This article, Metamorphosis, is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time. Please contact the article creator for collaborations.. |
Metamorphosis is the first part of Chapter One and first part overall of H2O.
Recap; Cleo Sertori, Emma Gilbert, and Rikki Chadwick joined the members of Salem Gang on a journey on Mako Island. Emma, Cleo, and Rikki fall into the Moon Pool during a Full Moon causing the magic of the Pool to turn them into Mermaids. Elsewhere Cancer; kills Neil Gilbert before turning him into a Rakshasa. Neil ultimately devoured Lisa Gilbert as he was left cradling Lisa's body.
It was November 4th, 2031; Cleo Sertori was staring at her sink wondering how she was going to brush her teeth without transforming into a Mermaid after a few mishaps the day prior. She proceeded to clean her teeth without water the toothpaste and used a glass of water to spit the toothpaste out. Donald Sertori and Bev Sertori entered the bathroom and told Cleo that they were going to another counselling session, and told her to feed the animals before she left. Cleo complied a fed the fish, the dog, and the cat. Just as she was getting ready to leave; her sister Kim Sertori emerged from her room and told her that she'd like some snacks to which Cleo told her to stop playing "Lamenite" and get it herself; Kim corrected her in saying that it is "Fortnite" and that she was finally winning. Cleo told her that she was busy and to get Samantha to help her.
At Lisa Gilbert's house; Emma Gilbert was eating some vegemite while texting her mother wanting to know where she was. However, she received no answer from her as Elliot Gilbert and Will Benjamin barge into the house as if they owned the place while calling out to Emma. Emma berated them for entering without knocking as Elliot had made it clear that he doesn't live with their mother anymore. Emma asked Elliot where her mother was to which Elliot told her that they he saw them at Neil's house.
At the Chadwick House; Rikki Chadwick was laying in a bathtub as she seemed to be fully embracing her new change when a knock at the door caused her to panic, she called out, and her father responded. Terry asked if he could come, but Rikki told him that she was undressed and that it would be inappropriate for him to come in. Terry told her that he was going to work and wanted to say goodbye to her. Rikki wished him well before hopping out of the tub and drying herself off before walking out to the kitchen in nothing but her underwear.
At Neil Gilbert's house; Constable Carly Morgan and Senior Constable Thomas Kent were establishing a crime scene when Police Sergeant Terry Chadwick arrived. Thomas asked about Rikki to which Terry told him stay on task. Terry entered the crime scene and found the mangled corpse of Lisa Gilbert. Thomas asked whether he thought it was a Werewolf attack or Vampire attack. Terry corrected him that Werewolves rarely come to Australia and that it would be more likely a Weredingo attack because of the mess. Terry was disheartened as Lisa was close friend of the families even after everything that happened between his ex-wife and her ex-husband. Terry ordered the other police to vacate the premises before being interrupted by Sherilee Bennett. Terry told her that she was trespassing on the crime scene and that she's not the Police Superintendent anymore.
Emma was walking through town trying to avoid water as much as possible as a single drop when turn her into a Mermaid. She managed to avoid most of the water surfaces and was nearly blasted by hose from a next-door neigbhour.
At the Southbank Beach under a shelter; Zane Bennett and Lewis McCartney were preparing some fish to eat when Miriam Kent approach them and asked Zane whether or not he was coming to the Pool Party. Zane declined as neither Lewis nor Cam Mitchell were invited and that if he was going to some harlot's pool party he'll want his buddies with him to scare away the clap-trap. Lewis told Zane that he wasn't being nice only for Cam to come up to them and tell Miriam to take no for an answer. Miriam turned away before punching Zane in the face and then tackling him to the ground. She proceeded to repeatedly punch only for Sophie Benjamin and Lyla McCartney to force her off him and threatened to beat her up if she bothered Zane once again. Zane called her crazy prompting her try to hit him again only for Lyla to catch her fist and strong arm her away.
