Vampire Diaries Fanon Wiki
Vampire Diaries Fanon Wiki

Hannah Salvatore is the "Miracle Child" of Darius Salvatore and Sophia Salter. She was a Witch formerly but currently is an Original Preeminent Vampire. Early Life

Early History[]

Work with the S-Team[]

At an unknown point of time Hannah would be recruited to The S-Team and would slowly but surely rise up the ranks until she reached Leader status. Once she did she would be assigned a mission to prove her leadership. This mission was to assassinate Darius Salvatore for being a "Threat" to the supernatural community.

Sealing Within The Darius Stone[]

Not aware of the fact that Darius was in fact her father she would start to research on him and would deduce that he was a cruel evil person. Many books made regarding him and all of them (mostly) describe his violence and the massacres that he had spawned as time progressed. She saw The Plague Massacre of 1600 and even the The 1804 Haiti Massacre that killed thousands of people, all caused by him. Due to his ways she hated him and started to want to kill him.

Hannah would then be given one of The Preeminent Stakes in order to permanently kill Darius and would also get in possession of The Darius Sword. Once this happened she would train vigorously with the two weapons, before finally deciding that she was ready to take him on. With the s-team's blessings she would charge Darius' Estate in Mystic Falls and would enter it. Once she did Darius would almost instantly know that someone had entered his house. When he saw Hannah he would almost instantly mistake her for her mother (Sophia) and would ask if it was her. She questioned how he knew her mother, before she engaged in combat with Darius. The battle raged on for several minutes as Darius then slammed Hannah to the ground and threw her through the walls of his house causing her to end up on the ground and out of the house. Darius would soon jump down as he then grabbed a wooden plank and snapped it in half, mistaking Hannah for a Vampire due to her overwhelming skill. As he was about to end Hannah's life Hannah would quickly move out of the way, causing her to grab her weapons. She then stabbed Darius with the Preeminent Stake in his shoulder, which caused him momentary pain. Once the pain became lesser and his wounds started to heal Darius would realise that the Darius Sword was on the ground and lied there beside an exhausted Hannah. Darius would pick it up, curious as to why she was in possession of the weapon. Nonetheless, Darius would stab Hannah in the chest, before ripping it out of her chest and stabbing it into her heart. As her lifeforce faded and started to become trapped in the stone she would realise that Darius was her father and would shakily say "Father" before closing her eyes. Darius wondering what she meant by "Father" would release the blade from her heart and would cause Hannah to unexpectedly become awake again. After this she would tell Darius that she believed that he may be her father but said that it was just a hunch, stating that it was impossible (due to Darius being a Vampire). The two would clash once more as the battle got more and more intense. Eventually Darius would be able to get the Preeminent Stake from Hannah which caused him to stab it into her. As this happened Hannah would then die, ending her life as a Human.

Becoming An Original Preeminent Vampire[]

After she awoke as an Original Preeminent Vampire. Her bloodlust would cause her to go to the nearest human life, which was situated within a cabin. Hannah would kill two unknown men who were in the cabin, though she still fiend for blood. This would eventually lead to her killed 17 others. After completing her transformation Hannah would pass out on the ground, learning that she was a Ripper. Later she would wake up in the S-Team headquarters and would be given a scientifically designed serum that stopped her from being a ripper. This helped and made it so that she didn't have to kill multiple people to feed and it wouldn't be hard to live off blood bags. Not long after this she would learn that she was in fact an Original Preeminent Vampire which confirmed her thinking that Darius Salvatore was her father into being the truth.

Physical Appearance[]

She is often said to look almost exactly like Sophia (her mother)—with her green eyes, curly red hair, slender figure, small chest and narrow hips—though she does not see it, nor does she see the beauty others often see in her. There was a time when Sophia felt herself to be a smaller, less beautiful, and more childlike version of her mother, although most people disagree. She is quite short, just a little over five feet tall, has hair she considers carrot-coloured, and "a face full of freckles." She also has a tattoo that sits upon her neck and means Strength, Knowledge, and Integrity.


