An Immortal (plural, Immortals) are described as True Immortals they cannot age or die.
Normal Immortals[]
Most regular Immortals show at least some sign of emotion and prior to becoming Immortal all seem to have been good people.
Old Ones[]
- "The Old Ones were too strong, too cruel. They would destroy humanity if they could, would enslave the world in darkness and evil."
- ―Qetsiyah.
Old Ones are described to be extremely powerful, very strong, and very intelligent. However, all of them are known to be malevolent , violent, sadistic, cold and sinister. It is mentioned that if not for the Qetsiyah and Esther, the entire planet would be enslaved and dominated by the group of immortals known as the Old Ones already.
Because they are the first vampires have many powers and abilities that are not normal vampires, it is for this reason that the Old Ones are often arrogants, overconfident and tend to treat their enemies as toys or beings very inferior to them. However, when an Old One discovers that it can be hurt or destroyed, its personality changes drastically, proving to be extremely powerful, destructive, and deadliest.
In their own twisted way the Old Ones were also capable of "love". The ancients on rare occasions could feel affection or loyalty to other beings, but because of their powers, experiences, desires, and arrogance they were "blinded" by their own powers and immortality, avoiding their true emotions and feelings can be expressed to other beings.
Physical Appearance[]
Normal Immortals[]
Most immortals have a humanoid-like form as that's what most of them were prior to immortality.
Old Ones[]
The Old Ones have become such that they were never human, or believed they were never human, but have a human physical form. It has not been revealed whether or not they have another form besides their human one. The Old Ones are described as humans with a very attractive physical appearance, charming, polite, but surrounded by an evil and sinister aura.
List of Immortals[]
- Kateona - The Earliest known ancestor of The Gibson Family, trainer of many old witches, and a drinker of The Cup of Eternal Life.
- Tatiana - Sister to Kateona and one of the drinkers of the cup of immortality.
- The Primordials - Ancient Werewolves who are known as some of the most greatest people to ever live.
- Xanthe - The Earliest known Progenitor of The Salter Family.
- Silas - The Earliest known ancestor of The Salvatore Family.
- Amara - The Earliest known ancestor of The Petrova Family.
- Qetsiyah - The Earliest known ancestor of The Bennet Family.
- Cyrus Salvatore - Someone who made a deal with Arcadius that in exchange for Immortality he collects over 7000 souls for him, in which he completed and gained Immortality.
- Darius Salvatore - A man who is quite strong in his own right. He is feared by the most vicious of men and women respectively.
- Unnamed Original Preeminent Vampires - Darius' Offspring, given the blessing and curse of Immortality and eternal youth.
- Aaron Mikaelson - An Old One of unique magical properties, he was born with powerful Dark Magic that was difficult to control, and had to be sealed away when his powers became too dangerous.
Powers & Abilities[]
- Immortality - as Immortals, they are Immortal; hence the name
- Superhuman Strength - Most immortals have enhanced Strength, however the exact extent varies between Immortals.
- Superhuman Speed - Immortals have super speed.
- Healing factor - All Immortals ever shown can heal almost any and all injuries.
- Immortal refers to someone who cannot age or die; living forever; never dying or decaying.
- The Cup of Eternal Life grants someone Immortality.
- There have been little Immortals shown.