Vampire Diaries Fanon Wiki

Carmen was born sometime in the 1100s and she is the creator of Xavier Salvatore-Knight, Sophia Salvatore-Knight, Ex-Member of The Order, and is a very powerful Witch. Unlike other witches she developed her own form of magic which allows her to do things like manipulate electricity. This magic is known as "Carmen's Magic" and is very powerful, being much stronger than regular magic. Carmen is also a member of The Gibson Family.

Early History[]

1209, The Kingdom of Romania[]

In 1209 Carmen achieves Immortality (though she can be killed by conventional means).

1319, Ancient Italy[]

1456, Norway[]

1497, The Creation of Xavier and Sophia[]

In 1497 Carmen lays down a board and puts all of the blood she gathered on the board. She then called upon the earth and tapped into her latent power. As the sky swirled into the air she used almost all of her energy. She then unleashed it all as two lightning bolts struck the board. From the bolts formed two bodies. One in the shape of a male and the other in the shape of a women. They would then drop and Carmen would name them Xavier Salvatore-Knight and Sophia Salvatore-Knight. Carmen would raise Xavier and Sophia until 1518.

The 1500s[]

Carmen spends the latter portion of The 1500s collecting back her energy and raising "her children". Despite, trying to view her creations as tools who she could use for her own personal gain, she would come to love them.

The 1600s[]

Carmen gains multiple enemies though because of her exploits and her titles as well as "her children's" titles are so notorious that they wouldn't dare lay a finger upon her.

Great Britain - 1709[]

During the early 17th Century Carmen was living in Great Britain. One day she was walking at night and would see a man feeding on two unnamed women (possibly being compelled). Carmen then uses her magic to make the women go unconscious, as she then used her magic on Darius. Darius is restrained by the magic and is held down, starting to become nauseous. Realising this, Darius would unleash his power and would knock Carmen back by this display. Because of the discharge of energy that weakened Carmen, this allowed for Darius to compel her in order to not use her magic. The two talked for two whole hours, with Darius asking Carmen many questions. After this Darius uncompells her so that she can use her magic and the two befriend each other. A couple months later Darius invites her to join The Order. Hesitantly she joins and actually starts to love it there. Within no time she rises through the ranks and becomes a top member of the order; this is also where her obsession with power started.

Cadiz, Spain - 1811[]

Carmen depowers Darius using her magic

Carmen depowers Darius using her magic.

Carman looks in awe at the creation of Xavier and Sophia

Carmen watching as Xavier and Sophia are created.

In an unknown point in the 1800s Carmen started getting over obsessed with moving up and obtaining higher positions. She would soon convince many lower ranking members of the order that Darius was evil and cruel and to turn on him. She mentally manipulated them and brought dangerous thoughts that made these new members want to start an uprising with her. Upon learning this Darius confronts her in which she confesses, stating that she was angry with all of the respect that the members treat him with and the fact that listen to everything single thing he says. Darius starts laughing hysterically, before telepathically contacting and calling Theseus in order to summon The Darius Force. Theseus understands, though asks him if he really wants him to for reassurance. Darius confirms and the force almost instantly appear. Henry Stewart (a high ranking member in the force) almost instantly compels Carmen to not move, rendering her unable to move. Henry than asks her a series of questions, which in the end eventually breaks her. She then tells him everything, including the fact she was planning on moving the order's headquarters to what would later become known as modern-day California where he family lives. Leaning of this the force than composes a list of all the people influenced by Carmen's ideas. In the end the force managed to change these views within their personal and these members would later become force members that all are extremely loyal to Darius. The force also did technically save their lives as Darius suggested that he could kill them all if it was an issue dealing with them. Darius then allows the force to leave and uncompels Carmen. As she tries to leave by escaping out the window of the orders building, she is stopped by Darius who unleashes his blade and slices of her head, decapitating her. He then places her head on a pike and puts her body on display to burn in flames.

New Orleans, Louisiana - 1812[]

Carmen as a spirit tries to torment and make Darius suffer. Because of this Darius continuously subjects Darius to misery. Darius finally has enough and a unknown source leads him to California. He then remembers that her family lives there, in which he finds them and kills them just to spite her. This infuriates Carmen, even making her cry. Hours later to ensure he is not bothered any longer, causes him to call upon a Witch, who removes Carmen's formerly binded spirit off of Darius, separating the two.