Neil stumbled through Commerce Street as he was confused by his surroundings; Emma noticed her father as she was walking with Cleo and discussing walking at JuiceNet. Emma asked Neil where he's been and Neil coldly asked her why she suddenly cares and she reminded him that he has a son to think about. Rikki arrived addressing Neil as "homewrecker" while coldy asking Emma whether she'll be at work or not. Emma told her that she'll be there before her shift. Rikki told her not to bother as they've been invited to a Pool Party, however, Cleo told her that they weren't going. Rikki sympathetically told Cleo that she can't stay away from society for ever while coldly telling Emma that she was should have fun once and while. Neil became suspicious about their behaviour and decided that he'll join the fun as well.
Cleo met up with Lewis and shyly flirted with him as Lewis was discussing his adventures. He told Cleo about Miriam attacking Zane and to watch at for her due to her being angered by Zane. Cleo thanked and asked whether or not he was coming to the pool party, but Lewis told her that he wasn't invited. Cleo asked him for drink and he declined telling her that he had to get some things with his sister. Cleo dejectedly asked for another time and Lewis suggested next Friday.
At the Pool Party; Miriam Kent walked Cleo and Rikki into the party along with Neil and the three decided to enjoy the party. Cleo spotted Samantha and noticed her drinking from the punch bowl. She stormed up to her and scolded her for drinking alcohol to which Samantha told her to mind her own business. Miriam watched them argue as she continued to spike the punch bowls with Vodka and Vampire blood.
Back at Lisa Gilbert's house; she let out an audible gasp as Terry gave her a stunned look. Lisa mentioned that last night she was at a bar when a stranger came up to her and shared drinks with her. She remembered him telling her not to question him putting his blood into the drinks and Terry told her that she was in transition. Lisa was confused and Terry decided to tell her about the supernatural. Terry told her to keep it down as Sherilee will kill her if she found out. Terry decided to take her to care and had Carly and Thomas tell Sherilee that they brought her back with the help of an ally. Terry took her home and gave her a blood bag to help her complete the transition and told her that she'll be unable to go outside as the Sun will burn her to death, but due to not being invited in - she began being forced out of the house when Terry grabbed hold of her and called Emma. At first Emma was confused by Terry's request to invite her mother into her own house, but Terry told her she's a little tipsy from last night and won't come in. He handed the phone so that Emma could invite in causing the house to stop trying to eject her.
Back at the Pool Party; Miriam watched everyone become drunk as Neil led a couple of drunken partygoers into Miriam's house and proceeded devour them. Miriam ran inside when the bodies of the girls were found. Everyone, but Cleo went inside. Miriam pushed Cleo into the water for stopping her sister from drinking the punch bowl just as Lewis arrived. Lewis ran over to help her, but she changed into a Mermaid shocking Lewis. Cleo exclaimed that he cannot tell anyone about her being, but Neil Gilbert exited the house and saw her in the pool. He helped her out and took her away from the party.
Neil and Lewis took her to the McCartney House and helped her dry off. Cleo changed back, however, she smelled the blood on Neil's breath and asked him about to which he revealed that according to Cancer; he was now a Rakshasa and has trouble controlling his hunger. Neil explained that he fed on the two girls at the party and was scared that he'll do it again. Neil was dead against Emma finding out and pleaded with her to keep his secret, however, Cleo was reaffirmed him that she'll be understanding. Neil grabbed handful of leaves from the Witch-hazel that Lewis was growing a threw it at Cleo causing hives and rashes to form on the spot he threw them at and ran from the house - using his invisibility.
At the Southbank Wharf; Neil was feeding on a backpacker when a sudden sharp sensation of pain came from his back. Sherilee was standing behind him and as she told him that a silver stake dipped in a solution made from Zinc nitrate, and concentrated Copper(I) Oxide was enough to drop him to the ground. She told him that Cancer told her all about Rakshasa and how to kill them as she pulled out a brass knife and proceeded to try to kill him only for Miriam to whack her over the head with a Nine Iron. Miriam told him that she made a deal with Cancer to have him turned into a Rakshasa to help him get his revenge for the Mayor denying his petition to rebuild the Southbank Private School. Neil recounted the amount of money he lost because of it and thanked for her help. Miriam told him that she got a Vampire to give her a supply of blood of which she gave some to Lisa and the rest to everyone at her pool party.
