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Rakshasa | |
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Rakshasas are humans converted into ravenous carnivores. They closely resemble humans before they were converted by shapeshifting. Rakshasas feed and survive on the flesh of whatever they chose to hunt. Rakshasa can either give birth to another Rakshasa, or a Witch can turn a human, a witch, or a Vampire via the Rakshasa Spell.
Real mythology[]
A Rakshasa is typically a mischievous and homicidal imp from Hindu Mythology.
Pre-Dark Timeline[]
Rakshasa were the product of an Indian witch Coven in Year 26 AD finally perfecting the Rakshasa Spell after being failing twice Imperfect Rakshasa and False Rakshasa where considered the original Rakshasa despite their failures. Cancer was created the spell necessary for the creation of the Rakshasas using two failed variants to birth the successful variant.
Post-Dark Timeline[]
The Rakshasa Creation Spell brought about the Early Rakshasa which was in the year 90 BC - making them older than the Originals. Biologically - they are the same as the Pre-dark Timeline Rakshasa while the Early Rakshasa were originally witches; a Rakshasa can be a Human prior to transformation. The Rakshasa Coven was founded in 1644 which comprised mostly of naturally-born Rakshasa-Witch Hybrids as the majority of members. The Coven managed recreate the Rakshasa Spell using the blood of an Early Rakshasa instead of failed variants of Rakshasa.
Typically; Rakshasa is a creature of Hindu Mythology that feed human flesh. A Rakshasa is born through the use of a Rakshasa Spell used by an Indian witch or two Rakshasa procreating. Despite the Rakshasa Spell being required to use on a recently deceased individual (whether it be Vampire, Human, etc.) - they're actually not undead. They are very much are alive and capable of ageing.
Rakshasas can also feed on deceased Rakshasa but doing so will make them sick and weak.
Rakshasas use shapeshifting to hide their true face similar to Vampires, and as a result, they hide their fangs through shapeshifting.
A Rakshasa's true form is a human with a row of sharp teeth and large canines, their eyes become blank gold, and their skin becomes leathery.
Rakshasas are inherently carnivorous and prefer certain types of prey. The hunger of a Rakshasa can weaken them, requiring them to seek out flesh of human in order to satisfy them. Rakshasa can feed other creatures to try to satisfy their hunger, but the consumption of human can allow them to go without eating for 5 years.
Rakshasas are seemingly only able to be properly wounded by brass due to it impeding their healing factor. This weakness seems to be as a result of nature trying to find a balance for a Rakshasas invulnerability and longevity.
Vampires notably reject the idea of feeding on a Rakshasa as Vampires consider Rakshasa blood to be repulsive.
Rakshasas are capable of procreating with Merfolk, Werewolves, Humans, other Rakshasas, and Witches as well as other mortal creatures. However, when procreating with creatures other than Humans - it'll always result in a Hybrid. While similar to Werewolves; Rakshasa that procreate with Humans will always have a more dominate Rakshasa gene which will eventually override their Human gene.
Rakshasa born by a Rakshasa parent are known as Pedigrees and much like Rakshasas and Rakshasa Hybrids by birth; they're Rakshasa gene will activate when they reach the same age their mother or bloodline progenitor were when they turned.
Rakshasas like Vampires often come with their far share of bad seeds. Rakshasas have their own version of ripper in which that have an extreme taste for human flesh will actively refuse to eat anything else even in possession of an Rakshasa Hunger Ring, however, it wasn't an issue with hunger but rather it is due to impulsiveness and the enjoyment of eating.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Invisibility - A Rakshasa can become invisible.
- Illusions - A Rakshasa can cast illusions.
- Shapeshifting - A Rakshasa can assume the form of any creature. They can also use this ability to alter the appearance of their body, such as shape shifting their fangs into regular teeth in order to hide their appearance from unsuspecting humans truly.
- Size Alteration - A Rakshasa can shrink and enlarge themselves.
- Enhanced Strength - A Rakshasa can overpower an adult human.
- Enhanced Senses - A Rakshasa possess incredible hearing as well as a sharp sense of smell.
- Super Durability: A Rakshasa can survive majority of physical punishment. Their body will heal before metals other than silver or brass reach a vital organ and they'll show no physical discomfort from such an attack. Post-Dark Timeline; this power replaces their invulnerability.
- Longevity - Rakshasas age at a slower rate and takes them 20 years to enter teenhood and an additional 5 years to enter adulthood. Beyond these ages is quite unknown though there have been Rakshasa seen who are over a century old though appear to be in their early 40s.
- Healing Factor - Rakshasa can heal quicker than Humans but not as fast as Vampires. Post-Dark Timeline; they're body will heal as soon as an injury is inflicted upon it. When they're body heals the muscle will "push" out whatever has impaled them preventing certain materials and metals from reaching vital organs.
- Invulnerability - Rakshasas are mostly invulnerable to physical injuries inflicted upon except by brass. When weaker due to their hunger; A Vampire can also break the skin of a Rakshasa with their teeth as can an Omega Werewolf. Lead along with other metals used to make bullets have no effect on a Rakshasa and will simply ricochet off their skin without breaking it, however, a brass bullet can pierce their skin. Certain supernatural creatures are capable of breaking the skin of a Rakshasa. Ordinary Humans don't have the strength required to plunge a non-Brass based bladed weapon into a Rakshasa. However, Humans can plunge a Silver Stake dipped in a solution of zinc and copper-based compound while they are being siphoned or they are weakened due to hunger. Siphons can temporarily make them vulnerable. Since - brass is an alloy of zinc and cooper - it is possible to harm them with brass alloys.