Mystic Falls, Virginia - 2031[]

Carmen trying to avoid being absorbed by Sophia

Carmen trying to avoid being absorbed by Sophia.

Sophia Explodes

Sophia absorbs Carmen into her body and in the process literally is obliterated, destroying Sophia's penthouse, an unknown preeminent stake, and killing both Sophia and Carmen.

In 2031 all of Carmen's rage and anger clustered up into an orb of pure energy, collecting the wrath and vexation of many people in and around Mystic Falls. Eventually the energy would combust and it would recreate Carmen's body. Along with this it would revive her to full strength. Surprised that she was revived from the dead in such a strange manner would confuse her, though it only bothered her for mere moments, as shortly thereafter she seeked revenge for her family and wanted to get revenge on Darius, Samantha Salvatore and Sophia. Darius because she brutally killed him. Sophia for being the reason that Darius even remembered that her family resided in California and Samantha for being the one who Darius love very intensely (in order to make him feel pain for killing her). Carmen then brings Arthur Stevenson back from the dead (because he is a known friend of Darius) so that he can find Darius for her. Upon his revival Arthur would request to be given back all of his former powers that he had previously. When she did this Arthur would try to deceive Carmen and would attempt to run to try and kill Samara Gilbert (the one that killed him formerly), still filled anger and vengeance. Carmen would stop him temporarily but somehow he would escape. Still bound to life by Carmen's magic, Arthur lives only by Carmen's energy so if she died he too would. Carmen almost decided to revoke his powers and end his life but decided against it for reasons that were unnamed. Carmen would use her newfound powers to obtain a Preeminent Stake so she could kill Darius. Sophia, Samantha, and Darius are then drawn to her location (via magic) and when they emerged she would then send a surge of magical electricity at Darius which would cause Sophia to transport all of them to her penthouse in Cherrysville. Carmen soon teleports to their location and is about to send a ghastly shockwave at Sophia though she would use her unique abilities to absorb Carmen into her. Almost instantaneously Sophia's body would start to burn up from the inside and would literally explode causing Sophia's penthouse as well as the preeminent stake, to be obliterated and would almost kill Samantha if her healing factor had not kicked in at the right moment. Darius was also ok due to his immense durability and healing. He saw when the explosion was starting to happen and he would freeze time. Upon doing so he would tap on Sophia's arm which would cause Sophia to become unfreezed. Darius would ask Sophia why she did this and she would tell him that it was because she was his father and that she believed Samantha was her sister. A tear fell from Darius' eyes and he told Sophia thank you and goodbye, before time reversed back to normal and he was sent skyrocketing out of the building along with Samantha. Darius makes sure if Samantha is ok, replying with yes, as he then passed out from the effects that Carmen's magic had on him.


Carmen is an intelligent, cunning, extremely manipulative, and vengeful individual who takes great pride in her deceit and devious nature, describing it to her equally manipulative followers (when she manipulated people in The Order) as "who she is". Carmen often fluctuates between her mannerisms, sometimes presenting herself as calm and courteous and then suddenly vicious and violent when revealing her true intentions. She is exceptionally ruthless towards her enemies, whether they are people she loathes or disapproves of or someone who has simply annoyed her. She gruesomely killed the Rakshasa-Hybrid known as Bree after denouncing her as nothing more than "filth" and openly suggests to unnamed Order members that after she "kills Darius" she would dismember his body, keeping some of the parts for her own use. She can also be someone who doesn't stick to the rules and created her own form of magic in order to become even more stronger.

Physical Appearance[]

Carmen is a red-haired woman of shorter than average height. She usually wears long-sleeved dresses of various colors, from red, blue to black. Carmen is usually found wearing a small gold pendant necklace, but aside from this she carries or wears no other jewellery. As with her dresses, Rowena's hairstyle shifts between appearances. She sometimes ties it up in a loose bun or wears her hair down either in curls or straightened. She wears bold, colourful makeup and can sometimes be found clutching a book to her chest.

Powers and Abilities[]

As an Immortal witch, Carmen showed that she was extremely talented. She was able to literally create two beings out of nothingness and is able to fend her own within magical combat. Carmen is also very knowledgeable in numerous spells, including the one used to create Xavier and Sophia (as she created it herself).