Emma met Rikki at the Southbank Pub where Rikki was downing some whiskey and Emma decided to join her. Emma told Rikki that she wants to be able to put their parents transgressions last and try to put their friendship first. Rikki turned to her told her that every time she looked at Emma; she was reminded of Neil and her mother cheating on her father. Emma expressed her hope that they'll be able to move past as did Rikki. Rikki ordered for Emma and told her to she was trying and that she'll promise to be less cold to her from now on. Cleo entered and told Emma that about her father and that he was some sort of monster called a Rakshasa now. Lisa suddenly appeared and asked Cleo where Neil was confirming Cleo's claim. Cleo told her that she didn't know and asked why she wanted him to which Lisa revealed that she was mauled to death by Neil and was now a Vampire.
Cleo decided to go to her place with Emma, Rikki, and Lisa with Kim questioning why they're loudly marching inside and asked Cleo whether she got her snacks to which Emma told Kim to start taking responsibility in her life. Lisa proceeded to compel Kim into limiting her video game time to 2 hours and a day as well as start doing things for herself. Kim proceeded to tell her that she was going to get the stuff herself and left. The girls revealed their secret to Lisa to which she was stunned, amazed, and shocked by the new form. Lisa revealed that Miriam planned it all and has talked Neil into going after the Mayor. Cleo agreed to stop him after Emma and Rikki refused to stop him.
Zane Bennett sat at the Southbank Town Hall with Cam Mitchell, Sophie Benjamin, and Lyla - Elliot and Will past them to which Zane called out to them that the 2000s called and wants its stoners back. Elliot mocked Zane's insults and asked him if he was planning to bully him by boring him to death with outdated insults. Zane threw one of his book at him to which Elliot mocked and said that if he was that bad at controlling his emotion and than maybe he shouldn't bully people. Neil arrived and berated his son for egging on Zane and told him to go home. Neil went over to Zane and proceeded to throw him into a car windscreen and told him to either become a man and stop bullying kids or stay being a worthless boy and keep bullying his son.
Neil seemingly disappeared soon after when he reality he simply shrunk himself before going up to the Mayor's office. Neil used several illusions to prevent the Mayor from running, however, Cleo burst through the door and managed to moderately overpower Neil, however, after her exposure to water - she transformed into a Mermaid before unconsciously using her Mermaid magic - knocking Neil into through the wall. Cleo crawled into the next room and proceeded to unconsciously say "Orbis Aqua" summoning puddle of water above Neil's head which simply splashed down onto him. Neil was more confused than harmed by actions and Cleo unconsciously again used another spell with "Aqua Convertat Ignibilia" before using a lighter on him causing the water to ignite and Neil become ablaze. Neil managed to shake off the fire as Lisa arrived to whisk the Mayor away before whisking Cleo away.
Lisa compelled the mayor to believe that the hole in the wall of his office was always there and to forget the illusions. Cleo spook with the girls and told them that they power seemed to be in control of them and not the other way around she tried to find away to get it under their control. Lisa drank with them and told them that it was a long road for them all.
Elsewhere at the Wharf; Neil complained to Miriam that he was stopped and asked for her continued help, but Miriam told him that she going to leave the Mayor's fate in Neil's hand and will not take part anymore. Confused Neil asked why and Miriam told him that she didn't realise that kind of carnage he'd wrought and it scared her into changing her mind.
- Antagonist: Neil Gilbert and Miriam Kent
- This part is a reimagined of the first episode of Season 1 of H2O: Just Add Water] while combining the first and second episode plots into this Part.
- Lewis McCartney and Neil Gilbert learns of Cleo's secret.
- Cleo and Lewis learn of Neil being a Rakshasa.
- Lisa Gilbert learn of Emma, Rikki, and Cleo's secret and vice versa.
- Metamorphosis can refer to Neil's transformation into a Rakshasa as well as Cleo, Emma, and Rikki's transformation into Merfolk.
Body Count[]
- 2 Pool Partygoers - Mauled by Neil Gilbert
- Backpacker - Mauled by Neil Gilbert