Vampire Diaries Fanon Wiki

At 7 I was forced to work as a slave. I worked so hard and I tried so hard to not displease the ones I did labour under. If I was sent to clean and there was one rancid spec I would be subjected to numerous painful beatings. Every moment I had at escaping I tried which would only lead to more pain. So why?, why keep my humanity on if all it will do is lead to even more suffering. Not to mention all the voices. Everybody I've slaughtered, killed, and witnessed die. I can hear all of there voices painfully echoing throughout my vibrant mind. So that's why it's off.
— Kim tells Rebekah her deepest feelings and why she turned off her humanity for multiple centuries In I Couldn't Have Done This Without You

Familial Info[]

Kim Ashley Jamie Salvatore is the 3rd child of Darius Salvatore and is a sister to August Salvatore-Knight, Alexander Salvatore-Knight, Darrien Salvatore, Samantha Salvatore, and Darius' Unknown children.

Early History[]

Born in 1097 to an Unknown Witch and a courageous and valorous young knight during a one-night-stand, Kim would grow up not knowing her parents. This was because when she was born her father knew nothing in regards to her birth and her mother sold her to a merchant ship as a baby. She would eventually be abused and raised till the age of 6 and she was set to work as a slave at the age of 7. This life was quite hard to undergo and was relentless to her. After she turned 24 Kim would successfully flee from her life as a slave. Not long after this she would get a high bounty out for her capture. 14 years had went by and Kim would become caught, becoming a prisoner for over a year. She would use most of her time to build up her magical strength, before breaking out via magic, proving to be quite adept in that field. After Kim would run run and would turn her back until she stumbled upon american soil. From then on Kim would live there and would participate in the many wars that occurred throughout time. At an Unknown point within time Rebekah Mikaelson and Kim would become very close friends, considering each other family. After realizing her and her family lived in the town of Mystic Falls, Virginia she would be very hesitant to meet them and instead would watch from afar. To this day she still resides in the USA, choosing to live in the city of Los Angeles in order to expand her career even further.


Kim is a confident, tough and fundamentally well-meaning woman. She loves talking to others and though finds it hard to connect with her family. She enjoys modelling as well as acting and loves the thrill of doing very high action-packed things. Sometimes if something is too much of a handful she has been seen to "shut it all out" or avoid it. One of the most known instances of this occurring was when she told Rebekah Mikaelson the reason for why she shut off her humanity for centuries.

Physical Appearance[]

Kim is a young tomboy of Japanese and Afro-Italian Origin/Ancestry. She is a natural beauty, with dark brown eyes and straight, black hair that used to be long and waist-length. Later when she leaves to join the army, she cuts her hair with a sword into shoulder-length and ties it up in a bun. This helps her blend into the army so that the other soldiers don't know that she's really a woman. On other occasions her hair is grown and is left to flow out. Not to its original waist-length, but it's noticeably longer a few inches longer towards her back. Her hair is also seen as its original length (down to the waist).


Clothing In The Middle Ages[]

Kim Jamie Salvatore

Kim in a crimson red dress.

During the Middle Ages, Kim wore a range of outfits, from beautiful Hanfus (Chinese dresses) to her soldier's getup, and even her clothing that she was forced to wear as a slave, though her most notable outfits are a simple Hanfu, which consisted of either a creamy green-yellow dress, with blue over shirt, which has green sleeves, and a red band around her waist. She also sported a kung fu styled soldier's outfit, as well as her pink matchmaker's Hanfu Samurai-like armour.

Clothing In The Modern Day[]

Kim in more recent times wears what is in fashion and is popular among most people.

Except when she goes to war Kim does not wear any makeup or anything to beautify her appearance. Mulan is naturally beautiful nonetheless.

Clothing While Sleeping[]

When she sleeps, she wears a light blue tank top, short blue shorts, and is barefoot. She wears a dress consisting of a green long-sleeved shirt with olive brims and both yellow skirt and inside shirt with a low cut neckline, blue wrap, red waistband, and black ballet flats, but also has been seen barefoot as well.

Powers and Abilities[]

-Super Compulsion(being able to compel Werewolves, Witches and other Vampires)

-Immunity To Certain Magic

-Tracking If Kim comes in contact with someone then he can track them down by sensing their presence.

-Super Senses Kim's 5 senses are all heightened to a considerable degree above average vampires and this means he can know things that happening miles away.

-Poisonous Skin If she chooses Kim can make her skin poisonous due to her being a Preeminent Vampire. This toxin was designed so that Preeminent Vampires could get revenge if they died and it is fatal to most supernatural beings. The toxin spreads within 1-2 hours and it slowly eats away at your insides until you can no longer move. Then it completely rips you apart. Original Vampires and Primordial Werewolves are Very immune to this, though it just makes them weak.

-Enhanced Durability Kim has enhanced durability meaning that he is less susceptible to physical attacks and does not get hurt from them as easy as a regular vampire would.

-Reproducing Because Kim is an Original Preeminent Vampire he can reproduce and create offspring.

-Torture Resistance/Resistance To Torture Because she was tortured, beaten, and has endured so much pain she has grew a sort of resistance to the effects of torture and feels less pain than others.


Kim has the typical weaknesses of a Original Preeminent Vampire.


  • Kim is the 1st daughter and child of Darius Salvatore.
  • She was born in the 10th century (1097).
  • Kim turned her humanity off for multiple centuries.
  • Kim is an original Preeminent Vampire.