Vampire Diaries Fanon Wiki

This article, Miriam Kent, is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time. Please contact the article creator for collaborations..

Miriam Kent is one of the primary characters of H2O and the primary antagonist of Chapter One. She is 121-year-old Nagini that has retained her 21-year-old appearance.


Miriam is a spoilt, attention-seeking, and manipulative individual that cares for herself and her grandson. She makes herself known to others using her powers as a Naga to insert memories of her being their lives.


Miriam is a blonde haired woman with green eyes and a caucasian appearance of the height of 5'5".



Miriam Kent travelled with her husband and son to Surat in 1930 when she was only 20 years old at the time, however, a day later on January 1st, 1931 - Miriam was kidnapped by members of the Rakshasa Coven whom intended to turn her into a Rakshasa, but she fell into their Moon Pool which had been altered to transform anyone that goes into it - into a Naga. She managed to escape with her family.

Her husband shunned her due to her new abilities and forbade her from seeing her son. Instead she first used her memory abilities to create memories of her still being human and them being a loving family. She altered the memories of the coven to prevent them from remembering her. Every decade since - she'd alter the memories of everyone to believe that she's either the niece, granddaughter, and daughter of her husband until eventually in 2031; she made herself out to be the sister of her grandson Thomas Kent.

She planted a memory of her playing a prank on Samantha that caused Cleo to become bitter enemies.


Miriam first encountered Cancer at the Southbank Wharf where after a rude encounter - she was given Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease, but thanks to her Naga abilities - she was able to return to normal state the next day.

During the next day - Miriam persuaded Neil Gilbert into taking revenge on the Town mayor for refusing to his petition to open the Southbank Private School.
