people, deciding not to kill his siblings forces, instead giving them goods and finding them shelter in all the battle. Leif Dariussen and Freydis Dariusdatter both lost the faith of their people, and they sided with Arkyn. In 1249, the last battle for Astafor was waged. It went on for thirteen days, until Arkyn and his forces were victorious.

Arkyn's reign, c. 1250[]

In 1250, Astafor is finally united under one banner, and Arkyn rules over it with an Iron fist. Showing kindness, yet displaying no hints of weakness. Astafarian people couldn't speak out anymore and their views were overlooked by him. Citizens who loved Arkyn's unity, began to despise his censorship, eventually leading to his assassination by his own son, Ivar Dariussen, whom of which appealed to the people.

The Ivar Period[]

Note: Period of Astafor's history, where-in it was ruled mostly by men named Ivar

Ivar I's reign[]

Ivar is constantly paranoid. Knowing of how he killed his father, he always fears that the people around him are out to get him. He develops an extreme case of PPD (Paranoid Personality Disorder) and completely abolishes the council and noble court. This change could be overruled by Solveig and Darius Salvatore, who eventually dethroned the monarch.

Von Scheidt-Weschpfennig Oath, c. 1319[]
"Prince Jürgen, Prince Stefan. As King, I accept your care-taking as my prisoners. From this moment onwards, your loyalty will forever be to me, and one day, to my son, Ivar II. Should your father betray his oath and dance with the Finnish, you will be executed."
Ivar Dariussen

With rumors of the Von Scheidt-Weschpfennig clan conspiring against the house of Astafor, and working against it alongside the Finnish, he was placed before the Astafarian court to explain himself. He attempts to put off the rumours as being false, but is thought to have been lying. As a security and showing of his undying loyalty to the House of Astafor, Wolfgang (the von Scheidt-Weschpfennig clan leader) gives Ivar Dariussen his most valuable possessions. This comes in the form of his sons, Stefan and Jürgen von Scheidt.

Asto-Finnish War[]


Asto-Norwegian War[]


Second Asto-Finnish War[]


Reign of Ivar the Unready[]

Ivar the Unready, often referred to as the "Boy King" was very unfit to rule. He had no idea of how to rule and no idea of how to save Astafor from crumbling. Rumors would spread that the king had wished to relinquish his duties and take the empire down with him. With compulsion, Darius Salvatore learnt that Ivar wanted to expose the supernatural identity of the kingdom to the populous. Unable to stand for this, Ivar was tried for treachery and executed on the same day.

Ivar the Mad's rule[]


Third Asto-Finnish War[]


Astafor in the 1400s[]

Both Sarah and Violet attended the old Astafor Academy, where they were excellent and very intelligent students, with Sarah describing her days at the academy as "dull and monotonous". After Violet went missing following her transformation into a vampire, her parents assumed that she was dead and purchased a plot at the the Astafor Hill Cemetery with a headstone as a memorial to her.

15th Century[]


16th Century[]


17th Century[]


18th Century[]




Astafor Hill[]

Astafor Hill houses a large amount of the supernatural population in Astafor. Werewolves like Sarah Dawson, Darius Salvatore and Rose Spenstin grew up there. It is the first established community in the region.

Diamond Estates[]








  • Astafor High School
  • Astafor Academy
  • Astafor Creek
  • Old Astafor Academy (in ruins)
  • Astafor Hospital
  • Astafor Hill
  • Astafor Hill Cemetery
  • Astafor Hill High School
  • Violet's Residence
  • Astafor Trauma Center
  • Astafor Hill Bed and Breakfast
  • Police Station
  • Diamond Estates
  • Woods


When Astafor was a country, it was ruled by a hereditary monarchy. Astafor's first ruler was Darius Salvatore.

