Vampire Diaries Fanon Wiki

In a flashback to ten years prior, Dorian and Alaric stumble across bodies that have been fed on and then burned to hide the evidence. Dorian suggests that it may not be Salvatore Students, however, Alaric finds a Salvatore School badge on one of the bodies.

In the 2018 Prison World, Lizzie is furious with Alaric over the treatment of Sebastian; Sebastian reveals that he had help, and Josie realizes that this is why Emma Tig returned to the school. Sebastian is angry when Alaric suggests gathering weapons, and he and Sebastian get into a fight, ending in Alaric stabbing Sebastian in the stomach. Josie questions why they're rushing to leave, given Kai is desiccated, however Alaric reveals that he may not be desiccated, but refuses to reveal the situation regarding the Prison World and the children sent there. Alaric tells Josie to retrieve the mora miserium and return to the Salvatore Boarding House. Meanwhile, Sebastian attempts to convince Lizzie to explore the Prison World with him, just for one day. Despite her initial reluctance, she eventually agrees when Sebastian tells her that nobody else is present in the Prison World.

Also in this episode a brief flashback would occur that showed the Supernatural Hunter Edward Montgomery being killed by Darius Salvatore after his advances and multiple killings of Preeminent Vampires loyal to Darius got him angry.
