Vampire Diaries Fanon Wiki


Becoming a Vampire Hunter[]

Tools and Weapons[]

Noah has created many tools and weapons often exploiting the various weaknesses a vampire might have in order to combat them more effectively. It should be noted that some of these tools were in fact created by witches to help them.

  • Stakes: A wooden stake of any kind and type is harmful and also fatal to a vampire.
  • Vervain: Using vervain on a vampire will causes a vampire to become severely feverish and weak and will also burn their skin.
  • Crossbow: A bolt fired from crossbow has been shown to hurt a vampire.
  • Supernatural Compass: Created, and enchanted by Monica Sayers, this compass was used to find and locate vampires.
  • Resurection Ring: Although only worn by Noah, these rings protect people from being killed by supernatural beings or causes, as long as the ring is worn.
  • Supernatural Device: Another device created by Monica Sayers, this device is a weapon against all supernatural beings and when it's activated, any such being within a 5 blocks radius will be incapacitated.

Other Weapons[]

  • Werewolf Toxin
  • Wooden Bullets
  • Enhanced Wooden Bullets
  • Vervain Grenades
  • Stake Grenade
  • Paralytics
  • Vervain Darts