Vampire Diaries Fanon Wiki

Orcs were a race of monstrous, humanoid beings that lived in the Dark World, until a clan of orcs entered the portal that lead them to Earth, and now the orcs are thriving in the wilds in the United States.


Orcs are a proud warrior race and a primitive species (much like humans who are primitive as well).


As humanoid life forms, they share both a primitive appearance (they have tusks, brown skin, black/brown hair and blue/yellow eyes) and conflict with humanity and other races. Basically, they resemble a pig/boar-like appearance, though their noses look more human in person. The male orcs are 6'5 feet tall and the female orcs are 6 feet tall, thus male and female orcs are taller than humans.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Superhuman Strength - Orcs possess low to high levels of superhuman strength. Their physical strength is on par with werewolves (in both human and wolf form). Though they're not as strong as original vampires, but they're stronger than humans and vampires.
    • Superhuman Durability - Orcs possess low-level superhuman resilience. Though they're not bulletproof or fireproof, they can survive things (like getting hit by cars, thrown through a glass window, or falling from buildings).
  • Superhuman Stamina - Orcs possess superhuman stamina. They never get tired.
  • Superhuman Smell - Orcs possess inhuman sense of smell.
  • Superhuman Hearing - They also possess superhuman hearing.
  • Aging Immunity - Orcs are able to live long enough and still be unaffected by the negative effects of aging. This allows Orcs to have an overall strong body and still fight well, even at an old age/no matter how old they are.
  • Anger Enhancement - Orcs can become stronger and more powerful through anger/rage.


  • Magic - Orcs are vulnerable to magic (like humans).
  • Mortality - Orcs can still die from old age and violence (including fatal truama, heart extraction, decapitation or fire).


Orcs are known to speak English, but mostly they speak in a language that is known to be Orcish.

Known Orcs[]

  • The Savage Rage Clan
    • Ike
    • Kurak (Original Timeline)
    • Zir'ik (Original Timeline)
    • Borug (Original Timeline)
    • Kogan (Original Timeline)
    • Zog (Original Timeline)
    • Dura (Original Timeline)
    • Bula (Original Timeline)


  • Ike is one of the only characters to exist in both timelines.
  • In the Altered Timeline, many of the orcs were hunted and killed by the ASO.
    • When they learned that Bathias and Ur'ons destroyed the ASO, they became trustworthy allies to the orcs.
  • In the Original Timeline, the orcs were at the brink of extinction, during the war between humans and supernatural beings.