Derek Black is a main character, protagonist, and a panther-shifter on Vampire Diaries. Derek was also a minor protagonist on The Originals and Legacies. He is the son of Joseph and Maria Black, and the nephew of Jared Black and Jane Stein, who is also a panther-shifters and the cousin of Collin Stein, who is a panther shifter/witch hyrbid. He is portrayed to be brave, loyal and reckless as well. He was sometimes called a werecat by other supernatural creatures and His family has been in Mystic Falls for a very long time as well. He is the current fiance of the vampire/witch hybrid, Cassandra Putnam.
He is best friends with Jeremy Gilbert, Tyler Lockwood, Matt Donovan and his fiance, Cassandra Putnam. He is close friends with Bonnie Bennett, Elena Gilbert and Caroline Forbes.
Derek is a member of the Black Family.
Early History[]
Derek Black was born to Joseph and Maria Black on March 12, 1992 in Mystic Falls, Virgina. Derek is also the nephew of Jared Black and Jane Stein, and he is also close with his cousin, Collin Stein as well. Derek befriended Jeremy, Tyler, Matt, Caroline, Bonnie and Elena during their childhood and they remained close since their teenage years as well. Later, it was revealed that Derek inhertied the panther-shifter gene from his father, and he shifted into a panther at the age of 17 and his senses, strength, speed were stronger than before. Unlike werewolves, Derek can turn at will and he then bonded with Tyler, Matt and Jeremy. Derek and the rest of family are descendants of a werecat bloodline, that originated from their ancestor, Devin Black. Derek was the first of the current generation of his family to triggered the gene.
Physical Appearance[]
Derek is extremely attractive with his russet skin, dark black hair and dark brown eyes. He has an extremely strong built and is 6'0. In panther form, he has blue eyes, sharp teeth and claws as well. He casually wears a black leather jacket, long black pants and black shoes as well. Derek also wears a white t-shirt and white socks as well.
Derek is describe to be very loyal, brave and laid-back as well. Derek enjoy spending time with his best friends, Jeremy, Matt and Tyler as well, and he also enjoy running in his panther form as well. Derek is also loyal to his species, family and his childhood friends, and he also have mixed relationships with the Salvatore brothers as well. Derek doesn't like sirens at all, and he deeply cares about his fiance, Cassandra, who is a vampire/witch hybrid as well. Derek enjoy sleeping in his panther form as well, and he does enjoy training a lot as well.
During his childhood, Derek had a close relationship with, his best friend/fiance, Cassandra. He was also close with his childhood best friends, Jeremy, Matt and Tyler as well. He also had a close relationship with Caroline, Bonnie and Elena, although he wasn't that close with Vicki since childhood. Derek also had a close brotherly-like relationship with his paternal cousin, Collin Stein as well.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Super Strength: Panther-shifters possess superhuman strength sufficient to subdue any human being and some weaker monsters. He is far stronger than humans, superior humans, supernatural hunters and immortals in both panther and human form as well, and he can overpower humans and other supernatural creatures as well.
- Super Speed: Panther-shifters can run and move at speeds superior to that of even the finest human athlete. Their powerful leg muscles and superhuman strong bone composition enable them to reach speeds up to 50 miles per hour over short distances. In his panther form, he is faster than human and other supernatural creatures as well. He was able to chase and take down hunters with ease.
- Accelerated Healing: If panther-shifters are injured, they are capable of regenerating damaged tissue faster than an ordinary human. They can heal injuries as severe as broken bones within a matter of days. They are unable to regenerate missing limbs, organs, or brain cells. Derek heals faster than humans and other supernatural creatures as well.
- Shapeshifting: A panther-shifter has the ability to change form from human to a feline and has the same skills and characteristics as the feline he transforms into. Unlike werewolves, Derek can shift at anytime and anywhere, he shifts faster than the werewolves, whom have to break every bone in their body.
- Super Durability: Panther-shifter's bodily tissues are much harder and more resistant to physical injury than those of an ordinary human. Their bodies are able to withstand great impact forces and blunt trauma that would severely injure or kill a normal human. Derek can withstand most things that can take humans with ease.
