- "I looked her in the eye. Said 'I will always love you.', and then I plunged my stake into her heart. So you see, I will not stop here, in this town, until every last one of you vile vermin are eradicated. Long ago my grandfather told me something that rings true in this very moment, regarding vampires and monsters like you. You see, 'you do not talk to abominations, you do not reason with them. You erase them'."
- ―Lily Mikaelson shortly after staking a Gregor Davenport
Lily Mikaelson is Rami Mikaelson's daughter with Sam Newgate. She is an English-born Preeminent Vampire, who was wildly successful during the era of piracy. She is described as being a vampire who lived in the 'Golden Age' of their species.
Early History[]
Early Life[]

A young Lily Mikaelson staring down her Father.
Lily was the most prodigal child of Rami's and even her whole family line of esteemed witches. Lily's mother (Sam Newgate), had become very fond of her potential, and the possibility that Lily may be able to use her magical powers, even in death. This was because she came from a very powerful coven, and the firstborns of said coven were able to use their magic even in death. So she believed, that as a Vampire, Lily may be able to still use her power. In a way she had even become obsessed with her potential and power, travelling to Haiti in a hopes of finding anything that proved this to be true. The only person more obsessed with Lily was her own father, Rami Mikaelson. The difference being his obsession was out of "love" for his own daughter for in his words his "own creation, something he had put on the earth", and thus he "loved" Lily with all his heart, and in return, Lily even favored her father.
One day Lily would be playing with a few rocks as her mother would force her to break down a brick wall with the stones. Lily would succeed in this task but behind it was another wall. Lily would fail in breaking down the second wall with her mother looking down on her. Rami would see this excusing Sam from the area, as Lily would begin to cry telling her father that she's reached her limit and even so, her mother continues to berate her. Rami would comfort Lily, with her giving him a hug for making her feel better. Rami would hold his daughter until she fell asleep in his arms resting her on a bed. This would allow Rami some time to talk to Sam, telling her that they will each teach Lily, of the use of magic, and also how to kill supernatural creatures such as Vampires and Werewolves.
South Bohemian Region, Czech Republic, 1489-1494[]

Lily training with her father.
In 1489, Rami would begin to teach Lily on how to kill the supernatural, starting with Vampires. He later teaches her all about other species.
Several years later Rami would have to leave to accompany Mikeal once more. Lily would stay with mother after then. Over the course of her teen years, her mother's obsession would grow even further, until she took Lily's own life, to simply test a theory. Born with Rami's vampiric blood in her system from birth, Lily would awake in transition as a Vampire.
Lily refrains from feeding on a servant of her estate, and almost kills her mother, sparing her, and abandoning her making her enter transition into a monster. Lily would then set out to make a name for herself. Before doing so, and leaving the country, she would force her mother to conjure a spell on her, to make her stay a transitioning vampire, unable to stomach the thought of becoming a Vampire. Using dark magic Lily's mother is able to complete the spell, and uses it on Lily. Lily then has a witch perform a Longevity spell on her, before fleeing Europe for a time.
16th Century[]

Lily after becoming a Vampire Hunter.
Over the course of the 16th Century, according to her diaries, she travelled country-to-country, slaughtering the supernatural population of each, until it was completely devastated, and/or destroyed. She did this to Algeria, Vietnam, and even Afghanistan to name a few.
Haiti, 1643[]

