Vampire Diaries Fanon Wiki

Preeminent Vampires are the figurative offspring of The Original Preeminent Vampires and are extremely similar to regular Vampires. In the original timeline they exist and are thriving though within the omega universe they are endangered, with only one remaining; The Original Preeminent Vampire August Salvatore-Knight.

The Early History Of Preeminent Vampires[]

  • 1414 In The Continent Of Europe Darius Salvatore would be imbued with tremendous power and would become The first Preeminent Vampire. This happened because Local Werewolves terrorized the local villages in Greece and Darius Salvatore was the only person who they knew was a Vampire. created by 17 witches using an advanced form of the Immortality Spell used by Esther Mikaelson to create the Original Vampires, this would inadvertently cause Darius Salvatore to become on the level of The Original Vampires and Primordial Vampires.
  • When Darius Salvatore became a Preeminent Vampire, Nature made it so that every Preeminent Vampire (regardless of whether or not they were turned by him or not) and Vampire that Darius Sires would have a very powerful sire bond to Darius similarly to the Originals. So if he dies then all of them will. This would mean the death of 100s of upon 1000s of Vampires would die in the process. This also would mean that some of History's most strongest and feared Vampires would die along with every other vampire they sired. If this were to happen this could mean that over 40,000-100,000+ Vampires could technically die. Also, Preeminent Vampires have to carry a special human gene that links them to Darius before they became a vampire to become a Preeminent Vampire.

Notable Information[]

  • If Darius dies every other Preeminent Vampire does alongside him, within a few hours, however if he is resurrected/revived prior to the hours ending, then those within his line will stay alive (undead).
  • A Preeminent Vampire can't turn another vampire they turn into a Preeminent Vampire unless they were given blood and turned directly by Darius. One cannot bypass this rule and it was quite strange to many people.
  • The average Preeminent Vampire is at least 2x - 1.5x physically stronger than normal Vampires.


Eyes: Preeminent Vampires can draw on their power when they do this they can transform their eyes to look red in order to appear more vicious and scary-like, whilst growing exponentially in general power.

Teeth: A Preeminent Vampires teeth are slightly more longer and their bite can kill the average human within hours.

Claws: When extremely angered a Preeminent Vampire may grow claws depending upon their age.

Attitudes Towards Humans[]

Preeminent Vampires generally coexist with humans due to their shared origins and appearances. Humans are mostly oblivious to the existence of preeminent vampires, which makes it easier for them to commingle with their human cohorts without detection or exposure. Most of the few people who do know about vampires have either been killed to ensure their silence, compelled to forget their encounters with them, or, in some cases, are compelled not to speak of it to anyone, which lessens the chances that the vampire species will be exposed to the public.

Attitudes of preeminent vampires towards humans vary from individual to individual. Some see humans as simply food, servants, and/or entertainment, while others feel compassion for humans, remembering their lives before becoming preeminent vampires, not wanting to cause any more harm to them than necessary, and even regarding certain humans as close friends, lovers, or family. In general, preeminent vampires are known to see humans as less compared to themselves and ultimately regard their lives as being essentially insignificant, as humans are mortal whereas vampires live forever. As a result of their immortality and the fatal violence they witness on a regular basis, the death of a human who has no significant connection to the vampire is typically a non-event for them, and is either shrugged off as collateral damage or seen as a means to an end in part of whatever the vampire in question's current agenda is.

Human Awareness of Preeminent Vampires[]

Only a handful of humans are aware of the existence of literal preeminent vampires. In history, there were periods of time where preeminent vampires were not so secret, but as of the 21st century, the majority of humans regard preeminent vampires as superstition, fiction, and myth, which is how most preeminent vampires prefer it to be, as it makes it easier for them to move through the world without detection. There are small pockets of in-the-know humans, however, and they usually are in one of two groups: either they are aware of vampires because they are acquainted with at least one of them, either due to friendship, alliance (such as the Human Faction in New Orleans), or, in rare cases, being attacked and not compelled to forget the encounter; or, they belong to a family or are associated with an organization who hunts vampires (such as the Founding Families of Mystic Falls or the Town Council) or studies them to gain more knowledge of how they work (such as Whitmore College's Augustine Society).

