Vampire Diaries Fanon Wiki
Carmen's Magic
Carmen trying to avoid being absorbed by Sophia
Carmen using her magic.


Carmen's Magic is the special magic that was created by Carmen.prior to her death.


Carmen draws off of a different source of magic in order to conduct greater spells and to produce stronger power. Because of this Carmen became especially notorious within the Witch community.

Powers and Abilities[]

Upon using this form of magic it gives you many sets of powers and abilities that normal "regular" witches simply do not have.

  • All of the Powers and Abilities of Witches: Carmen's Magic yields all of the powers and magical abilities of a Witch.
  • Electrokinesis: The power to manipulate and control electricity has been shown in all who wield the magical ability.
  • Longevity: Longevity (aging at a slower rate) is seen in those who use Carmen's Magic. With it this allows those who use the magic to age at such a slow rate that they could live for over 500 - 700 years without experiencing rapid aging.
  • Necromancy: The act of controlling and manipulating death. This is inclusive of undead creatures such as zombies.
  • Portal Creation: By drawing off Carmen's Magic she displayed the ability to open a rift into another reality.
  • Power Granting: Carmen was able to grant Xavier and Sophia Immortality with their creation.
  • Reality Warping - Some have the ability though, to a limited extent.
  • Enhanced Strength: People who are imbued with Carmen's Magic, goes through extreme strength and power development.
  • Enhanced Speed: Those who are given Carmen's Magic (i.e Angelica and Meliodas) became insanely faster.


  • All of The Weaknesses of Witches: Things like Emotions, needing control as well as focus, and other things like Huntress Blood.
  • Rage: Most of those who obtain the power to use Carmen's Magic are unstable and are prone to having violent fits of Rage.
  • Electroexertion: If users of Carmen's Magic (including Carmen) overexert themselves using the electricity, they will become in a way stunned and will face harsh exhaustion.
  • The Darius Stone and Sword: If stabbed with The Darius Stone Sword (with the Darius stone within the hilt) then a Witch using Carmen's Magic will be sealed within and will face all of the effects of "The Darius Stones Realm", being tormented to the point of insanity.
  • Energy Extraction: If Carmen's Magic is absorbed off
  • Siphoners: Siphoners can siphon the magic out out of people influenced negatively by Carmen's Magic, though can also absorb "Carmen Magic Witches" power.

Trivia and Notes[]

  • Carmen's Magic can be absorbed by Siphoners.
  • In Evil Shall Perish Cyrus says "All of these ghastly Witch problems remind me of Carmen. Her magic so strong... so powerful." This means that at some point Cyrus Salvatore came in contact and met Carmen as he knew of her and her magic, saying that it was powerful.
  • Extraction of Carmen's Magic energy from someone could result in their death (as was seen with Meliodas).
  • It is unknown whether or not "Carmen Magic Witches" can obtain objects out of nothingness because Carmen demonstrated this ability after being resurrected.
  • Carmen taught Carmen's magic to many unnamed people when she was trying to create an uprising within the order.
  • When she was resurrected Carmen still could use her magic power and this lead to her being extremely strong.
  • Carmen created Carmen's Magic (hence the name).

See Also[]
