Vampire Diaries Fanon Wiki
The Gibson Family


The Gibson Family (Italian: la famiglia ˈɡibsən) is one of the main families in The Vampire Diaries Series and arguably is the fourth most important family after The Original Family, Salvatore and Petrova. The family is one of the oldest families introduced, originally coming from Italy, Jamaica, and Greece, before ultimately ending up in The Americas, more specifically Mystic Falls, Virginia.

The oldest known records of the families existence dates back to 4th-7th Century BC, whilst the earliest known ancestors of the gibson family are recognized as Kateona and Tatiana.

Early History[]

In 4th Century B.C Tatiana (sister to Kateona) would become engaged in romantic relations with an unnamed Witch. Tatiana had a child with this man and this led to the creation of The Gibson Bloodline (Tatiana's Line). Centuries after that in 900 A.D Kateona has a child with an unknown person and this leads to the start of The Gibson Bloodline (Kateona's Line).

Known Members[]

Kateona: Kateona was born in 4th Century BC though that is generally all that is known regarding her birth. In her biography she mentions that as a child she was forced into labour though she was learning from an Unknown Witch on how to use magic. By 7 she would cast her first spell and by 9 she would become adept at the arts of magic. At 10 her mentor-like figure died and was killed. Because of this she would break out of captivity and would free herself. Many events happen after, leading up to her eventual abandonment of her homeland (Unknown Part of Italy; most evidence points to Rome). By the age of 18 Kateona trained new found witches and would meet an unknown man who she would have a child with (and later many others). It was also believed that between the ages of 20-27 she would stunt her aging using a Longevity Spell. Shortly after this point Kateona became fascinated with Immortality. After he longevity spell was wearing off she tracked down an ancient chalice with her sister (Tatiana), known as The Cup of Eternal Life. She would drink it with Tatiana and the two would become Immortal. In 900 A.D Kateona would have a child with an Unnamed Witch and would birth two more children. Her second child with this man was a boy and he is the father of Francis Gibson. Kateona ensures that Darius Salvatore is born and nothing happens that disrupts the pregnancy.

Tatiana: Tatiana is the half-sister to Kateona, great aunt of Francis Gibson, and great-grand aunt of Darius Salvatore and his siblings.

Seth: Seth Gibson (also known as Seth The Eternal or Stephen Gibson), is a Werewolf who was chased across Europe and Africa by Darius Salvatore, eventually being killed by him in the 1700s. He is the son of Nueva and is the maternal half-brother to Mal-El.

Unnamed Mikaelson: Father of Francis Gibson and his other sibling. This man was also the grandson of Kateona and the half-sibling of Esther Mikaelson.

Francis Gibson: Father to Darius and his siblings (excluding Cyrus), wife of Alexandria Salvatore, and son of an Unnamed Mikaelson.

Skylar Salvatore: Skylar Salvatore is the third child of Alexandria Salvatore and the fourth biological child of Francis Gibson. She is a Vampire who has access to her Witch powers because she is an Original Preeminent Vampire. She was born in 1083. Skylar was the most prodigal member of her family whilst in her youth (magic-wise). her mother was fascinated with her skill and as such oversaw that she was trained and in a way exploited for her magical potential and prowess. By 11 (1094) she was forced to do spells that she didn't want to do with her mother, which led to a disdain for her mother to grow. On one night Skylar refused to kill a Rabbit in order to sacrifice it for spell. When this happened Alexandria (Skylar's Mother) saw this as a great defiance which caused her to get angered at Skylar's behaviour. Skylar throws a rock at her mother and calls her a sick women, before running off. Alexandria wouldn't let this happen though after this show of disrespect and would teach Skylar a lesson. Skylar would be tied up in the shape of a crucifix and would be continuously tortured by her mother for her actions. Skylar screamed in desperation to not be met with any show of sympathy from her mother. She screamed so loud that it echoed throughout the trees of the forest and caused her brother (Darius Salvatore) to run to her aid. Alexandria would then move away from Sklyar for a bit as to heat up multiple weapons. Darius would come to skylars aid and would try to cut the rope, but to no avail. He cried in shame and sadness as he didn't wish for his younger sister to be hurt so mercilessly. He believed he had failed as an older brother. As Alexandria returned she would look at Darius with disbelief that he would try to save her and would tell him to go back to their home. When he refused she became increasingly angry which caused Darius to slowly walk away and return home in anguish. Alexandria would then burn Skylar severely with weapons and would cause her to get multiple burns on her body. On multiple occasions Skylar has chosen to hide the burns and make them look like tattoos. When she was old enough that she no longer had to rely on her parents she would leave home and became a Supernatural Hunter. She killed multiple Vampires, Witches and even Werewolves just to kill them and rid them from the world and didn't care about the species (believing that all of them do evil things so why care what species they belong to).