Lily as her heart had been ripped out by Kol Mikaelson.
In 1643, Lily would be hunting a Vampire who she had heard rumours of being an Original. She had picked up many tricks at this point, so she very much believed that she could take on any Vampire in her path. Upon arriving in Haiti, she would find a Vampire in a tavern, who she believed to be the one she was looking for. They battle for a time, before the vampire, revealing himself to be Darius Salvatore, picks her up, throws her to the ground, and fractures her spine, paralyzing her from the waist down. Feeling sympathy and remorse for his actions, Darius feeds her his blood, healing her. He then leaves, although Lily chases him, but he vanishes. Realizing Darius wasn't the vampire she was looking for, she followed more leads, and eventually found the one she was searching for. It was Kol Mikaelson. After learning the women who stood before him wished to kill him, he would sigh wishing not to kill her for belief that she was witch, but knowing he had to, would do so in a timely fashion, ripping into her heart, and killing her.
Kol leaves, and Lily would awake hours later in transition as a Preeminent Vampire. Her newfound and even powerfuller urges to drink human blood would consume her, and she would feed on townsfolk, becoming one of the things she hated most, a vampire. She then walked to a small settlement and viscously slaughtered and mangled all of its two-hundred and fifty-four inhabitants. She ravished and enjoyed the kill.
After 1643[]
Lily would rush to stop her temptations for blood, but couldn't and thus she would set out to sea. It was here in the vast ocean, that she would have a small encounter with her father, who was ready to leave her and her crew in shambles. He gave his crew the excuse that she was a lady but in fact Rami had recognized Lily as his daughter unable to face her in his "Ripper" state, he had decided to turn his ship around, and in his guilt he would rip into several coastal peoples. Lily realizing she had just seen her father would be distraught also unable to face Rami in fear of what he would think by seeing what she had became. After leaving the seas after a daunting encounter with the vampire Sebastian, she would be able to control her temptations and live amongst humans once more as a Vampire Hunter who hunts Vampires.
Quebec, 1885[]

Lily after raging several massacre in order to draw out Rayna Cruz's attention.
Lily would see herself at this point strong enough to locate her father, and she would seek him out using a locator spell, although it was incredibly taxing on her stamina. The locator spell would bring her to her father, who's soul had been trapped in the Phoenix Stone. Lily would cry at the sight of a deceased Rami Mikaelson, vowing to find a way to bring him back to life. First, she would create several massacres to draw out Rayna Cruz, the person responsible for her father's death. In contact and on speaking terms with a majority of her biological half-siblings, Lily would call in favours from them, and together, they would revive their father. Lily decapitates Rayna Cruz in a violent rage, before taking the stone from out of her blade, and placing it on her father's chest. Her half-siblings then use a spell to bring Rami's spirit back to his body. It's successful and Rami thanks his daughter and his other children. Unaware that he is their father, they return to their homes, and Lily leaves the Phoenix Stone in Quebec, before throwing Rayna Cruz' sword into the St. Lawrence River.
Mystic Falls, 2021[]
In 2021 Lily would venture to the city of Mystic Falls to live with her father in Rami's Estate,
As a Witch[]
Lily is described as a kind, compassionate, caring, loving, and independent woman. Lily also loves the nature tending to spend most of her time in it.
As a Preeminent Vampire[]
As a Vampire Lily's emotions were only amplified by becoming one and thus she's even more kind and independent.
As a Ripper[]
As a Ripper Lily is described to be Monstrous even vicious a "true ripper" in the words of Sebastian Salvatore. Killing the people closest to her she didn't care if they were Human or Vampire she would rip into them the same.
Whilst she does see Vampirism as a curse she has actually turned several Humans into Vampires her count numbers at 47 Vampires turned.
Powers and Abilities[]
Lily has all the powers and abilities of a Non-Original Preeminent Vampire. Being over 540+ years old, and a truly experienced vampire hunter, she can easily best vampires younger and older than herself, with ease. She is also very well versed in wielding both a sword and a bow and arrow. Furthermore, Lily has been sipping vervain for centuries. This means that she has built a formiddle resistance to it.
Lily has all the powers and abilities of a Non-Original Preeminent Vampire.
The name Lily comes from the Latin word lilium. Lily, meaning "pure," "passion," or "rebirth," is derived from the flower of the same name. In the present-day Lily is an English name used in reference to the popular white, showy flower. It signifies purity and innocence.
Mikaelson is an Norwegian viking patronymic surname meaning "son of Mikael". There are varied English and Scandinavian spellings as well.