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Vampire Diaries Fanon Wiki

Cytus 2

Cyrus dressed in modern-day attire.

"The 17th Century has been an amazing one, don't you think brother?... I do not intend to let you mess that up."
―Cyrus to Alexandria in Evil Shall Perish

Cyrus is a brother to Darius, Skylar, and Sabrina Salvatore.

Early Life[]

Similarly to his father Cyrus performed pretegiously in his youth outclasses most witches his age. For this and this alone he was favoured by Francis Gibson (His Father-In-Law) because of his magical prowess. Because his younger brother (Darius) lacked his skill Francis patronized him. Cyrus hated his "Father's" ways of thinking and advised that he didn't do this.

December 29th, 1087[]

It was a cold day. Cyrus was walking to Poland to deliver an Unknown item. Once done he started walking back to his home in England though he would start to experience frostbite. He then realised that he could just use magic to escape the area but since he was without the use of his legs and was concentrated he would not be able to use any spells. Cyrus' body lied upon the ice ridden ground as he literally and figuratively started freezing to death. While this happened he would go unconscious and would wake up in The In-Between. While there he would be greeted by Cade (Arcadius). He proposed to Cyrus a deal. In exchange for catching over 7000 souls he would be given the gift of Immortality, will be exempt from "Hell", he will have the ability to reproduce, keep his witch powers, and will be given powerful abilities. After re-evaluating the terms he would accept, though on one term. This term was that he must be able to live out the rest of his "mortal" life for Christmas Day. Cade would accept and Cyrus would be brought back to life. Cyrus would spend the last remaining days of his mortality with joy and happiness. After he became Immortal he would collect souls until 1570.


In 1715 Alexandria (Cyrus' Mother) would make several attempts on Darius' (His Brothers) life that all miserably failed. This would cause Darius to grow great disdain for his mother and would lead to him hiring Bennett Witches to seal his mother away. The journey of actually doing so proved to be tough though and Darius would ask for the help of Cyrus. Cyrus helped defeat his mother and she would be sealed. This seal can only be opened by someone with Bennett Blood or Salvatore Blood and if there is a Bennett and Salvatore hybrid-mix (for instance; Skylar Salvatore) it would be the easiest for them to open the casket.

In this fight Cyrus would push Darius out of the way and would kill a member of The Brotherhood of the Five (Not known to him at the time). Because of this Cyrus would be put through the Hunter's Curse.

Because Cyrus was responsible for the murder of the hunter he would experience horrifically vivid hallucinations, usually in the form of the hunter and people he had killed in the past (the first being the hunter that was killed to trigger the curse) which would then prey upon the Cyrus' guilty conscience, and would manifest in strange forms, tempting the Cyrus to kill himself in order to escape this psychological torment, as was the case of Elena. And even though Cyrus has no problem with killing people (often being cited as remorseless and having no problem with murder) he still was not exempted from the curse. Darius would subdue Cyrus for over a century in order to rid his mind of the curse, before freeing him in 1815.

October 3, 2013[]

In the episode Always and Forever in 2013 Cyrus would fight Niklaus Mikaelson and would be killed by him due to a snapped neck. This killed him only for mere minutes but still did. Once this happened Niklaus fed upon him. Due to Niklaus going a little bit overboard it would cause Cyrus to start desiccating. Niklaus briefly points out the signs of grew that are appearing on Cyrus and laughs, thinking that he unknowingly killed a Vampire. Cyrus afterwards wake up angry at Klaus though he decided to not attack him nor engage in combat with the Original Hybrid.

Cyrus killing the vampire hunter

Cyrus killing Malcolm Salter via Heary Extraction.


Cyrus In The Omega Universe[]

This is Cyrus In The Omega Universe and things that he did differentiate from the Original Timeline.

Angered and enraged that his family were killed by Aries, Cyrus would call upon his brother and mother (Dante Salvatore and Alexandria Salvatore) in order to get his aid. Due to a falling out that happened between the brothers a 2 centuries ago in this timeline the two would have to make good with each other. After this happened Cyrus and Dante would break the seal to their mothers tomb and would get her support. Once this happened all 3 of them channeled and combined their magical power, as Cyrus acted as a magical conduit for Dante and Alexandria to draw energy off of. By doing this the 3 would successfully be able to resurrect Darius, Skylar, Samantha (Darius' Daughter) and Sabrina. When all of them show themselves to Aries she is quite surprised and almost mistakes them for an Alternate Universe version of them. Aries is shocked by all of their resurrections and teleports away. It is unknown what Aries did after this though it is presumably that she had to attend to her Zodiac duties. Slowly but surely All of them would start to resurrect their immediate family, though none of the preeminent vampires would be brought back besides Alternate Cassidy Knight.


Cyprus' loyalties are often hard to determine. Although he seemed willing to aid his brother and even seal his mother in his brothers time of need, Cyprus seemed to have no hesitation in killing Darius' mistress - though this could be due to the effects of the Hunter's Curse occurring within Cyrus.

He is also incredibly vain and conscious about his physical appearance, as demonstrated when he went to ridiculous means to cure a minor case of acne. He even downed an entire bottle of Rakshasa Blood on himself, fully aware that many needed its healing propertie to restore their magic, showing him to be quite selfish some occasions. Though showing these personality traits Cyprus is also quite kind and loves his family dearly.