Shortly after this point of history she got the title of the Original Huntress.

While killing Vampires who resided within Armenia Skylar would learn of a Werewolf known as Ryker. She spent months researching his exploits and rampages across the globe. His mass slaughterings of people all for sport, his claim to nobility that was truly a facade, him enjoying torturing others and much, much more. Upon learning that he had built Armenia from the ground up she would burn his favourite city to the ground. This city is known as Yerevan. Later in the same yea Skylar would start tracking down Ryker, though because he constantly moved place-to-place it was quite difficult.

Per the request of Arcadius would go into The Darius Stone in order to retrieve an Unknown Vampire soul who had stabbed himself with a sword in order to escape Cades punishment. This vampires name was later revealed to be Miles Alexander.

In 1927 Skylar would finally be able to find Ryker and would track him down to a bar by the name of "Gloria's". After going to Gloria's bar Skylar would finally be able to track Ryker and she would try to kill him. This would prove quite difficult though as he was a Primordial Werewolf. Kylar, Oenomaus, Saskia and Drako (Ryker's siblings) watched the fight go down as various people were evacuated out of the bar. Skylar would soon use magic to bind Ryker's siblings to their seats and would hold down Ryker using the same spell. Skylar then proceeds to insert her hands onto Ryker's chest, before pressing down into it and ripping his heart out. This would cause him great pain though his heart would re-grow to his delight. Skylar laughed as she then pulled out an Ancient Silver Maple Stake. She would then shove it into Ryker's new heart, killing him. Saskia would then break out of the spell and would seek vengeance against Skylar. Skylar smirks and beats Saskia with her hand-to-hand combat alone. Once this happened Skylar would tell Saskia to not get on her bad side or she would kill Saskia like she did Ryker, only resisting to kill Saskia then and there because she found her attractive. When Skylar said this Saskia would question what she meant as she believed that Ryker couldn't die because he was a Primordial. Blue flames would soon erupt out of Ryker's corpse and this would signify to Saskia that her brother actually died, causing Saskia to realize her own "mortality". Skylar moments later would throw Saskia across the bar, knocking her out cold. Once this happened Skylar started pouring lighter fluid all over the ground. She would then pull out a lighter, before throwing it on the floor. The bar would then light up in flames which caused Saskia and her siblings within to have to endure the pain of the flames, still bound by the spell. Once the flames stopped it was later known that it had destroyed multiple photos and things within the bar, leading to massive renovations that needed to be done.