List of the Rulers of Astafor[]

List of Known Astafor Nobles[]

  • Magnus IV of Norway (Held some sort of noble position in Astafor, argued for claim to the throne)
  • Nehir of Ålstad and Turkey (Acted as a mistress to Darius Salvatore for some time, mother of Nasir I of Astafor)
  • Nasir I of Astafor and the Turks (illegitimate son of Darius Salvatore, held a strong claim to the throne, Influential in the bond between the Astafarian and the Ottoman Empires)
  • Nyah-Maj, Queen of the Danes (Wife of Darius, held the title of Duchess of Arkyn)
  • Kadaisha Nazgul-Kataya (Status unknown, granted title by efforts in battle as a warrior)
  • Mar Bongtinwan (Status unknown, granted title by efforts in battle as a warrior)
  • Leron Gibsen (Status unknown, granted title by efforts in battle as a warrior_
  • Erik Leifssen (Son of Leif Dariussen, Duke of Ironmark)
  • Jürgen von Scheidt (Prince of Astafor, through oath)
  • Stefan von Scheidt (Prince of Astafor, through oath)
  • Franz Wagner-Muller (Lord of the Bridesburg settlement)
  • Walraf Von Scheidt Genannt Weschpfennig (Unknown position, trusted ally of August Ironside II)
  • Many unnamed others

Administration and Institutions[]

  • The once country had a monarchy which started with Darius Salvatore. Later on, when Astafor became a city under the jurisdiction of Norway, they gained a mayor, founding council, hospital, and police department. The mayor position had been occupied by the James family for 250 years until Mina Hassan assumed the position in 2014. Although, this would later change due to Mina marrying a James family member. Some of the known mayors are:
    • Morgan James - (1760-1780) (the first mayor)
    • Morgan James II - (1780-1893)
    • Rosevelt James - (1819-1864)
    • Henry James-Wisconson - (fl. 1864)
    • Morgan James III (1867-1868)
    • Morgan James IV (1869-1875)
    • Unknown James family members (mid 1870s-early 20th century)
    • Richard James - (Unknown-February of 1954) †
    • Amanda James - (February 1954-December 2014) †
    • Mina Hansen-James - (2014-2029) †
    • Caleb Hansen-James - (2029-)


  • The Astafor Daily is the local daily newspaper in Astafor.
    • DPKWA5 is the major network television affiliate where Cristian Dawson worked as a field reporter for the newscast and Brady James works in tech.
    • Denise Marr was also a local newscaster for DPKWA5.

Local Events[]

School events[]

  • Halloween Party
  • Party at the Grill
  • Career Night
  • Battle of Astafor Creek
  • 20s Dance
  • 60s Dance
  • 80s Dance
  • 90s Dance
  • Masquerade Ball
  • Carnival


Astafor was part of the largest province of Norway. As such, Astafarians spoke Norwegian even after Darius Salvatore became its King. Mixes of Dansk and some traces of Low German were present in the country. Astafarians born after the 1300s could speak a dialect born of Norwegian, Danish and German. This dialect is known as Astafari. Still, even today, certain Astafarians still speak this language. The main language of Astafor has always been Norwegian.



"Welcome to Astafor, where you don't have to be afraid to show what and who you really are. This is my home, Astafor Hill."
Rose Spenstin to Finch
"Long ago, there existed a plethora of Vampires along the border of Astafor. Too many, who alone pose no threat, but together, posed a significant threat to our empire. Until one day, that is. It was a huntress. She entered Astafor with a blazing disdain. Her presence and overwhelming wrath were enough to make most bow before her. She was very, very powerful. And very, very old. She was a relative. Upon entry, she swept the settlement and eradicated anyone of vampiric nature in her path. She did it so much, that the conspiring vampires were put to bed, and their organization was utterly decimated. She was ruthless in the district. Fierce. Strong. Brave. Fearless. And she was a survivor. To her, I owe an enormous debt."
―Darius to Ava Salvatore-Lockwood, regarding Lily
"I learned quick. Edinburgh was my home once, but now it will be this Astafor place I am told of."
―A breif entry from Erin Kyle's journal


  • Astafor has been home to at least four Originals:
  • In Evil Shall Perish it's revealed briefly by Darius that Astafor has a population of over 30, 000 people.
  • Although, centuries later In Fate's A Bitch, Isn't It? its revealed by Rose that Astafor has a population of over 140,450 people.
    • Astafor is a place where werewolves have resided for more than fifthteen-hundred years.
    • According to Sarah, the Dawson families ancestors (some of the first werewolves) were wolves who inhabited Astafor for centuries before Sarah's families own residency, around 1,500 years ago.
  • Astafor has always had a supernatural history in it since the Dawson ancestor's arrival in the Middle Ages, 500 A.D.
  • Astafor was established in 1160 by Darius Salvatore who partnered with nomads who settled in the fruitful lands, and named it.