It is mentioned a few times that she dresses in a boyish and unfashionable ensemble, wearing oversized T-shirts, jeans and sneakers, which sometimes annoys others, who then pick out nicer, or more fashionably trendy clothes for her to wear. Through others influence, she slowly changed her usually boyish fashion and began to put an effort into fixing herself up more often. She is told by a few guys to be cute or beautiful, despite what she personally thinks of herself.

Powers and Abilities[]

As a witch, Hannah was powerful enough that members of The S-Team considered her to be within the 40 most powerful people in history. She proved to be a very powerful magic user and is quite talented. She also defeated practically all of her peers in magical combat although it should be noted that she had a psychological hold over her at the time and so she was weakened and nerfed. She also performed other basic magical feats such as making flames appear on the tips of her fingers, squeezing a stranger's internal organs and trapping an Ancient Rakshasa, (one of the most powerful creatures in history) inside a pit for several days. She was particularly gifted in telekinesis, using little to no effort while performing it.

Hannah is knowledgeable in numerous spells, including the one used by modern day Travelers to resurrect someone from the Other Side and she was talented enough to create a spell for immortality (though she wouldn't use it because it doesn't aline with her morals).

As an Original Preeminent Vampire, Hannah's physical abilities far surpass most vampires, including the Original vampires. She can make destructive breaks and tears within things like brick walls with ease and to a lesser extent metal. Her Physical Strength alone is enough to scare most people.

Super Speed - []

Preeminent Vampires are quite fast and are adept in that field being able to dash several meters with ease.

Vervain Immunity - Due to Hannah regularly using vervain and ingesting it when she became a vampire she slowly started reintroducing it to her body, developing a immunity-like effect.

Super Strength - []

Preeminent Vampires are far much stronger than the originals,  werewolves, vampires, non- hybrids, Primordial Werewolves, Primordial Vampires, and even humans. They can decimate and devastate others with little to no effort. They grow stronger with the passage of time, their muscular physique is much more defined, and their strength it is almost second to none.

Immortality - []

Preeminent Vampires are immortal. They do not physically age and are immune to all illnesses, toxins, poisons and human diseases or physical conditions. The only physical weapon that can bring permanent death to a Original Preeminent Vampire is a Preeminent Dagger or Preeminent Stake, though a regular/normal Preeminent Vampire can be killed with a wooden steak.

Enhanced Emotions - []

Preeminent Vampires experience emotions more powerfully than humans. Emotions like love, joy, and happiness are intensified for vampires allowing them to live life more intensely. This ability allows the original vampires to feel emotions at their peak regardless of their age. They have been shown experiencing emotions as powerfully today as they did many years ago.

Telepathy - []

Original Preeminent Vampires have the ability to enter the minds of others as long as theirs is stronger than them although, as Preeminent vampires, they have one of the strongest minds in the world. Normally, this ability works in a tactile fashion and the vampire requires physical contact in order for it to work successfully. However, Darius Salvatore was somehow able to communicate telepathically to his son.

Super Durability - []

Preeminent Vampires have a very high amount of durability, being able to withstand multiple attacks before any severe or major damage starts to show. This ability varies though as some Preeminent Vampires cannot use this ability and others can.

Super Healing - []

Preeminent Vampires boast quite extraordinary healing capabilities as they are even able to grow back entire limbs. This partially contributed to the reason why The Preeminent Daggers were created (weapons that could kill the Preeminent Vampire).

Animal Transformation - []

The Preeminent Vampire has the ability to magically morph into an Animal. These forms could differentiate from each other with some being able to morph into werewolves. When they do this they get the abilities of what they transform into.

Time Bending/Freezing - []

They have the ability to freeze time but mere seconds (2-5 seconds). This ability is quite great though since within a matter of seconds one can do lots of damage to another.

Poisonous Skin- Edit[]

Hannah inherited the Preeminent Vampire ability to make her skin poisonous via her father.

Being able to reproduce and create Progeny/Offspring - []

It is unknown why but the Preeminent Vampire is able to have children of their own.

Super Sensing - []

Preeminent Vampires have extremely keen senses of hearing, sight and smell that far exceed those of immortals, supernatural hunters, non-Original vampires, werewolves, evolved werewolves, non-Original werewolf-vampire hybrids and humans.


Leadership - Due to her being a former leader of the s-team she has great leadership.