In 1975 Skylar would learn that Ryker was brought back to life via an unknown resurrection spell and she would track him down. It was December and was Christmas Eve. Knowing that she would like to spend the very day that proceeds the eve of Christmas for her family she would get to Ryker's location quickly. Ryker was within the city of Cherrysville, Louisiana at the time and because of this it would lead to Skylar going here. Due to the city being created by her brother she would easily be able to enter the city and would head straight for Ryker, whilst accompanied by freshly made Maple Ash. When Skylar got to Ryker's estate where he was with her family she would use her superhuman speed to kill run up behind Ryker. She quickly reached into her jar of maple ash and placed it near Ryker, which immobilized him. Familiar with Skylar's face Ryker's siblings would flee in fear and Ryker would be sealed with The Darius Sword by Skylar. As his lifeforce started to become trapped in the stone it would take considerably longer then normal, which lead to Ryker having a small speech. He stated the following. "Maybe I deserve this punishment. For all the things I've done against humanity. All the villages, all the children, all the innocent people ha ha. I think I should be ashamed of myself... but I'm not, and I never will be. Ya know I bet that The Darius Stone isn't as bad as lore suggest. But I-I do feel my soul leaving and escaping into the stone. Is this it?, no... no it can't be, because I am Ryker!."

Shortly after Skylar killed Ryker she would buy herself 2 properties. One in Cherrysville and another in Mystic Falls, Virginia.

Darius Salvatore: Born in the summer of 1079 August 31st, Lord Darius "Darius" (Ancient Greek: Δαριυσ Σαλυατορε; Latin: Xeres/Xeri) is a character who appeared within the Vampire Diaries, Originals, and Legacies universe. He is also apart of the Salvatore Family. His mother was a witch and his father was a Werewolf-Witch Hybrid. His mother's name was Alexandria Salvatore and his Father's name was Francis Gibson.

Sabrina Salvatore: Sabrina is the sister of Darius and his siblings.

Dante Salvatore: Dante Salvatore is a warlock that specialises in spell casting, spell creating, and necromancy. Due to a binding spell, he had been trapped in his estate for 675+ years until being released by Skylar Salvatore (his sister). After being released by his sister multiple covens tracked him down to Scotland, where he was apprehended after they learned that he had somehow accessed higher magicks of time and space. He would again flee though in exchange for his mind and knowledge he would be able to be freed in 1774. Dante is also the creator of The Divine Comedy, coining the ideology of "Dante's Inferno".

Kim Salvatore: Born in 1097 to an Unknown Witch and a courageous and valorous young knight during a one-night-stand, Kim would grow up not knowing her parents. This was because when she was born her father knew nothing in regards to her birth and her mother sold her to a merchant ship as a baby. She would eventually be abused and raised till the age of 6 and she was set to work as a slave at the age of 7. This life was quite hard to undergo and was relentless to her. After she turned 24 Kim would successfully flee from her life as a slave. Not long after this she would get a high bounty out for her capture. 14 years had went by and Kim would become caught, becoming a prisoner for over a year. She would use most of her time to build up her magical strength, before breaking out via magic, proving to be quite adept in that field. After Kim would run run and would turn her back until she stumbled upon american soil. From then on Kim would live there and would participate in the many wars that occurred throughout time. At an Unknown point within time Rebekah Mikaelson and Kim would become very close friends, considering each other family. After realizing her and her family lived in the town of Mystic Falls, Virginia she would be very hesitant to meet them and instead would watch from afar. To this day she still resides in the USA, choosing to live in the city of Los Angeles in order to expand her career even further.

Rayna Salvatore: Since birth Rayna was a cunning child, though as time progressed she became more and more eager to do more things. For example, despite it being uncommon for women to like things like swordsmanship, Rayna engaged in it quite often and loved doing so with her father and mother. The three would typically train daily and this would shape Rayna into a powerful warrior. By the time she turned 6 years old Rayna would be taught how to use magic, though because she had not taken her first human life she did not have access to her werewolf abilities. In 1207 it was a cold day in Norway. The snow reached over fifty centimeters long and snow flew through the sky. On this very day enemy villages would attack Rayna's village. The townspeople fought back but due to the overwhelming numbers of the invaders they were starting to fall. By the time word reached Rayna and her family many people had lost their lives in the attack. Rayna, Darius (her father), and Tayana (her mother) would gear up in order to engage in the fight. The three ran at their enemies and fought them with the urge to protect their homeland. Even though she was a mere 7 year old Rayna fought valiantly and alongside her family they managed to kill almost all of the invaders respectively. Because she had taken the life of several Humans her werewolf curse was bound to occur and she would be subject to violent fits of rage. In this same day her eyes would become black and gold as her abilities increased dramatically. Upon realizing that she had unintentionally allowed Rayna to unlock her werewolf side, Tayana would try and find a way to stop these violent outburst as a full moon was going to arrive within less than 24 hours. Tayana would then come up with an idea and would achieve one of her family's magical items. It is called the Wolf Sealing Sword and it is used to stop a werewolves transformation into a werewolf. This would successfully work on Rayna because she was so young but it wouldn't stop her time-to-time outrages.

