Vampire Diaries Fanon Wiki

August Salvatore-Knight is the daughter of Darius Salvatore and Cassidy Knight. At some point, August obtained the monicre: 'August Ironside', which she kept. Eventually, August would be tasked to rule over all of Astafor as its Queen, later passing the throne to her child, August Ironside II.

Early Life[]

Growing up she would be taught everything she knew by her mother and would be able to produce advanced witchcraft and magic at the age of 16. When she turned 18 she would explore the world, travelling to all kinds of different nations and establishing her name there. Around the age of 24, August she was attacked by Magnus Ceperta-Forest, and Danish Werewolf, along with his pack of vampires. They would viciously beat her to the verge of death, causing her to go into transition. After this, she would feed on one of the vampires attacking her, becoming an Original Preeminent Vampire. August ended up killing all of the parties there.


Through this time, August ruled over Astafor.


In 1753-1757 August was a Pirate and scattered her name across the lands as a fearsome woman.

1760-1769, England[]

In the year of 1760-1769 August was a Noblewomen in England and would turn multiple Humans into Vampires

1772-1781, Scotland[]

in 1772-1781 August worked as an Ambassador for Scotland and its people.

2020- Modern-Day, Mystic Falls, Virginia[]

In 2021 August would meet her father and from that point on they would stay in touch and be very close with each other, creating a strong bond with one another.

Physical Appearance[]

Cassidy is a Blonde haired(commonly referred to as white by some) individual with blue eyes and is of English as well as Afro-Italian Background. She has a slim figure and is Caucasian. Multiple people have sited her as a magnificent beauty and is occasionally noted by the title of August of the Wrath for giving off a fearsome presence and personality. She is consistently seen throughout history in a Pirate-like hat with a Feather protruding from the back of it. She believes that it symbolizes that shes lived for centuries, longevity, and it serves as a reminder that she was a Pirate.


Like her Mother, August is a loving, caring and virtuous person. She is also very wrathful when angered.

Powers and Abilities[]

August had the regular Powers and Abilities of a Human

August had the regular Powers and Abilities on a Witch

August had all the Regular Powers and Abilities of a Vampire.

Agust has all of the Normal Abilities of a Original Preeminent Vampire.


August has typical Weaknesses of an Orginal Preeminent Vampire.


August and Cassidy (Mother/Close Relationship)

August and Darius (Father/Close Relationship)

August and Tina (Step-Mother/Ok Relationship)

August and Alexander/Alex (Brother/Close Relationship)

August and Darrien (Brother/Close Relationship)

August and Samantha (Sister/Close Relationship)


First Name- August is both a given name and surname developed from the Latin, Augustus. Derived from the Latin word augere, meaning "to increase," Augustus had the meaning "esteemed" or "venerable" and was a title given to Roman emperors.

Surname- Recorded as Salvadore, Salvadori, Salvati, Salvatori, Salvatore (Italian), Salvador (Spanish, Portuguese and Catalan), this an early medieval surname of great popularity. It means literally 'saviour save you' and was used in honour of the Christ.

2nd Surname- The ancient name of Knight finds its origins with the ancient Anglo-Saxon culture of Britain. It comes from a name for a knight, who was usually a feudal tenant deriving its origin from the Old English word cniht, which means knight. The word cniht also means servant and common soldier.

August Salvatore 3
August Salvatore 4
August Salvatore 5