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This article, Hello, Brother, is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time. Please contact the article creator for collaborations..

Hello, Brother is the fourteenth part of the first chapter and fourteenth part overall of the Omega Chronicles.


In the unknown location - Olga Milkov was slumbering as a cloaked figure entered her room. The cloaked figure sat on the bed and examined Olga before telling her that she was in the Afterhouse and explained that it was originally an afterlife plane created for deceased newborns and yet-to-be-borns before the release of Aries altered it. The cloaked figure recognised her child-like mind and realised that Olga was an artificial human and proceeded to fill her dreams to help her become an more adult-like.

In Salem; David, Pádraig, Jerick, and Gemini carried Olga's body to the Salem Cemetery as David requested Gemini to revive her, but she reiterated that'll it won't accomplish anything. Rajesh Tripathi arrived at David's Apartment with David entering after returning from the cemetery and greeted him before asking Rajesh why he has come out of hiding. Rajesh told him that Yashvi Venkatesh has arrived in Salem. David asked for more details and Rajesh told him about Angelo Frascone with David telling him about Anika Bhavsar. David offered Rajesh some bourbon, but he refused as David drank alone. Rajesh told him that Yashvi has come to reclaim the both of them and will stop at nothing to try to change David back.

The following morning - Stacey was approached by Anika and Angelo as they asked about Rajesh and David. Regina told them to leave as she was aware that they were Rakshasa-Witch Hybrids. Angelo revealed that the when angered he becomes irrational and almost ate a King for refusing Yashvi's simple requests. Angelo recounted the time their coven was almost brought to an extinction in 1954 by a Supernatural Hunter that mistook them for Vampires. Regina warned them to leave as she began manipulating their minds into seeing their greatest fears. Angelo warned that now that the Preeminent vampires and Original Preeminent Vampires were no more - Rakshasas are the new top predators and soon the time for Supernatural to reign will come before disappearing.

In Moscow, Russia - Gemini began approaching a door as she reflected on the conversation with Padraig, Jerick, and David. Gemini told them that she knew someone that could bring Olga back and even lengthened her lifespan. Padraig asked who she was referring to and Gemini simply said her "brother". Gemini opened a door to a man knocking back a couple shots of bourbon. Gemini said "Hello, Brother" to which he turned around and addressed her before asking how she was. Gemini asked Leo if he knew about Cancer and he told her that he and all other Zodiacs detected her death. Leo asked if she had a hand it in it and Gemini confirmed it. Gemini was sombre and told him of Olga Milkov. Gemini soon became nosy and asked about his life with Leo's carefree responses seemingly annoying her.

At the Witch House, Salem - Yashvi, Angelo, and Anika along with a few others entered the house dragging in the corpse of several vampires that were once part of Elijah's sireline including Annunciata Gaccione and were resurrected as Rakshasa. Yashvi declared that they were now members of the Rakshasa Coven whether they wanted to be or not. Yashvi told them to capture David and Rajesh in order to bring them into the fold.

On the roof of the Empire State Building; Aries was downing a bottle of bourbon as she talked to a bunch of tourists about the death of the sister and the betrayal of the other sister. After finishing her bottle she threw to the street below before disappearing from the roof.

David was ruining down the streets of Salem with Rajesh following behind using his invisibility. David called out to him and told him that he knee that Rajesh was following him. Rajesh uncloaked, but as he did; Annunciata threw a bucket of chilli seeds at him causing him to burn before snapping his neck before tranquillising David. They awoke in the back of Annunciata's truck with Rajesh bounded by seed-laced rope and David with his hands cuffed together.

Aries arrived at a national park looking for the amber from Bristlecone Tree. Yashvi appeared and told Aries that she had farmed all the amber early and stated that her deal with Cancer now falls on her. Aries told her that she doesn't care about her "stupid deal". She told Yashvi that she was going to make a weapon that can stake a Zodiac to avenge her sister. She explains that the concept of familial bonds was new to her and that he hates the idea that she was angry that one of her sisters was dead. Aries teleported away

Gemini explained her issue with Olga and asked for his help to revive her and extend her lifespan. Leo initially didn't want to as he was no longer interested in such lifestyles before complying. Gemini and Leo arrived at Olga's body with Leo conducting her his spell. Padraig and Jerick watched as they attempted to call David, but failed. Olga vanished from the Afterhouse; with her appearing naked and confused in the Salem Commons where Aries arrived to kidnap her.

At an undisclosed location; used Olga's blood to track the location of Æthelwulf's burial ground. Aries located it, but Anika was already there as she told her that she was planning to resurrect Æthelwulf as a Rakshasa. Aries magically knocked Anika away before proceeding to revive Æthelwulf as before taking him to the abandoned church. She then proceeded to raise Theophilia Flowers from the dead. Theophilia was confused and Aries explained that she explained her failure in getting the Golden Shears and placed a Bracelet of Obedience to force Theophilia to help her.

Yashvi was angered that Aries refused to honour her sister deal, however, Aries appeared before Annunciata's truck and forced it off the road. Aries tossed David away before holding Rajesh hostage and told her to hand the amber or she'll remove Rajesh from life and the coven won't be able to raise him. David broke free and managed to disable Aries by breaking her leg and free Rajesh allowing them to grab the amber. However, in her annoyance; Annunciata proceeded to maul David to death and snap Rajesh's neck before handing Aries the amber. Anika was outraged by Aries interruption with Angelo trying to calm her down.

Theophilia was forced to summoned Aries after she failed to get the shears from Alternate August. Aries gave her the Darius stone and sword. Theophilia managed to get the drop on Alternate August by depowering her daylight ring and then proceeded to weaken her with the stone before stabbing her with the Darius Stone. Theophilia managed to remove the shears from August's body magically. Aries appeared and tested the shears by severing the magic from the daylight ring resulting in it being permanently depowered.

Aries and Theophilia left Alternate August to suffer under the sunlight and returned to Salem. Aries freed Theophilia from her control and sent her away.

Back at Moscow, Russia - Gemini and Leo were sharing a bottle of bourbon as they were reflecting on whether or not they failed in resurrecting Olga, however, Virgo arrived to tell them she was indeed resurrected as she created the Afterhouse and could sense it shrinking. Virgo shared a drink with them in honour of their sister despite their misdeeds. Meanwhile; Back in Salem - David resurrected in the company of Padraig and Jerick. Jerick explained to David that they were able to get Leo to use a resurrection spell on Olga as he extended her lifespan. David asked where she was but none of them knew.

Back at the undisclosed location; Olga introduced herself to Æthelwulf, however, he told her that Aries already jammed a bunch of knowledge into his brain as she resurrecting him. Olga looked around and noticed that their blood was being used emptied into a bowl. Olga noticed a third and saw Annalise Denisa - passed out along with Josie Saltzman (Omega) and Lizzie Saltzman (Omega).

Anika proceeded to perform the Rakshasa Spell on Rajesh Tripathi to revive him and told him that he was lucky that the coven was still around and asked him if he knew any non-Rakshasa-Witch hybrids that can perform the spell on him.


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