Vampire Diaries Fanon Wiki

Elijah in the 1920s

Nick in the 1920s.

Elijahs preeminent vampire eyes glow a crimson red and he gets angry

1564 - Nick's Original Preeminent Vampire eyes glow a crimson red as he gets angry at his father.

Nicholas Elijah Salvatore is a former leader and member of the order as well as a former Supernatural Hunter and member of The Five. Nicholas is the biological son of Darius Salvatore.

Early Life[]

Nicholas was raised solely by his mother (as his father was unaware of his existence). At some point in his early years as Human/Witch he would become a member of The Five (Most evidence points to this happening in 1502).

1554, India[]

Nicholas would attack a group of people known as The Rakshasa Coven within India in 1554. In 1554 the Rakshasa Coven was almost brought to extinction when by Nicholas because he mistook one of its members as a Vampire and attempted to systematically hunt them all, however, Nick was killed by the survivors and turned into a Rakshasa himself. Nick did not have a chance at becoming an Original Preeminent Vampire after his death (via his father) because he was turned into a Rakshasa so quickly. He would rebel against the Rakshasa's and would go rouge, killing 4 Rakshasa's and escaping. Afraid that he would be subject to the ghoulish transformations of Rakshasa that he once researched Nicholas would attempt suicide. Once this failed he would leave India and would start chasing the Vampire Darius Salvatore.


SInce the start of 1557 Nick was violently chasing down the Vampire Darius Salvatore. It would not be until 1564 that Nick would be able to find him (he had already chased him across 4 countries). Nick and Darius battled intensely though it would ultimately result in Darius choosing to kill Nick and after he would turn him into a Vampire. Because he died Nick would become an Original Preeminent Vampire and would stare at his father intensely, before leaving. Unknown circumstances would eventually lead to Nick forcibly desiccating himself and he has been in state for centuries.


Nicholas appears as a cool and confident person with a sometimes laid back and confident demeanor most of the time while occasionally expressing a morose outlook towards the Vampire, Werewolf, and even witch community. He can be vicious with his hunt of the supernatural and those he hunts will have to face him at some point. This was alluded to when Nick chased Darius Salvatore throughout Europe for multiple years years. He knows when he has lost and though he does not like doing this will stand down to a challenge if he must.

Physical Appearance[]

Nicholas has black hair, brown eyes and olive skin. He seems to prefer to wear dark clothing. Despite this if the occasion calls for it he will dawn the necessary attire.


Nicholas is a Supernatural Hunter. When he was killed and transformed into a Rakshasa he became a Supernatural Hunter-Rakshasa Hybrid. Then after chasing Darius Salvatore across Europe, Poland, Greece, and Spain he would be killed and turned into a Preeminent Vampire. This turned Nicholas into an Original Preeminent Vampire-Supernatural Hunter-Rakshasa Tribrid. Nick is the son of Darius Salvatore and an Unknown Women who he impregnated.

Powers and Abilities[]

As a 19 year old Nicholas had the powers and abilities of a Witch.

As a 20+ year old Nicholas had the typical powers and abilities of a Rakshasa Supernatural Hunter Hybrid.

As a 538+ year old Desiccated Original Preeminent Vampire Arthur had the regular powers of an Immortal Original Preeminent Vampire.


Swordsmanship: In Evil Shall Perish Darius states that Nick fought him considerably well in the art of swordsmanship during their time in battle.


As a 19 year old Nicholas had the normal weaknesses of a Witch.

As a 20+ year old Nicholas had the typical weaknesses of a Rakshasa Supernatural Hunter Hybrid.

As a 538+ year old Desiccated Original Preeminent Vampire Arthur had the weaknesses of an Immortal Original Preeminent Vampire.


Nicholas Salvatore appears in every timeline aside from the New Timeline. In the New Timeline Darius Salvatore (Nick's Father) did not meet Nicholas' mother.



Nicholas, Nickolas, Niklaus, Nikolas, Nikolaus or Nicolas is a male given name, derived from the Greek name Νικόλαος (Nikolaos), understood to mean "victory of the people", being a compound of νίκη nikē "victory" and λαός laos "people".


Recorded as Salvadore, Salvadori, Salvati, Salvatori, Salvatore (Italian), Salvador (Spanish, Portugese and Catalan), this an early medieval surname of great popularity. It means literally 'saviour save you' and was used in honour of the Christ. Nicholas inherited the name from his father.


  • Nicholas is the son of Darius Salvatore, an Unknown Human, and brother to Darius children,
  • Nicholas' only known appearance in The Legacies series was in the episode of Legacies known as Evil Shall Perish.
  • Nicholas was born in October making his Zodiac Sign Libra.
  • Katie is Nicholas' daughter.
  • Instead of the name Nicholas he was going to be named Elijah (Middle Name: Nicholas) Salvatore, though a last minute decision prompted a name change.
  • Nicholas was born November 12, 1481.