A whole ten years later and Rayna would be 17 years old. By now her life was quite quiet and in one more year she wished to become a full-time viking. It was the same day though hours later and Rayna would yell at her mother, telling her that she was nothing compared to her and that her father (faðir) should've left her long ago. This caused Tayana to get furious with Rayna and would lead to her slapping Rayna across the face. As she held her face in pain Rayna's eyes glowed and she let out a roar as Werewolf teeth grew on her mouth. Rayna would then tell her mother to run and leave the house as she watch Rayna's bones start to break. Her transformation into a Werewolf was commencing as she cowled in the pain of transformation. After many moments on end Rayna would break her last bone and would transform into a Werewolf. In the midst of her transformation she would (unknowingly at the time) kill many unknown children and adults. When she awoke it was within her bed and she was quite confused. It was later learnt that her father had covered Rayna's tracks and would get rid of all evidence leading to her. After he did this he would take her home and would care for her. Tayana (Rayna's mother) continually bashed Rayna behind her back for doing this and called her names like abomination, scum, and filthy insect. Rayna would try to ignore this and went to sleep again for the second time in the day. Her mother would attempt to suffocate her whilst she slept though. Rayna would wake up in the middle of this and would attack her mother. After kicking her mother to the ground, Rayna would dawn her hood and would slit her mother's throat. Back from a fresh hunt, Rayna's father would hear the commotion, causing him to rush in. Seeing Tayana on the floor bleeding out would cause him to become angered at his daughter (Rayna), as he rushed to Tayana in order to give her his blood. When this did not work he lashed out in a violent rage and would rip out Rayna's heart, ending her life as a Mortal. Darius then takes Tayana's body to hold a funeral and burns their house down in order to leave no evidence of past residence at the home, covering his tracks. With the burnage of the home and it going in flames Rayna's dead body would be left within and would start to be burned. Darius at the time was unaware of this and began preparations for Tayana's funeral. Rayna would awake as an Original Preeminent Vampire and would just barely survive and escape the burning home.

In 1222 Rayna and her family would relocate to Sweden and due to harsh words exchanged between her and her mother Rayna would create "Rayna's Army" a group of powerful supernatural beings.

In 1731 Rayna's Army had become known across all corners of the world and in a way were renowned. Rayna would officially meet a member of the Army named Magnus, who would gain Rayna's trust by becoming romantically involved with her though he soon grew true feelings for Rayna. Because of this he would pity himself for falling in love and before he could get attached any longer, he would stake Rayna in the heart with one of The Preeminent Stakes. As her body bursted in flames this is when Magnus would begin leading Rayna's Army, keeping the group's name as a way to show respect. Rayna not long after this would use her ability to self-resurrect and would plan her revenge on Magnus, wanting to make him suffer in the best way possible. Unfortunately for Rayna she would not be able to do this as her Half-Sister (August Salvatore-Knight) would kill Magnus in 1732.

Nicholas Salvatore: Nicholas (Middle Name: Elijah) Salvatore is a former leader and member of the order as well as a former Supernatural Hunter and member of The Five. Nicholas is the biological son of Darius Salvatore.

