Vampire Diaries Fanon Wiki

False Rakshasa is the name coined by Angelo Frascone to describe the type of Rakshasa that was created through a curse rather than a serum.


False Rakshasas are almost similar to Imperfect Rakshasas and Rakshasas, however, like the Imperfects - they are considered failures due to the lack of control that they possessed forcing Cancer to restrain them via magic.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Shapeshifting - A Rakshasa can assume the form of any creature. They can also use this ability to alter the appearance of their body, such as shapeshifting their fangs into regular teeth in order to hide their appearance from unsuspecting humans truly.
  • Enhanced Strength - A Rakshasa can overpower an adult human.
  • Enhanced Senses - A Rakshasa possess incredible hearing as well as a sharp sense of smell.
  • Invulnerability - Rakshasas are mostly invulnerable to physical, but they can be killed.
  • Slow Ageing - Rakshasas age at a slower rate and takes them 20 years to enter teenhood and an additional 5 years to enter adulthood.


  • Explosion - A Rakshasa can be killed in an explosion.
  • Magic - Magic can harm a Rakshasa.
  • Brass - A Rakshasa can be killed by brass. They can either be decapitated, slit in the throat, staked, or even bifurcated so long as it's caused by brass.
  • Hunger - Despite having very slow metabolisms - Rakshasa need to eat consume Human flesh otherwise they'll be severely weakened. A Rakshasa can sate their hunger by eating the heart of a Vampire, but the hunger will only subside for two days.
    • Vampire - Rakshasa can subside their hunger for two days by consuming the heart of a Vampire.
    • Cannibalism - Should a Rakshasa feast on another Rakshasa's organs - they'll become sick and weakened, but their hunger will subside.
  • Invitation - Much like Vampires; Rakshasa must be invited in order to enter a place of residence.
  • Broken Neck - A Rakshasa can be placed in a death-like state by breaking their neck.