The Petrova Family was originally introduced by the first ancestor “Amara” and first immortal woman in 100 B.C.E. When this supernatural occurrence appeared, nature had to find a way to create a balance.
“Tatia” the first Petrova Doppelgänger. Tatia was born 10th century AD and lived what would be called the United States today. She was a distant descendant of Amara and has a doppelgänger known as “Katherine Pierce” who is introduced in the 15th century.
“Katherina (Katherine Pierce Petrova” the second Petrova Doppelgänger. She was born June 5th, 1473 in Bulgaria. She gave birth to a daughter that was soon gave away and was disowned for the birth of the child.
“Nadia Petrova” daughter of Katherina Petrova. As she was born out of wedlock, she was gave away to another family and had an unknown child which leads to the known and present members of the Petrova family.
“The Flemmings and Gilberts”. Rebecca is a distant descendant of Katerina Petrova and Amara and likely a recent ancestor of Isobel, perhaps her grandmother. Her tombstone indicates that she was born on August 18, 1919 and died on September 15th, 1971, a few years prior to the birth of Isobel. Nothing is known about her character or background and it can be assumed that she was human.
Isobel was a distant descendant of Katerina Petrova, and thus Amara, the world's first immortal woman. Born on October 17, 1975, she grew up in Mystic Falls and as a teenager had a child by John Gilbert. She gave her daughter up for adoption to John's brother Grayson Gilbert and his wife Miranda Sommers-Gilbert, who named the girl Elena.
“Elena Gilbert” the 4th Petrova Doppelgänger. She was born and raised in Mystic Falls to her father’s brother and wife. When she met “Stefan Salvatore” she realized her history and found out about her doppelgänger gene. Elena is the last alive member of the Petrova family.