There is a problem with parsing the infobox Cade is a superior human who joined the S-Team after they saved him from the ASO.
Original Timeline[]
Cade grew tired of the mistreatment from his parents and decided to runaway from home and never go back. A few years later, he joined the S-Team believing that what they're doing can lead individuals who are freaks to the future. but during the team's battle with Chara, Cade's friend was killed in the process.
In the future, a picture of Cade's friend is shown on the walls of the deceased loved ones who were supernatural beings.
Altered Timeline[]
Cade was captured by the ASO at some point and while he was held captive, he was tortured and experimented on. A year later, the S-Team rescued all the ASO prisoners (including Cade). In his gratitude, Cade chose to join the S-Team to help protect the freaks who are needed for guidance.
New Timeline[]
Due to One’s restoration of the timeline, Cade doesn’t exist in the new timeline.
Powers and Abilities[]
Cade has various powers and abilities of a superior human.
Original Timeline[]
- Enhanced Accuracy - Cade has the ability to achieve complete and utter accuracy on distant targets.
Altered Timeline[]
- Super Strength - Cade possesses unnatural physical strength.
Cade presumably has no weaknesses.
- Cade may or may not have increased accuracy in the altered timeline.