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Super Speed: Preeminent Vampires are quite fast and are adept in that field being able to dash several meters with ease.
  • Super Strength: Preeminent Vampires are far much stronger than werewolves, vampires, non- hybrids, Primordial Vampires, and even humans. They can decimate and devastate others with little to no effort. They grow stronger with the passage of time, their muscular physique is much more defined, and their strength it is almost second to none.
  • Immortality: Preeminent Vampires are immortal. They do not physically age and are immune to all illnesses, toxins, poisons and human diseases or physical conditions. The only physical weapon that can bring permanent death to a Original Preeminent Vampire is a Preeminent Dagger or Preeminent Stake, though a regular/normal Preeminent Vampire can be killed with a wooden steak or other conventional means.
  • Enhanced Emotions: Preeminent Vampires experience emotions more powerfully than humans. Emotions like love, joy, and happiness are intensified for vampires allowing them to live life more intensely. This ability allows the original vampires to feel emotions at their peak regardless of their age. They have been shown experiencing emotions as powerfully today as they did many years ago.
  • Telepathy: Original Preeminent Vampires have the ability to enter the minds of others as long as theirs is stronger than them although, as Preeminent vampires, they have one of the strongest minds in the world. Normally, this ability works in a tactile fashion and the vampire requires physical contact in order for it to work successfully. However, Darius Salvatore was somehow able to communicate telepathically to his son.
  • Super Durability: Preeminent Vampires have a very high amount of durability, being able to withstand multiple attacks before any severe or major damage starts to show. This ability varies though as some Preeminent Vampires cannot use this ability and others can.
  • Super Healing: Preeminent Vampires boast quite extraordinary healing capabilities as they are even able to grow back entire limbs. This partially contributed to the reason why The Preeminent Daggers were created (weapons that could kill the Preeminent Vampire).
  • Animal Transformation: The Preeminent Vampire has the ability to magically morph into an Animal. These forms could differentiate from each other with some being able to morph into werewolves. When they do this they get the abilities of what they transform into.
  • Time Bending: They have the ability to freeze time but mere seconds (2-5 seconds). This ability is quite great though since within a matter of seconds one can do lots of damage to another.
  • Procreation: Dante Salvatore coined the theory known as "The Preeminent Theory". He believes that Preeminent Vampires have such a strong healing factor that before their reproductive organs are unusable and destroyed, it heals. In reality It is unknown why Preeminent Vampires are able to have children of their own.
  • Super Sensing: Preeminent Vampires have extremely keen senses of hearing, sight and smell that far exceed those of immortals, supernatural hunters, non-Original vampires, werewolves, evolved werewolves, non-Original werewolf-vampire hybrids and humans.
  • Ability to Use Magic: In certain cases, If a Preeminent Vampire is turned into a Vampire and was a witch before they died, then they can still access their former witch powers (though they must use more energy to do so. The reason Darius Salvatore wasn't able to do this is because he didn't learn any spells prior to becoming a Preeminent Vampire.


  • The Cure: If a Preeminent Vampire takes the cure, ingests it, or gets forced it they will become mortal.
  • Magic: Some magic if formidable enough can hurt them and even in the rarest occasions kill them. The Magic of the Zodiac is especially harmful and can even kill a Preeminent Vampire.
  • Desiccation: They can be desiccated by people like witches and witch hybrids. But through the use of magic desiccation, it can immobilise them and stop them.
  • Physical Trauma: While any physical trauma can slow an Preeminent Vampire down, minor ones such as cuts and bruises, are essentially ineffective due to the healing factor of an Preeminent Vampire. More significant injuries along the lines of broken bones and organ damage can incapacitate one due to the combination of pain and lack of their bodies proper function. However, the most effective way to neutralise a Preeminent Vampire, albeit temporarily, is to inflict injury normally fatal to a human such as breaking their neck. Minor physical injuries such as gunshots, stab wounds and broken bones will cause an Preeminent Vampire pain and also slow them down. However, this is momentary as they will heal completely within seconds. It seems physical trauma can hurt them anywhere on the body (for rex eye gouging, drowning, etc). The only known permanent way to kill a Preeminent Vampire is Heart Extraction or stabbing them with a Preeminent Stake, which will almost instantly kill them.
  • Sunlight: Sunlight will burn a Preeminent vampire, but cannot kill them. All members of Darius' Line of The Salvatore Family (Darius' Bloodline) possess lapis lazuli rings to combat this. Samantha Salvatore and Darrien Salvatore are not affected by sunlight due to being a primordial werewolf-vampire witch tribrid.
  • Vervain: Vervain prevents preeminent vampires from compelling anyone who takes it and burns them on touch. Preeminent vampires will heal very quickly from vervain wounds however.

Former Weaknesses[]

  • Doppelgangers Blood Magic: If blood from the last pair of doppelgängers are used in the Magic Purification Spell, all vampires' abilities will be stripped from them little by little and then they will be brought back to the last stage of their human life: Death. They will then relive the way they died when they transitioned into vampirism. Kai absorbed the magic purification spell and as such, it is no longer there.
  • Elder Daggers: Elder Daggers are one of the only weapons on earth that can subdue a Preeminent Vampire. The Witch Heka used a powerful spell, using special blades coated with their immortal blood making these daggers indestructible. Currently, Lucius and Darius Salvatore are the only ones who know they truly exist and their exact location, as Lucius hid them before he was imprisoned, and Darius hid one when Heka subdued him for decades under his estate. The legend surrounding there existence has faded over the centuries though. If an Preeminent Vampire is stabbed in the heart and remains in place, they remain neutralized until it is removed.
  • The Phoenix Stone Sword: The Phoenix Stone, when attached to the sword with which it is paired, has the power to kill the body of a vampire and trap their soul in a prison within the stone. This prison has been described as a hell dimension where time has no meaning and where the vampire souls inside it are emotionally tortured with horrifying images such as being forced to kill their loved ones. Though the souls inside can be released with a spell cast on the stone, it requires the vampire's original body for it to be successful. If it is placed in the wrong body, the vampire spirit will experience amnesia, confusion, and an insatiable hunger for blood that will turn them feral. In one case, when the soul of a vampire inside the stone was placed in a human body with the spell, the human's body rejected the soul and eventually deteriorated until both the vampire soul and the body died for good. The blade was destroyed by Nora and Mary Louise.



See Also[]
