Vampire Diaries Fanon Wiki

Mara known as the goddess of hate, and ruler of the Anti Universe.

The war of the Gods[]

When time was created so were the gods, and goddesses. Wanting power for herself to be above the gods like the ancient titans she declared war against her brothers & sisters which caused the creation of the multiverse. When she was defeated the gods, and goddesses banished her to the Anti Universe were she remained for all eternity.

Decimation of the Multiverse[]

With her powers completely restored, and seeking to weaken her siblings she plans to wipeout other universes while expanding the Anti Universe. After she recruited those banished to the Anti Universe, and created a powerful weapon known as the Time Ripple she tested it by destroying the Zeta Universe in success. Due to the energy use she decided to improve her weapon to wiping out a universe without losing energy.
