Athens Early History[]
Athens is one of the oldest named cities in the world, having been continuously inhabited for perhaps 5,000 years. Situated in southern Europe, Athens became the leading city of Ancient Greece in the first millennium BC, and its cultural achievements during the 5th century BC laid the foundations of Western civilization.
During the early Middle Ages, the city experienced a decline, then recovered under the later Byzantine Empire and was relatively prosperous during the period of the Crusades (12th and 13th centuries), benefiting from Italian trade. Following a period of sharp decline under the rule of the Ottoman Empire, Athens re-emerged in the 19th century as the capital of the independent and self-governing Greek state.
The First Immortal Was Created[]
In Greece 1st Century B.C. Silas would become the worlds first Immortal.
First Immortal Cure Was Created[]
Qetsiyah would create and manafacture the first cure to Immortality.
Dragonic Rampages[]
In 842 A.D. Greece was being destroyed and tormented by a band of Dragons. The Vampire Azreal would be imbued with special power by multiple people and would become immortal, being able to take on and kill all of the dragons.
Werewolf Rampages[]
In The 1700s members of the East Atlantic and Lockwood packs respectively would kill the people of Athens at night when the moon lied dormant and would cause the locals to fear for their lives. Similarly to Azreal, Darius Salvatore would given power by over 17 witches and Xanthe. They gave im power in exchange for a deal for him to kill and murder all of the werewolves in order to make them pay for what they had been doing to their people. After a spell similar to the one created to turn The Original Family into Original Vampires. This would cause Darius to become the worlds first Original Preeminent Vampire. Shortly after this Darius would drive all of the werewolves out of Athens and after this he would brutally murder, kill, and even torture the werewolves to death, relishing in his newfound power and strenght. Once he did this he would be thanked by the people of Athens and even Greece as a whole and to commemerate him they would build a statue of Darius in his honour.
Popular Residants[]
Throughout History Athens has been home to some of the most powerfullest people in history.
Silas (Ancient Greek: Σίλας; Latin: Silvanus) was born some time during 1st Century B.C.E. (100 B.C.) in Ancient Greece, during the Biblical Times, Silas was a young, gifted and powerful witch who was a part of a group of very gifted witches called The Travelers. Silas was one of the most powerful witches amongst the group who desired immortality, wanting to live for eternity, and wanted to create a spell for immortality. Silas was engaged to a beautiful young lady named Qetsiyah (who would become the oldest known ancestor of the Bennett bloodline), who was one of the most powerful witches in history and was also his best friend since childhood. Silas told Qetsiyah that he loved her and wanted to spend an eternity with her, saying that he never wanted to be apart from her, even by death. Qetsiyah was deeply in love with Silas and believed that his declaration of love was genuine and true.
Qetsiyah was born sometime during 1st century B.C. Over 2,000 years ago, in Ancient Greece, Qetsiyah was a beautiful young lady who was the most powerful witch in a group of very "gifted" people called the Travelers. Also, a part of the Travelers was a handsome and powerful young witch named Silas with whom she fell madly in love. The two eventually became engaged to be married, and when Silas told her he wanted to be with her forever, Qetsiyah created a spell that would make them both immortal. Qetsiyah successfully made an immortality elixir, which they would consume on their wedding night. Qetsiyah created a whole garden for their wedding and prepared for Silas to join her so that they could commence their eternity together. As she waited for him at the altar, however, everything around her started to die and Qetsiyah realized that Silas was drinking the elixir from another location.
Amara was born some time during 1st century B.C.E. (100 B.C.). Over 2,000 years ago in Ancient Greece, Amara fell deeply in love with a young, gifted and powerful witch named Silas. Amara was the personal handmaiden of Qetsiyah, who was also a powerful witch in her own right. Despite Silas and Amara's love for each other, their love was forbidden, as Silas was engaged to be married to Qetsiyah, and Amara was a mere servant whereas Silas was a wealthy nobleman, leaving them incompatible with regard to their social class and societal norms.
Xanthe (/ˈzænθiː/; Greek: Ξανθή) is the daughter of Phoebe and sister to Katina. Without her the Vampire Darius Salvatore wouldn't be able to become the world's first Preeminent Vampire. Growing up Xanthe would live a quite hard life. At a young age her parents instilled a powerful sense of discipline within her, teaching her to respect others. Due to a war that struck out between two villages (over a land dispute) Xanthe would be forced into war and would kill every single person who was foolish enough to fight her. She soon became feared throughout the land due to her fearsome tactics in combat, her relentlessness, and her bravery in battle. Xanthe was born circa 4,500 BC April 4th in Scythia (modern-day Iran and Eastern Europe). Her mother died when she was young, with Xanthe mentioning to villagers that she had sisters whose faces she couldn't even remember. After her mother's death, she was honed into the warrior many would come to revere and know her as. After hundreds of years, it is said that she left her position in an effort to lose the loneliness she felt due to her immortality. Sometime after this point Xanthe would relocate to Athens, Greece, where she would meet and become friends with Silas, Qetsiyah and Amara.
Darius Salvatore[]
Darius (Ancient Greek: Δαριυσ Σαλυατορε; Latin: Xeres/Xeris) was born within the walls of an Italian castle in Rome Italy, the summer of 1079. His mother is named Alexandria Salvatore (A Witch and direct descendant of Silas) and his father's name was Francais Gibson (A Human that was a direct descendant of an Unknown Member of the Petrova family). When he was born Darius' parents would relocate to Europe. Darius and his family would live here peacefully for over 2 decades until Darius was forced to fight in the First Crusade. While fighting Darius would be seen as a noble and valiant person, before he died in the destructive battle. When the men of Europe left Darius and the remaining barely living fighters to die Darius would stand up slowly and abandon the European Empire. In the early 1700s Darius temporarily moved to Athens, Greece and became The Original Preeminent Vampire there with the help of Xanthe.
Azreal was an Ancient Vampire born in 842 AD. Dragons rampaged through what would later become known as modern-day Greece in 859 AD which caused the citizens of Greece to flee and leave. Those who stayed were people who stood their ground. Many of them were witches and they helped Azreal and used the immortality spell to turn him into a Vampire. This was because Azreal was the strongest and was amoungst the most youthful people in Greece. He would become an Immortal and would be able to take on and kill all of the dragons with ease.
Many other unknown popular, infamous, and famous citizens have inhabited Greece before though they were not recorded.