August Salvatore-Knight: Growing up she would be taught everything she knew by her mother and would be able to produce advanced witchcraft and magic at the age of 16. When she turned 18 she would explore the world, travelling to all kinds of different nations and establishing her name there. At 27 she would be attacked by a man Named Magnus Ceperta-Forest and his pack of vampires. They would viciously beat her to the verge of death, causing her to go into transition. After this, she would feed on a Human and become a Vampire. after she became a Preeminent Vampire she would kill all of the vampires (including Magnus) with her fury and rage. In 1753-1757 August was a Pirate and scattered her name across the lands as a fearsome woman. In the year of 1760-1769 August was a Noblewomen in England and would turn multiple Humans into Vampires. In 1772-1781 August worked as an Ambassador for Scotland and its people. In 2021 August would meet her father and from that point on they would stay in touch and be very close with each other, creating a strong bond with one another.

Alexander Salvatore-Knight: Alexander(Alex) became well known within the supernatural world for being a fearsome, frightening, being regarded as a warrior. He is renowned for being a Vampire who unlike many others, tries to use his immortality for good. Over the centuries multiple photographs have been taken of Alex, showing him helping out starving children around the world, stopping things like world wars from happening, and trying to make a change. He doesn't like the world and how its people choose to fight amongst each other and kill one another. He fought for his homeland in Great Britain through the year of 1700-1744 and to pay him for his efforts and for him stopping multiple casualties that would hurt Britain they chose to burn him at the stake, believing that he was a demon, a witch, or an immortal and because they figured out that he was the son of a man who killed an English Royal. After he was killed He would soon become a transitioning Vampire and would kill the man who was about to burn his body. Similarly to his sister August, Alex practiced witchcraft before he became a Vampire, though not on the same level or degree of his sister it was still quite formidable. Growing up he never knew his father because his mother assumed his father(Darius Salvatore) was killed and she never told him of their existence (Alexander and his Sister). In 1724-1733 Alexander was a Knight. Within this time he would be executed due to suspicions that he was practicing witchcraft within the borders of Britain. In the 1840s Alexander would take up the mantle of being the leader of the order and would take it over, moving the orders headquarters from Spain and Europe to Mystic Falls.

Hannah Salvatore: Hannah Salvatore is the "Miracle Child" of Darius Salvatore and Sophia Salter. She was a Witch formerly but currently is an Original Preeminent Vampire. She is also the Third daughter of Darius Salvatore and is his 5th child.

Veronica Salvatore: Veronica Nicole-Xanthe Salvatore is the 3rd daughter of Darius Salvatore, first child of Emily Forbes, and is a sister to August Salvatore-Knight, Alexander Salvatore-Knight, Darrien Salvatore, Samantha Salvatore, Hannah Salvatore, Ava Salvatore, and Darius' Unknown children. She is a strong Witch and if she dies she will become an Original Preeminent Vampire.

Ava Salvatore: Sister to Veronica, and daughter of Darius.

Mia Salvatore-Cruz: Mia (Middle Name:Vanessa, Rayna, and Nora) Salvatore-Cruz is the daughter of Darius Salvatore, first and only child of Rayna Cruz, and is a sister to August Salvatore-Knight, Alexander Salvatore-Knight, Darrien Salvatore, Samantha Salvatore, Hannah Salvatore, Ava Salvatore, Veronica Salvatore and Darius' Unknown children. She is a powerful Witch and if she dies she too will become an Original Preeminent Vampire.

In 1884 Mia would be born to Rayna Cruz.

Unable to take care of her daughter due to her supernatural huntress duties (as well as her wanting to protect Mia) this would lead to Rayna putting her up for adoption. Little is actually known about Mia's early life, though it could be assumed that she was raised by her adoptive family until she reached adulthood. In Evil Shall Perish Mia kills an Unknown Vampire though this is all we see of her until the scene cuts. The Vampire (Presumably) wronged Mia and due to this it may have lead to her ending the Vampires life.

Samantha Salvatore: Samantha Nicole-Allison Salvatore (Sam) is the second child between Darius Salvatore and Tina Lockwood, Darius' 3rd daughter, and Darius' 5th child. She is also the sister of August Salvatore-Knight, Kim Salvatore, and brother to Darrien Salvatore as well as Alexander Salvatore-Knight. Furthermore, she is also a sibling of Darius' Unnamed Children.