- Super Senses Panther-shifter's senses are about ten times as keen as an average human's, and about five times that of an average cat's. Their eyesight extends into the infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. They have superhuman visual acuity. Their vertically-slit pupils allow a greater range of vision above and below her, which allows them to more easily detect the movements of an opponent. Panther-shifter's hearing is sufficiently acute as to detect a sound pressure level change from 4 decibels to 6 dB at a range of 40 feet. With their highly developed sense of smell, they can selectively sort through various odors so as to follow a quarry's trail. They can detect subtle alterations in the composition of perspiration that reflect mood or emotions, and is highly sensitive to pheromones. Derek was able to taste blood on the ground and he realize that it was Elena's blood and his senses are way better than humans, supernatural hunters, immortals and other creatures as well.
- Claws and Fangs: Panther-shifters possess retractable, razor sharp claws at the tip of each finger and toes. Their natural edge, coupled with their strength, are sufficient to rend most conventional materials including flesh, wood, stone, and even some types of metals. He can summon his claws at will and he can cut through flesh with ease.
Cassandra Putnam[]
Cassandra Putnam is Derek's fiance. She is not only his fiance but his best friend as well and they shared a close relationship as well. Derek and Cassandra have been very close to each other since childhood and Cassandra always had a crush on him for a very long time, and they lost their virginity to each other as well. They deeply love each other and they have one of the closest romantic relationships in vampire diaries as well, and they spending time with each other as well. Cassandra and Derek have a close romantic relationship and they will get married and have children together as well.
Jeremy Gilbert[]
Jeremy Gilbert is one of Derek's oldest friends. Jeremy and Derek were casual friends in high school and they would talk to each other almost every day as well, and they shared a brotherly-like relationship as well. Jeremy and Derek have known each other since childhood and they consider each other as brothers. Jeremy is one of Derek's closest friends and they hunting vampires together as well, and they are very protective of each other and they will always protect each other. Jeremy is one of Derek's oldest and closest friends, along with Matt, Tyler and his fiance, Cassandra.
Tyler Lockwood[]
Tyler Lockwood is one of Derek's best friends, along with Jeremy and Matt. Derek and Tyler have known each other since childhood and they bonded together with their similar supernatural secrets as well. Tyler and Derek consider each other as brothers and they are very close to each other as well, and they also are close with Matt and Jeremy. Tyler and Derek enjoy playing sports together as well, and they would always play together when they younger as well. Tyler and Derek seem to enjoy playing sports together as well, and they are very close with Jeremy and Matt and they have been very close to each other since childhood.
Trivia and Facts[]
- Derek and his family are the first family of panther-shifters to appear on Vampire Diaries.
- Derek is one of the main characters of Vampire Diaries to appear on The Originals.
- Derek is a descendant of the Black Family, which contains the panther-shifter or the werepanther gene.
- Derek is very close to Jeremy, Matt and Tyler as well.
- Derek is a descendant of Devin Black.
- Derek's panther gene originated from his ancestor, Devin Black, who is the progenitor of the Black bloodline.
- Derek's closest friends are Cassandra, Jeremy, Tyler and Matt, and he have known all of them since childhood.
- Just like his best friend, Tyler Lockwood, Derek inherited his supernatural gene from his father, Joseph Black.
- Derek's family have been in Mystic Fall, Virginia just as long as the Founding Families, Bennett Family and the Maxwell/Donovan bloodline as well.
- According to Derek, werepanthers/panther-shifters doesn't like vampires but they can along with werewolves and witches, and sometimes with siphoners as well. They also get along with supernatural hunters.
- According to Derek's father, Joseph, you have to be born a werepanther to have the gene.
- Derek said he enjoy being a werepanther/panther-shifter and he enjoy running in his panther form a lot.
- According to Derek and Joseph, werepanthers have the power to shift at will.
- Derek's family existed before founding of Mystic Falls, along with the Bennett Family, Mikaelson Family and the ancestors of the Lockwood Family.