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The Rakshasa Coven is a powerful coven of Rakshasa-Witch Hybrids.


Original Timeline[]

The coven was founded in 1544 in tIndia by the first family of Rakshasa-Witch Hybrids. They began engineering the means to create more Hybrids by slowly turning citizens into Rakshasa and recruiting Indian witches.

However, the coven would face decline by only seeking out Indians and soon expanding by turning a Coven of witches in Pakistan into Rakshasa and force them to procreate with Witches from Nepal.

In 1554 - the Rakshasa Coven was almost brought to extinction when a Supernatural Hunter known as Nicholas Salvatore mistook one of its members as a Vampire and attempted to systematically hunt them, however, the Hunter was killed by the survivors and turned into a Rakshasa himself. However, after tricking a deal with Cancer; each of the members that were killed in attack were resurrected and had the memories alerted to forget the attack.

At some point in 1664; Yashvi took over the Coven and would remain their leader until her death in 2031. However, 1954; the Coven would suffer another attack by another Supernatural Hunter after they were mistaken for Vampires for a second time, however, the Coven was able to survive the attack and turned the Hunter into a Rakshasa as punishment.

Recreated Timeline[]

The Rakshasa Coven along with the Rakshasa as well as Hybrid were effectively erased from all but the New Omega Universe's timeline. In the new timeline; the coven was founded in 1644 in the India by the first family of Rakshasa-Witch Hybrids. They began engineering the means to create more Hybrids by slowly turning citizens into Rakshasa and recruiting Indian witches.

The coven was founded in 1544 in the India by the first family of Rakshasa-Witch Hybrids. They began engineering the means to create more Hybrids by slowly turning citizens into Rakshasa and recruiting Indian witches. However, the coven would face decline by only seeking out Indians and soon expanding by turning a Coven of witches in Pakistan into Rakshasa and force them to procreate with Witches from Nepal. However, the coven would face decline by only seeking out Indians and soon expanding by turning a Coven of witches in Pakistan into Rakshasa and force them to procreate with Witches from Nepal.

In 1954 - the Rakshasa Coven was almost brought to extinction when a Supernatural Hunter mistook one of its members as a Vampire and attempted to systemically hunt them, however, the Hunter was killed by the survivors and turned into a Rakshasa himself.

Operation method[]

The Method of operation that the Coven goes by is that they believe any and all Rakshasa are inherently part of the Coven whether they want to or not and will go out of their way to induct them even if they after harm innocents that get in their way or simply to pressure the Rakshasas.




Powers and Abilities[]

  • Spell Casting - Witch-rakshasa hybrids after having absorbed magic, possess the ability to cast spells like any witch.
  • Telekinesis - witch-rakshasa hybrids after having absorbed magic, possess the ability to move objects and people with the mind like any witch.
  • Pain Infliction - witch-rakshasa hybrids after having absorbed magic, possess the ability to inflict excruciating migraines like any witch.
  • Pyrokinesis - witch-rakshasa hybrids after having absorbed magic, possess the ability to create and control fire like any witch.
  • Divination - witch-rakshasa hybrids after having absorbed magic, possess the ability to divine future, past, and present events based off extrasensory perception like any witch.
  • Invisibility - Witch-rakshasa hybrids can become invisible.
  • Illusions - Witch-rakshasa hybrids can cast illusions.
  • Shapeshifting - Witch-rakshasa hybrids can assume the form of any creature.
  • Size Alteration - Witch-rakshasa hybrids can shrink and enlarge themselves.
  • Enhanced Strength - Witch-rakshasa hybrids can overpower an adult human.
  • Enhanced Senses - Witch-rakshasa hybrids possess incredible hearing as well as a sharp sense of smell.
  • Invulnerability - Witch-rakshasa hybrids are mostly invulnerable to physical but they can be killed.


  • Explosion - Witch-rakshasa hybrids can be killed in an explosion.
  • Magic - Witch-rakshasa hybrids can be harmed by Magic.
    • Zodiac Magic - All Non-Zodiac magic users are will almost instantly die after attempting to use Zodiac Magic and Rakshasa-Witch Hybrids are no exception.
  • Brass - Witch-rakshasa hybrids can be killed by brass.
  • Omega Werewolf Bite - The venom of on an Omega Werewolf is fatal to Witch-rakshasa hybrids.
  • Hunger - Despite having slow metabolisms - Witch-Rakshasa Hybrids need to eat consume Human flesh otherwise they'll be severely weakened. A Witch-Rakshasa hybrid can sate their hunger by eating the heart of Vampire but the hunger will only subside for two days.
  • Invitation - Much like Vampires; Witch-rakshasa hybrids must be invited in order to enter a place of residence.
  • Broken Neck - A Witch-rakshasa hybrids can be placed in a death-like state by breaking their neck.
  • Chilli Seeds - Chilli seeds are harmful to Rakshasa-Witch hybrids.
    • Ghost Chili seeds - The seeds of Ghost Chili peppers are harmful to Witch-rakshasa hybrids and causes severe damage to them if consumed, however, the seeds can't outright kill Witch-rakshasa hybrids.