Darrien Salvatore: Growing Darrien was extremely unique, being compared to Hope Mikaelson on multiple occasions. He used to despise her but soon realized that its best that they work together. He one day said that he hated the Mikaelson Family which made Darius(his father) get a little angry. He told Darrien a story about him and the Mikaelson's and told him that it's because of a Mikaelson (Hope's Uncle Kol) that he even is alive. For some odd reason Darrien is able to use his vampire state and this is only unlocked when he feeds on human blood. Similarly to his father, Darrien is also a ripper but he can control himself far greater than his father can. Darrien unlocked his vampire side when he had to drink human blood for a spell. He would again use his vampire side while fighting a group of 47 Vampires.

Darius' Unknown Children: Darius' Unnamed/Unknown Children are the offspring of Darius Salvatore. They are members of the Gibson Family (through Darius). Darius actually has had many children as he was a nomadic traveller and had unintentionally inseminated many unknown women (as he has had many lovers over the years.

Sam Grayson: Samantha "Sam" Marie Grayson is a new witch and a sophomore at Mystic Falls High. She is a descendant of one of the members of the Original Coven and unknowingly has one of the In Ulfus Annulos in her possession.

Miles Alexander: Miles was a mighty Vampire who was sealed away in The Sword of Alexandria, though later was freed. Shortly after this (in vampire years) he was sealed by The Second Darius Stone Sword's Darius Stone (technically) by Skylar Salvatore in which most evidence points to this occuring in the 1920s. He is also a member of The Gibson Family. Very little is truly known about miles, besides the fact that he was a very old Vampire and was adopted in his youth not much is known regarding his early life. Some other info that is known is that he slowed down his aging (via a longevity spell).

Angelo Gibson: Angelo Gibson was a werewolf who was killed by Samara Gilbert in the 2020s. Also at an unknown point of time Angelo's brothers, father, and mother were killed by Samara Gilbert. It should be presumed that they were all Gibson's too though because they were never shown this is unknown.

Known Relatives[]