- Explosion - A Rakshasa can be killed in an explosion.
- Magic - Magic can harm a Rakshasa.
- Brass - A Rakshasa can be killed by brass. Additionally, it is one of the few weapons that a Non-original Vampire and an ordinary Humans can use to break the skin of a Rakshasa prior to the Dark Timeline changes. Pre-Dark Timeline; they could be decapitated or bifurcated by brass. Post-Dark Timeline; the healing factor will be slowed by brass and as they be killed by destroying the heart or brain with brass. However, they'll eventually heal if given enough time after being attacked. Additionally; since brass is an alloy of zinc and copper - compounds that incorporate zinc and copper can also be harmful to a Rakshasa as when Rajesh ingested bourbon laced with zinc dust and copper dust - he became extremely feverish and poisoned as it was slowly killing, and the only cure was magically-induced vomitting.
- Blood Loss - Pre-Dark Timeline, As Brass impedes a Rakshasa's healing factor; Rakshasa can bleed to death from certain wounds such as having their throat slit or an untreated serious wound caused by a brass weapon. Additionally, (pre- and post-dark timeline) Vampire kill them via exsanguination by draining of their blood, however, a majority of vampires will avoid doing so as the blood of a Rakshasa is repugnant for a vampire to ingest.
- Asphyxiation - Rakshasas are still mortal just very difficult to kill, however, if they're deprived of oxygen for too long they'll asphyxiate and die. As such they can killed by drowning them, strangling them, or other methods of denying them air.
- Broken Neck - Rakshasas can be killed by breaking their neck.
- Omega Werewolf Bite - The venom of an Omega Werewolf is fatal to a Rakshasa. Additionally, the jaw strength of an Omega Werewolf is enough to break the skin of a Rakshasa.
- Naga Scratch - The claws of Naga can break the skin of a Rakshasa. Additionally, the scratch of a Naga carries a powerful venom that can kill a Rakshasa.
- Starvation - Despite having very slow metabolisms - Rakshasa need to eat consume Human flesh otherwise they'll be severely weakened. A Rakshasa can sate their hunger by eating the heart of aa Vampire, but the hunger will only subside for two days. Should a Rakshasa go 21 days without eating they're age will begin to accelerate to the point of the age they should be based on the length of time as a Rakshasa potentially causing them to die via rapid ageing.
- Vampire - Rakshasa can subside their hunger for two days by consuming the heart of a Vampire.
- Cannibalism - Should a Rakshasa feast on another Rakshasa's organs - they'll become sick and weakened, but their hunger will subside.
- Limited food source - The only solids that Rakshasas can consume is. If a Rakshasa tries to consume anything other than meat they'll not be able to keep it down and regurgitate it. However, Rakshasas can consume any type of liquid without ill-effects.
- Invitation - Much like Vampires; Rakshasa must be invited in order to enter a place of residence.
- Chilli - Chilli and chili seeds are harmful to Rakshasa. Different species of chilis can have varying degrees of harmful with Ghost chilli being the most harmful to Rakshasas.
- Ghost Chilli - The seeds of Ghost Chilli peppers are harmful to Rakshasa and causes severe damage to them if consumed; however, the seeds can't outright kill a Rakshasa.
- Silver Stake - Impaling a Rakshasa in the heart with a silver stake dipped in a solution made from Zinc nitrate, and concentrated Copper(I) Oxide can nullify the abilities of a Rakshasa and make them essentially harmless.
- Golden Nail - The golden nail can temporarily kill a Rakshasa and send their souls to the Afterhouse.
Former weaknesses[]
- Decapitation - Rakshasa can be killed via decapitation using a bladed weapon made from brass. Due to their change in biology as Post-Dark Timeline; they are no longer subjected to specificity this weakness.
- Blunt-Force trauma - Rakshasas can be killed via blunt-force trauma by using brass. Due to their change in biology as Post-Dark Timeline; they are no longer subjected to specificity this weakness.
- Bifurcation - Bisecting/Bifurcating a Rakshasa with a brass weapon can kill them. Due to their change in biology as Post-Dark Timeline; they are no longer subjected to specificity this weakness.
- Heart destruction - Rakshasas that are stabbed in the heart using a brass weapon will die as a result. Due to their change in biology as Post-Dark Timeline; they are no longer subjected to specificity this weakness.
- Rakshasa-Werewolf Hybrid Bite - The Venom of a Rakshasa Werewolf Hybrid mix is fatal to Rakshasa and will kill them within hours. Their Rakshasa side allows them to break the skin. Ordinarily Werewolf venom isn't fatal to Rakshasa, however, a hybrid seems to be able to cause a fatal bite. Due to their change in their biology as Post-Dark Timeline; they are no longer subjected to his weaknesses.
- Rakshasa Hybrid Blood - Blood from any Rakshasa Hybrid will temporarily weaken them for 24 hours until the Rakshasa blood has left their systems. Due to their change in their biology as Post-Dark Timeline; they are no longer subjected to his weaknesses.
- Dark Timeline (Omega Chronicles): Because the spell used to create Rakshasa was never created in the Dark Timeline; the magic began to reject Rajesh's body and cause him to gradually die.
Known members[]
- David Phoenix - (formerly)
- Rajesh Tripathi - (currently)
- Annunciata Gaccione - (currently)
- Nicholas Salvatore - (formerly)
- Vera Frascone - (currently)