Vampire Diaries Fanon Wiki

Dominic Tiranul is a Witch (Currently though is a Pheonix) who was born in 940 A.D. His counterpart is known as Dominic Tiranul and is his dark other that is pure evil.

Pre History[]

Because of crimes that his father committed his mother was supposed to be killed so that Dominic would die in order to make Dominic's father pay for his actions and to end his bloodline. Dominic's mother who was named Athena decided that she would not let this happened and would use magic in order to deceive those who came for her. After fleeing Portugal Athena went into hiding in Spain and was living with her family there. Athena would die during labour though and Dominic's father would be on the run (eventually being tracked down and killed) leaving Dominic a lonely orphan.

Early Life[]

When Dominic was ten years old he would be kicked out of the house and would be forced to try and fend for himself. After almost going hungry multiple times he would be forced to get a job at 10 years old (950 A.D.). He supported himself ever since which led to Dominic becoming very independent and learning to everything alone and by himself. One day Dominic would realize that his family practiced witchcraft and after working hard on multiple spells he proved to be quite the natural talent and would be intensively trained by his mentor Carmen. Carmen unknowingly to him at the time was a Mythical Pheonix. After stealing bread in order to get a good meal Dominic would be sentanced to death. Once he was put into shackles and imprisoned his wounds would reopen and he would start bleeding out and dying due to hypothermia. Carmen would come to him via astral projection though. She would then clone herself using her powerful abilities and would litterally rip all of her energy out of herself. After this she would sent it straight to Dominic, passing on her legacy to him and giving him her Pheonix Energy. After this happened Carmen would die and sometime after this "Clone Carmen" would jump into the Malivore pit. Clone Carmen would eventually be absorbed to make Landon Kirby into a Pheonix. Once becoming a full Pheonix Dominic would kill his captors and would escape his cell. He would then fly into the air and would flee. After over a century when those who had it out for him where dead or were quite old he would return to Spain and that is when he would meet Violet King. At first the two were lovers and would then become married to eachother quite early on in their relationship. This would relationship would develop into an enemy one though. This was because of Dominic's "Playboy" tendencies and because he always had affairs with multiple women and on multiple occasions. Dominic would be killed various times by Violet out of Anger and rage. Violet has killed dominic over 17 times (though only 3 times have been recorded of her doing so). After his eventual leaving of the country of Spain Dominic would go to the United Kingdom. While in the United Kingdom Dominic would anger Darius Salvatore which would cause Darius to kill him via Decapitation. Once making enemies with Darius Dominic would go into hiding, before ultimatelty deciding to reside in Cherrysville, Lousianae and then Mystic Falls, Virginia.

Physical Apperance[]

Dominic is a Caucasian young adult man with dark brown hair. when using small portions of his Pheonix power Dominic's eyes glow gold and sometimes glow red/orange.


Dominic is very independent and smart. Sometimes he can be sited as a "Lone Wolf" but because his family has never acepted him he has internal issues that reside deep within him. He is sometimes scared to open up to people to only get his heart crushed and stomped on. After the 1700s his preception on this has changed and he didn't feel that way anymore, being able to express his emotions better. In the 1800s Dominic killed himself and commited suicide twice, before getting the nessacary help to overcome his depression.

Powers and Abilities[]

Because he was a witch before becoming a Pheonix he retained his powers and is able to use both simoueltaneously.


  • Super Healing: Dominic can heal his wounds to the point of just a little below a Vampire but with the unleashing of additional power he can heal wounds of a higher degree than Vampires.
  • Super Strenght: Dominic has strenght above that of an Original Vampire, though below that of an Original Preeminent Vampire, Primordial Werewolf, and Primordial Vampire.
  • Super Speed: Dominic has speed below a vampire but way above that of a normal human.
  • Super Agility: His stamina and agility is quite high and he has lots of endurance.
  • Pyrokenesis: Dominic can control fire because of his pheonix abilities.
  • Flight: With the use of his pheonix abilities he is granted the use of flight and flying.
  • Magic: Dominic is a witch and can use magic.
  • Channeling: The act of channeling or drawing other forms of energy and power by focusing on celestial events.
  • Conjuration: The act of calling, commanding, or summoning an element, object, person, or spirit already in existence.
  • Elemental Control: The act of controlling and manipulating the elements of air, earth, fire, water, lightning, and things like weather (though to a certain extent).
  • Compelling: The act of controlling and manipulating the minds of humans. (Similar to Compulsion)
  • Mind Stunning: The act of bemusing and rendering someone unconscious.
  • Pain Infliction: The act of creating and inflicting excruciating pain upon another person, especially vampires.
  • Precognition: The act of foreseeing future events and happenings.
  • Spell Casting: The act of changing and controlling events by magical influence.
  • Telekinesis: The act of controlling and manipulating the movements of objects and persons.
  • Witches Brew: The act of brewing and concocting supernatural elixirs and potions that contain mystical properties.
  • Resurrection of Others: Dominic has the power to raise the dead with enough energy used.
  • Self-Resurrection: Because he is a pheonix he will not die nor age. If he is killed he will Self-Ressurect. Phoenixes, such as Dominic and Landon, have the ability to resurrect from the dead. The body will spontaneously self-combust only for the phoenix to be reborn from the ashes. It is unknown whether or not if there is a limited number of times Dominic can resurrect before he perishes permanently. Furthermore, there does not seem to be a set amount of time that it takes for a phoenix to resurrect. After his first death, Dominic took around a day to resurrect, however further resurrections were faster.
  • Psudo Immortality: He will not age or die from natural causes but he can be killed by conventional means. For instance, he can be killed with similar ways to a human but will self-ressurect. There are items that were listed by Leonardo Williams in his journals (Leonardo's Journals) that can kill a Pheonix peremenently, but because it hasn't been read by many people, the odds of this happening (One permenently killing a Pheonix) are quite slim.
  • Uniting Magic: Dominic is capable of using all forms of magic at once/combining all of them at one time.
  • Levitation: The act of floating, flying or rising ones body in the air by supernatural means.