  • Kateona's Mothers Spouse: Husband of Kateona's as well as Tatiana's Mother and the father of Kateona.
  • Kateona's Mother's Second Spouse: Spouse of Kateona and Tatiana's Mother and the father of Tatiana.
  • Alexandria Salvatore: Mother of Darius Salvatore and his siblings as well as the wife to Francis Gibson.
  • Cyrus Salvatore: Half-Brother to all of Alexandria and Francis' known children.
  • The Alexanders: Through Miles Alexander the Alexander Family are apart of The Gibson Family as he was raised by them in his youth.
  • Tina Lockwood: Tina and her family thrived off the land in Cyprus for decades until diseases started to emerge like smallpox and malaria. This caused Tina and her family to abandon their native land in Cyprus and move to Greece. There they wouldn't have a lot of luck either because 20 years into living there it seemed as if Diseases followed the family as there were outbreaks of the flu and typhoid. This would cause them to relocate yet again to a forest in The USA. They lived there peacefully for over 200 years until modern developments graced the land and more homes were being built. this meant that Tina and her family's land was being destroyed but they continued to live off of it. Some point during the time of 1605-1704 Tina would become the leader of the Lockwood Pack as well as ab Alpha in the Guerrera pack. In 1707-1709 Tina would battle against a Renowned Vampire known as Darius Salvatore (Darius The Ripper). During their fight, Tina would subdue a 628-year-old Darius Salvatore. Because of this Darius would show her his ability to make his skin poisonous. After it doing nothing Tina supposed that he was bluffing but soon the effects would kick in and Tina would feel very weak. After this battle, Tina would soon heal and everything would go back to normal. To their dismay, Tina and Darius would have to work as a team in order to defeat a powerful Dragon. After 100 years she would elect someone new as the Lockwood pack leader. during this time she would enlist in the Civil War and fight for the USA. Currently, Tina is a Freelancer and has been for quite a long time. One day Darius and Tina would see each other again in 2007 and would become friends. This friendship would soon evolve into much more than that as the two had A kid of their own named Darrien Salvatore.
  • Sophia Salter: In the winter of 1832, a young girl named Sophia Salter would be born to a family of Nobles and Royalty. She would be taught how to use and create spells by her mother and she would fall in love with a man by the name of Darius Salvatore while on a visiting trip to Louisiana. She would fall so in love that she abandoned her family and began living with the man. They would later become married and the two would try and have a child. This is when Darius would reveal to Sophia that he was a Vampire. Sophia did not believe the words that left his mouth but when Darius proved to her his Vampiric Nature she begged him to turn her as well so that they could live forever. Darius would tell her that being a vampire's hard and she will regret not living out her mortal life. Sophia begged and begged and when Darius continued to turn her down she went to the place that Darius stores his weapons and ended her life. Darius would hear this go on and would rush to the scene as he gave her his blood and turned her into an immortal Preeminent vampire. Darius and Sophia would stay married for over a decade (leading to the conception of Hannah Salvatore in 1859) before Darius issued a divorce and left her. He stated the following. "I am sorry my love but being with someone for over 100 years is a little boring and deep inside I knew you knew this relationship wouldn't last forever. All things as they say.". After this point, Sophia became furious and went on killing sprees hoping to gain the attention of Darius but they never did they only deterred him from her further. She even relocated back to Mystic Falls and tried to find him but to no avail. Finally, she would find him happy with another woman and would come to terms with the fact that he will never love her as much as she loves him and she loves him so much that she wants to see him happy, causing her to understand the situation. After this point, Sophia would watch over Darius and have continued to for over a century.
  • Emily Forbes: Born near the outskirts of Mystic Falls, Virginia Emma was often overlooked by her mother and father. It seemed that they failed to realize her accomplishments and only cared to acknowledge her brother (John Forbes') achievements. This unacknowledgement from her parents caused her to try and run from home on multiple occasions. She learned to read and write at a young age (which was quite unusual during that time period) and idolized a famous poet by the name of Darius Salvatore, aspiring to one day meet him. Emma worked as a server during the 1860 ball. As the ball continued into the night Darius Salvatore would arrive with a friend named Alexander. As the night went on Darius would get more and more hungry but seemed to continue to keep it in check. Unbeknownst to him at the time Alexander Salvatore-Knight was the friend that he had been with. It turned out that Alexander was his son but this info wasn't known to him at the time. Alexander told Darius to indulge in Vampirism, but due to it being Founders Day he told Alexander that he would not wish for that as it was an important day and he didn't want an unnecessary bloodbath. Alexander (Alex) continued to try and persuade Darius even further, going as far as compelling Emily to be Darius' "drink" for the night. Eventually Darius would succumb to the sound of Emily's beating heart and the sound of blood pumping through her veins, before unleashing his fangs into her neck. After drinking so much blood that Alexander started to get worried, he would try to stop Darius from going any