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This article, Olga Milkov, is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time. Please contact the article creator for collaborations..

Olga Milkov is the clone of Elena Gilbert and Amara. Due to the circumstance surrounding her conception - Olga is currently the remaining Doppelgänger of Amara. While she is biologically 31 due to rapid ageing; she is chronological only 19 years old. She is the main female protagonist of the Omega Chronicles.


She is cool, confident, sociable, approachable and popular much like the Novel version of Elena Gilbert. Due to her rapid-ageing, she wasn't able to properly mature and she comes off as very shallow, bossy, selfish, childish, competitive, self-absorbed, vain, proud, overly headstrong and extremely spoiled.


Olga is identical to Elena Gilbert in appearance and as well as sense of style.



Cancer Chapter[]

Under the instructions of Cancer; Grigori Milkov and his at the time - girlfriend - Jessica used a sample of Elena's and Amara's blood that Cancer was able to convert to Human blood and use it to produce a clone of Elena.

Grigori and Jessica married sometime after the clone was born and raised her as their daughter. Elena remained in the dark about her due nature and was led to believe that her rapid ageing was caused by a rare disease.

Her parents moved to Salem in order to prevent the Mystic Falls Gang from finding out about Cancer and her plan for the Amara Doppelgänger line. Gemini was able to extend Olga's age and restore her to her youthful 31-year-old appearance despite being only 19.

David would later meet Olga and befriend her, but learn of her conception from Gemini. After David informed Olga that she was a clone - she decided to find out Cancer's plan, however, Aries confronted them with the intent on creating some new Original Vampires and is intent on using Olga for both as her blood and one of the people to become an Original, however, David was able to fight Aries off and nearly overpowered her.

Pádraig came up with a plan to use kill Aries once and for all, and went with Olga and David to discuss the plan at the Salem Library. Pádraig noted that each of Zodiacs have actively refused to physical touch Leprechaun Gold which prompted him to think that it is possibly the only known method of killing a Zodiac. David questioned on how they'll get the Aries to touch the Gold and Pádraig stated that they may have to force her to.

Jerick arrived at the library where Pádraig, Olga, and David were plotting on a way to kill Aries and Jerick offered to help. Pádraig was concerned that he'd been driven to rage by joining them but Jerick reaffirmed that so long as he doesn't consider the three of them as a family or a group. He'll be fine.

Rakshasa Coven Chapter[]

Olga met up with David after they returned from Annalise's universe and learned about the death of Cancer. Olga found Pàdraig behind a dumpster with a vial of Cancer's ashes and demanded to know why he had the ashes but he refused to answer. Olga vowed to learn what Pádraig was hiding left to find David.

David sought out Olga to find out where Rajesh went but she had no idea. She tried to press the issue but David didn't want to say anything just yet. Later, Olga was filling up her car at the gas station where she was approached by Aries. Aries told her not to run or her seek help as she'll kill her if she tried. Aries then proceeded to knock her out.

Olga awoke on a barge and noticed that she wasn't alone as Æthelwulf, Josie Saltzman (Omega), Lizzie Saltzman (Omega), and Annalise Denisa. Aries used the doppelganger blood of Annalise, Aethelwulf, and herself to recreate Esther's Immortality spell before staking Aethelwulf, Olga, and Josie while Jeremy was able to interrupt Aries, however, a second syringe containing cyanide was used as a backup plan resulting in both Lizzie and Annalise dying from cyanide poisoning as a result.

After being forced to complete their transition; each of them began to burn under the sunlight, however, Jeremy was able to steal the cure that Aries made and used on Annalise. Gemini sent Jeremy, Annalise, Isabella, and Annalise's newborn back to their universe before sending four Originals to her apartment.

After becoming an Original Vampire; she along with the others were taken to Gemini's apartment where David greeted her with a hug. After receiving her daylight ring - she left with David.

David proceeded to try and help Olga adjust to her situation. David contacted Rajesh and asked him to steal some blood bags. After receiving the blood bags - David was getting ready to give them to her only for Gemini-One to spell them to refill every time she empties them. Angelo attempted to attack David for "betraying" the Rakshasa Coven but Olga was able to save him by slashing him across the face with a brass nail.

After David returned as his attempt to take down the Coven and received a few choice words from Olga and was surprised that David let Angelo complete his transition to a Vampire but was disappointed that he refused to give a Daylight Ring out of pettiness. David and Olga decided to seize the day and try to have a supernatural-free day, but after David decided to go to the Witch House as Olga followed him and stated that their might be another amber in the house. David approached the current owner and asked her to invite Olga in before the Mokujin arrived. David was confused by it and stated that it "looked like Mokujin from the Tekken Series". It slowed approached David but Olga got in the way, however, David remembered that the character was made White Oak and told her that the figure might also be made from White Oak as well. Olga managed to avoid being hit by it as she noticed the wood and confirmed that it indeed is made from White Oak. David decided to call it a Mokujin as he avoided being grabbed. Jerick arrived and attempt to the wood person down but before it could do any more damage a Salem witch named Miranda Loven used her magic to freeze the Mokujin in place allowing David, Jerick, and Olga to escape.

Miranda Loven caught up with them and informed that the wooden person won't give up until he has completed its task. David asked for the name of the creatures but Miranda said it didn't really matter only David to decide on naming it "Mokujin". Miranda managed to get David's focus back on the situation at hand as she tries to research it. David asks for the history of Rakshasa but Miranda wants to stay on track with the Mokujin. David asks Jerick to fill him as he is going to talk to Angelo Frascone. Miranda tells him that Mokujin has low mobility and can be destroyed by fire. David thanks and heads off as Olga follows him in order to help him.

Olga helps David by compelling Angelo to answer his questions. Angelo reveals the origin of Rakshasa to have started with the first Rakshasa Spell which wasn't as perfect as the current one. The official lie that has been told is that the spell's requirements consist of the blood of a carnivorous animal, a large source of magic, and a recently deceased corpse. However, he is the true requirements are much more involving. Angelo reveals the original spell that created the first of the Rakshasa species known which was created by a Coven of witches of which Angelo has come to known was led by Cancer. The Imperfects failed to transition properly and died as a result only a family of three were successful while she tried again but used a curse but the cursed variants were mostly rabid and uncontrollable. But both spells left both variants with magical blood that Cancer used as part of the true requirements to the Rakshasa Spell. Cancer altered the premise of an old resurrection spell and used it to create the spell that was necessary to give way to the Rakshasa species. Olga was impressed by Cancer's determination but was more shocked that from Angelo's description of the two Rakshasa variants are essentially components. David thanked Angelo for his help before handing him a Daylight Ring. Olga was surprised by David's action with David simply saying that he isn't a jerk, however, as Angelo took the ring he was staked by the Mokujin Samurai.

Powers and Abilities[]

Olga seems to possess incredible fighting prowess as she was able to defend herself against Witches and Vampires.

Olga has the standard abilities of an Original Vampire.


As Olga is an Artifical Human she possess several unqiue weakness.

  • Mortality - Like are a regular Human; Olga is mortal can die from traditional means of death for a Mortal.
  • Rapid Ageing - As an Artificial Huamn; Olga ages at an rapid rate making her an elderly woman at the age of 19.

Olga has the typical weaknesses of an Original Vampire.


  • Grigori Milkov (father-daughter)
  • Jessica Milkov (Mother-daughter)
  • David Phoenix (acquaintance)
  • Gemini (acquaintance)