  • Channeling: The act of channeling or drawing other forms of energy and power by focusing on celestial events.
  • Conjuration: The act of calling, commanding, or summoning an element, object, person, or spirit already in existence.
  • Compelling: The act of controlling and manipulating the minds of humans (Similar to Vampiric Compulsion). Though it is similar in nature to Vampires mind compulsion, it is nowhere near the level and she can only compel Humans and Witches.
  • Mind Stunning: The act of bemusing and rendering someone unconscious.
  • Pain Infliction: The act of creating and inflicting excruciating pain upon another person, especially vampires.
  • Electrokinesis: The ability to control lightning. Carmen is extremely well-versed in this type of magic, in fact she uses it as her primary ability.
  • Spell Casting: The art of changing and controlling events by magical influence.
  • Telekinesis: The technique that allows one to control and manipulate the movements of objects and persons.
  • Witches Brew: The act of brewing and concocting supernatural elixirs and potions that contain mystical properties.
  • Resurrection: Carmen has the power to raise the dead if enough magical power is used. She is actually quite proficient at doing so and even resurrected Arthur Stevenson.
  • Pseudo Immortality: She will not age or die from natural causes but she can be killed by conventional means (i.e Blunt Trauma, explosions, heart extraction, blood loss, etc).
  • Spiritual Manifestation: Even in death Carmen can speak to the living and can communicate with them. She did this when she went about tournmenting Darius Salvatore.
  • Levitation: The power of floating, flying or rising ones body in the air by supernatural means.
  • Additional Abilities: Energy projection, illusion casting and the creation of energy barriers or shields.

  • Intangibility: Carmen could not physically feel nor could she be physically felt as a ghost. This was because wasn't given a physical foothold in the land of the living.
  • Witch Abilities: If a witch becomes a ghost, they will still possess their magic as a ghost. It has been shown numerous time that witches can still perform feats of magic while on the Other Side as spirits. Unfortunately for Carmen though, she was unable to use magic because she does not use the conventional means of magic and because of this is unable to use magic as a spirit.

  • As an immortal literal beacon of hate, Carmen's mental abilities far surpassed any vampire, including the Original vampires. She could even do many things that elevated her in power and even was shown to be more proficient at using her magical abilities. Aside from these abilities, Carmen also demonstrated things like Super Strength on par with those of The Five and originally was thought to be completely indestructible.

    • All of her Witch Abilities: Carmen appeared to still retain all of her former powers and abilities as a literal beacon of hate.
    • Teleportation: Carmen demonstrated the ability to teleport and do this with ease, as she was shown moving to Sophia's penthouse with ease. This ability also does not seem to drain her energy much and didn't show many signs of having any limits.
    • Pyro Barrier: Carmen showed that because of all of her anger and rage she was extremely hot and upon being absorbed into Sophia, Carmen's heat was so strong that it literally teared Sophia apart.
    • Immortality: Sophia was able to sense that Carmen was unable to die while in her "hate state" and this lead to her absorbing Carmen, though it would ultimately take her life for the second time.
    • Perception: Carmen was able to sense Darius' attacks before they even hit her which points to her being able to perceive ones movements.
    • Enhanced Magic: Carmen's magic was exponentially stronger and was leagues above her original magical power as a Immortal Witch.


    As an Immortal witch Carmen had all of the powers and abilities of one.

    • Magic: Ghosts are susceptible to the forces of witchcraft. Because the other side was destroyed by a magic spell, all the ghosts who couldn't come back to life got sucked into the dark void or found peace.

    As a Beacon of Hate, Carmen demonstrated all of the weaknesses and disadvantages of being a literal beacon of hate. For instance her anger could lead to her getting even more frustrated and taking damage because she may not have been able to keep her composure


    • Carmen: Carmen is a given name with two different origins. Its first root is Spanish and Italian and used as a nickname for Carmel and Carmelo (respectively), from Hebrew karmel, "God's vineyard"., which is the name of a mountain range in northern Israel.
    • Gibson: Despite not having an actual last name (as was common practice in the era which she was born in), the surname of her descendants is Gibson. The Norman surname was originally found as Gislebert or Gillebert, and is composed of the Germanic elements Gisil, meaning "hostage" or "noble youth", and berht, meaning "bright" or "famous".



    See Also[]