further, but Darius would punch Alexander through a wall, sending him flying. Darius would almost drain Emily of a majority of her blood, as she fell to the ground and started to die. Realizing what he had done he would compel all those around to not remember the moment as he then gave Emily his blood, transforming her into a Vampire. After this happened Emily would feed on her first human life initiating her full transformation into a Vampire. Darius would soon after this would leave the ball and would return to estate, though not before Emily and Darius look each other in the eye for the first time (uncompelled). Knowing that it had to be Darius Salvatore the amazing poet, and that he must've turned her into whatever monster she was now, this would cause her to chase him down. Emily would go as far as moving to Cherrysville, Louisiana in order to get closer to Darius and get answers. After 11 whole years Emily would eventually be able to meet Darius again in 1870. By now she had become a renowned female politician, advocating for female rights and Supernatural peace within Cherrysville. Darius and Emily would meet once more due to the fact that Emily set up a meeting for the two. After realizing Emily was the one he turned a decade ago he would be quite After this happened Emily would feed on her first human life initiating her full transformation into a Vampire. Darius would soon after this would leave the ball and would return to estate, though not before Emily and Darius look each other in the eye for the first time (uncompelled). Knowing that it had to be Darius Salvatore the amazing poet, and that he must've turned her into whatever monster she was now, this would cause her to chase him down. Emily would go as far as moving to Cherrysville, Louisiana in order to get closer to Darius and get answers. After 11 whole years Emily would eventually be able to meet Darius again in 1870. By now she had become a renowned female politician, advocating for female rights and Supernatural peace within Cherrysville. Darius and Emily would meet once more due to the fact that Emily set up a meeting for the two. After realizing Emily was the one he turned a decade ago he would be quite surprised. After many minutes of conversing Emily and Darius would become very great friends. Not long after the meeting Emily would become a high-ranking member of The Order (at the request of Darius) and continued to serve within the Order until 1937. In 1941 Emily compelled people so that she could serve in the army even as a women. Because women weren't allowed to be in the army yet so she would have to participate in a squadron alongside the men. Due to Darius always enlisting within practically every war (that has happened in the USA) Darius would be put in the same unit (unit 367). The two would fight together and would become war heroes in their own right Unit 364 managed to liberate Italy and were key in its liberation. Also in this war Emily realized that she wasn't completely indestructible and that she must be careful. In 1918 the battle to try and liberate the country would be quite intense. Multiple casualties occurred and it was looking quite bleak for Unit 367. In the night of Belgium Emily her squad accompanied by Darius would liberate Belgium on September 2. In May 8, 1945 Emily and Darius would dominate the Nazi forces within Italy. As they were on the last band of Nazi troops in Italy Emily would be gunned down and would have over 100 bullets drilled into her. This would cause Emily to start to die. After telling the remainder of the american troops to shoot at the Nazi's Darius would carry Emily through the mayhem of the war and would get into a secrete location. This is when Emily would be given Darius' blood (as he was trying to turn her into a Preeminent Vampire). When this didn't seem to work Darius became increasingly worried. Emily would then start to lose consciousness and when she did she would immediately wake up coughing up blood. Her wounds of gunshots that onced disfigured her body were gone and completely healed. Emily soon after this would feed on an unknown Italian civilian, ensuring her transformation into a Preeminent Vampire. On this same day Italy would be liberated and Darius along with Emily would be able to go home. Once returning from the war Emily would experience various episodes of PTSD that lasted quite long and sometimes just bursted out. At an unknown point Darius would realize this and would help her get through this. He had been through PTSD before and the two found solace within each other. As time went on Emily and Darius became closer and closer, becoming romantically involved in the late 1940s. This relationship would cause the (unknowing to them at the time) conception of Ava and later Veronica Salvatore. Because she was a Preeminent Vampire this made it possible for her to have children. Eventually she would learn that she was pregnant and Darius as well as Emily would raise the Ava and Veronica until adulthood.

The Gibson Bloodlines[]

All members of The Gibson Family fall under one of two family lines, the one belonging to Kateona, or the one belonging to Tatiana.

Kateona's Bloodline[]

Tatiana's Bloodline[]

Unknown Bloodline[]

People belonging to "The Unknown Bloodline" are those who are members of The Gibson Family, though it is unknown which bloodline they belong to.

Major Events[]


The Norman name was originally found as Gislebert or Gillebert, and is composed of the Germanic elements Gisil, meaning "hostage" or "noble youth", and berht, meaning "bright" or "famous".


  • Kateona and Tatiana are the first members known about within the Gibson family.
  • The Gibson Family are Greek, Italian, and Norman.
  • Through marriage the Alexander family are apart of the Gibson family.


See Also[]

Salvatore Family -

Salter Family -

Petrova Family -

Bennett Family -

Gilbert Family -