Physical Appearance[]

Cyrus Salvatore wears gentleman's clothing from The 1800s. His golden hair is shoulder-length and curly. He looks to be in his twenties or thirties and has had this appearance for decades. So much so that Darius Salvatore couldn't recall any time he wasn't wearing such clothing (or clothing like it) past the age of 14. Though if the time calls he will dawn modern attire.

Powers and Abilities[]

Cyrus has always been quite strong as a witch, a vampire, and Immortal. With the addition of his Immortality these things have only increased. He has been seen destroying bricks with his bare hands, tearing through concrete, and even extracting one's heart with ease (as was done to Malcolm Salter)

  • Spell Casting: The power to change and control events through the use of incantations, commands, or even gestures.
  • Eternal Youth: Cyrus struck a bargain with Arcadius and he provided eternal youth for the catching of over 7000 souls. His outward appearance remains youthful though internally he ages. This also provides invulnerability that makes it difficult for him to be harmed or killed. As a witch, Dorian already had great durability; since he remains eternally young, he cannot die by natural causes.
  • Immortality: Cyrus is Immortal do to his deal with cade though he can die. If he dies he will come back to life though. He has died on multiple occasions to come back to life once again.
  • Invulnerability: Because he is Immortal Cyrus has the power of Invulnerability, though to a certain extent. If enough damage is done he can be penetrated and attacked but a lot of force must be used.
  • Memory Manipulation: The power to scan and take away memories from people and/or add false ones. Cyrus has access to this power though rarely uses it.
  • Containment: The power to contain a being in a given area.
  • Illusion Manipulation: The power to project highly realistic illusions into the physical world.
  • Glamour: The power to disguise a physical appearance.
  • Astral Projection: The power to project their astral form from their body, essentially becoming a ghost.
  • Warding: The power to place protection spells and wards on places and people, shielding them from harm.
  • Necromancy: The power to control, manipulate and resurrect the dead.
  • Portal Opening: The power to open the portal to Mortal Limbo.
  • Atmokinesis: The power to control the weather. By pooling together her powers
  • Hellfire Summoning: The power to summon hellfire. According to Arcadius, only four people in known history have been able to accomplish this, making Cyrus the fourth and marking him an extremely powerful witch. Additionally, he is able to walk through hellfire unharmed, and without consequence.
  • Enchantment: The power to imbue a person or object with a magical capability.
  • Teleportation: The power to teleport from one location to another without occupying the space in between (through magic)
  • Telekinesis: The power to move and control objects with the power of the mind alone.
  • Mediumship: The ability to see and communicate with the spirits of the dead.
  • Dream Walking: The power to enter another person's dreams.
  • Levitation: The power to propel oneself in the air and hover.
  • Pyrokinesis: The power to generate, control, and manipulate fire.
  • Self-Resurrection: If Cyrus is to die he will simply resurrect himself.
  • Super Healing: The power to heal himself or another person of their injuries and wounds.
  • Hydrokinesis: The power to generate, control, and manipulate water.
  • Cyrus 4

    Cyrus while celebrating Christmas with his family. This was apart of his request to from Cade to live out his last days a mortal with his family.

    Mind Control: The power to control the minds of others.
  • Super Speed: Cyrus can move quite fast and is able to outspeed the average Vampire.
  • Super Strength: Cyrus has superhuman strength.
  • Advanced Mind Compulsion: Cyrus can control thoughts, plague dreams, and erase memories of humans and supernatural creatures alike. He does not need eye contact, and can affect extremely powerful supernatural beings such as Qetsiyah and Klaus. Unlike vampires, vervain does not prevent an immortal from invading a victims mind. They are even able to control entire crowds from a distance with relative ease after feeding on a large enough quantity of blood. Immortals are the only known beings who can compel an Original vampire or hybrid.


Blood Requirement: In order to remain looking ageless and help his Immortal abilities Cyrus must consume blood in order to do so. On numerous occasions he states that he hates doing such futile things though does it to keep up his good looking skin.

The Cure: If Cyrus takes the cure, ingests it, or gets forced it he will become extremely weakened to the point of an average Vampire. This weakening is only temporary though when this happens his body acts fast to make him Immortal once again. If he is killed while in this weakened state though he can die permanently.

Magic: Some forms of magic if formidable enough can hurt him.

Desiccation: He can be desiccated by people like witches and witch hybrids. But through the use of magic desiccation, it can immobilise him for large periods of time, though not stop him. If he looses enough blood he can experience desiccation too.

Preeminent Daggers: If Cyrus is stabbed with the Preeminent Daggers he will become subdued until someone takes the dagger out of him. It is unknown why this happens, but it does nonetheless.


  • Cyrus is the first child of Alexandria Salvatore.
  • Cyrus is often referred to as Cytus, Cyprus, and Cykis.
  • Cyrus is the half-brother of Darius Salvatore.
  • In Evil Shall Perish Cyrus gruesomely killed Malcolm Salter via heart extraction. After he rips out his heart Cyrus crushes it in the palms of his hand, before throwing it to the ground and stomping on it.
  • Cyrus is an Immortal.
  • Cyrus has died on ten recorded occasions. Even though his deaths have only been recorded 10 times he has died on several other occasions. His first from frostbite and his second by snapped neck and blood drainage that almost lead to dessication, though he's died many other times.
  • In total Cyrus has appeared in 7 episodes total. 3 The Vampire Diaries episodes, 2 The Originals episodes, and one Legacies.