Additional Abilities[]

Energy projection, teleportation, illusion casting and the creation of energy barriers or shields.


  • Hand-To-Hand Comabat: Through the years Dominic has became more and more skilled within the art of hand-to-hand combat.
  • Tactical Abilities: Dominic is a masterful tactition and is good in combat, being able to come up with actions on the fly.
  • Sword Prowess: Dominic's skill with swords has only increased due to him being a Knight for so long.


  • Disbelief: The act of denying or disbelieving in his potential could cause Dominic to inadvertently suppress his own magical power.
  • Distraction: Denying Dominic from concentrating or giving full attention to his spells (On some occacions), may render them ineffective. Since most spells are spoken verbally and take time to take effect, Dominic is vulnerable to attack before a spells completion. Additionally, certain spells require items, tools, and/or special events during casting, therefore they can't be invoked on a mere whim.
  • Emotions: A witch's magic is subject to the influence of their emotional state and may fluctuate according to them when untrained. According to Sheila Bennett, strong emotions such as worry and anger can fuel a witch's power while emotions such as fear may prevent a witch from properly accessing their powers.
  • Herbs: Ingestion of certain herbs can cause a witch to lose consciousness and prevent them from using magic for an undetermined amount of time. The Lobelia flower prevents concentration and, therefore, the practice of magic and can be used to temporarily weaken a witch.
  • Huntress' Blood: The supernatural huntress' blood can suppress all Dominics magic powers when consumed, as well as prevent magic from working on whoever he uses a spell on, as seen when the Armory could not perform a locator spell on Bonnie Bennett. Prolonged ingestion is toxic and ultimately leads to the death of the witch (though Dominic won't die because of this due to him being a Pheonix). Once black scabs start appearing on their body, the infected witches have less than a week of life. There is no known cure to combat this disease.
  • Witchcraft: Dominic is still susceptible to the powers of witchcraft. This is inclusive of mystical and dark objects. A siphoner can siphon the magic from a witch and prolonged exposure can lead to death.
  • Overexertion: The excessive use of magic can lead to disorientation, nose bleeds, unconsciousness, and if taken to the extreme, the death of Dominic.
  • Nature: It is said that Nature will always find a balance when witchcraft is performed, thus spells will always have loopholes. This means, among other things, that no being can be truly immortal.
  • Mystic Falls Founders Bell: An indestructible bell that amplifies the effects of the Staff of Arcadius when combined with the Maxwell Striker. When struck, it produces a high frequency that has some minor effects on witches and siphoners, giving them painful headaches, though it does not affect their ability to perform magic and cast spells.
  • Mortality: Despite their mystical attributes, phoenixes share similar mortal weaknesses as human and supernatural beings that can result in immediate death, such as blood loss and a broken neck. However, they are spared from death as they can self-resurrect, meaning that Dominic can die but will not permenently die.


Dominic and His Family: Dominic has a very bad relationship with his family. They did leave him to die and fend for himself when he was young so this could be a heavy factor into why he despises them so much.

Dominic and Carmen: Dominic viewed Carmen as a mother-like figure and he loves her. When she died this enraged Dominic but knew that he would be the one to pass on her Legacy.

Dominic and Violet: Domininc and Violet are former lovers and were once married. Despite being killed by Violet many times Dominic and Violet are still relatively still good with each other, time-to-time checking on each other over the centuries.

Dominic and Darius: Dominic and Darius Salvatore don't have the best relationship. In fact, Dominic fears Darius due to Darius decapitating him with his hands alone during the 1700s.


  • Dominic is a Pheonix and a Witch.
  • Dominic has been killed by Violet King over 11 times (though only 3 times were recorded).
  • Dominic is got his head decapitated by Darius Salvatore in the 1700s.
  • Dominic and Violet got married to each other but soon after that got divorced.
  • Dominic is the first male Pheonix, but the second shown in The TVD (The Vampire Diaries) Universe.