Physical Combat Prowess - In combat she is quite ruthless, though is very diverse in her methods of attack. She has learnt multiple fighting styles and sometimes using them simultaneously in combat, which can be quite deadly to her opponent..

Weaknesses []

<tabber> |-|Original Preeminent Vampire= Hannah has all Weaknesses of a Preeminent Vampire because she is one.

The Cure - []

If Hannah was to take the cure and ingests it, or gets forced it she will become an average Vampire.

Magic - []

Some magic if formidable enough can hurt her and even kill her if strong enough.

Desiccation - []

She can be desiccated by people like witches and witch hybrids. But through the use of magic desiccation, it can immobilise her and stop her.

Physical Trauma - []

While any physical trauma can slow an Original Preeminent down, minor ones such as cuts and bruises, are essentially ineffective due to the healing factor of an Original vampire. More significant injuries along the lines of broken bones and organ damage can incapacitate one due to the combination of pain and lack of their bodies proper function. However, the most effective way to neutralise an Original, albeit temporarily, is to inflict injury normally fatal to a human such as breaking their neck or ripping out their heart. Minor physical injuries such as gunshots, stab wounds and broken bones will cause an Original Vampire pain and also slow them down. However, this is momentary as they will heal completely within seconds. It seems physical trauma can hurt them anywhere on the body (ex-eye gauging, drowning).

Sunlight - []

Sunlight will burn a Preeminent vampire, but cannot kill them. All members of Darius' Line of The Salvatore Family (Darius' Bloodline) possess lapis lazuli rings to combat this. Samantha Salvatore and Darrien Salvatore are not affected by sunlight due to being a primordial werewolf-vampire witch tribrid.

Vervain - []

Vervain prevents preeminent vampires from compelling anyone (though to a certain extent). Depending on the amount of vervain Hannah is able to compel someone. <tabber> |-|Witch= Disbelief: The act of denying or disbelieving in one's potential could cause a witch to inadvertently suppress their magical power.

Distraction: Denying a witch from concentrating or giving full attention to their spells, may render them ineffective. Since most spells are spoken verbally and take time to take effect, witches are vulnerable to attack before their completion. Additionally, certain spells require items, tools, and/or special events during casting, therefore they can't be invoked on a mere whim.

Emotions: A witch's magic is subject to the influence of their emotional state and may fluctuate according to them when untrained. According to Sheila Bennett, strong emotions such as worry and anger can fuel a witch's power while emotions such as fear may prevent a witch from properly accessing their powers. Herbs: Ingestion of certain herbs can cause a witch to lose consciousness and prevent them from using magic for an undetermined amount of time. The Lobelia flower prevents concentration and, therefore, the practice of magic and can be used to temporarily weaken a witch.

Huntress' Blood: The supernatural huntress' blood can suppress all magic of a witch when consumed, as well as prevent magic from working on the said witch, as seen when the Armory could not perform a locator spell on Bonnie Bennett. Prolonged ingestion is toxic and ultimately leads to the death of the witch. Once black scabs start appearing on their body, the infected witches have less than a week of life. There is no known cure to combat this disease.

Witchcraft: Witches are still susceptible to the powers of witchcraft. This is inclusive of mystical and dark objects. A siphoner can siphon the magic from a witch and prolonged exposure can lead to death. Mortality: Despite their mystical attributes, witches are still human and share many of the same weaknesses as non-supernatural beings (e.g. age, decapitation, disease, heart-failure, suffocation, snapped neck, etc.). However, witches can temporarily get around this weakness through the use of protection spells.

Overexertion: The excessive use of magic can lead to Hannah becoming quite disorientation, getting nose bleeds, or even going unconsciousness, and if taken to the extreme, death.

Nature: It is said that Nature will always find a balance when witchcraft is performed, thus spells will always have loopholes. This means, among other things, that no being can be truly immortal.

Mystic Falls Founders Bell: An indestructible bell that amplifies the effects of the Staff of Arcadius when combined with the Maxwell Striker. When struck, it produces a high frequency that has some minor effects on witches and siphoners, giving them painful headaches, though it does not affect their ability to perform magic and cast spells. 
