Vampire Diaries Fanon Wiki
Kateona becomes the leader of Rayna's Army and walks with her fellow members to kill unnamed werewolves.
Rayna's Army
Former Members
  • Active
  • To aid and completely serve Darius (the most), Rayna, and Kateona
  • Helping society
  • Assassinating evil and vile people
  • Destroying ancient weapons capable of killing their leaders (in the case that they exist)
  • Confiscating special items
Gender Male/Female
Significant kills

"Rayna's Army" is an army that was made by Rayna Salvatore to serve her. After events that occured in Evil Shall Perish, they helped enact vengeance on Rayna's mother (at the request of Rayna). Magnus Forest took over the group via an uprising, in which he got the aid of the group when he needed help to attack August Salvatore-Knight in the 1700s. Kateona would become the leader of the group and would lead until

Early History[]

In The Early 1200s Rayna created the group in order to show her mother what she was capable of and it was seen as an act of retaliation. Rayna's Army has ensured peace between many nations but has also caused mayhem within many places too. Their deeds haven't went unrecog

Kateona becomes the leader of Rayna's Army and walks with her fellow members to kill unnamed werewolves.

Kateona becomes the leader of Rayna's Army and walks with her fellow members to kill unnamed werewolves.

nized though as many people have commented on their actions throughout the course of time.

Kateona Becomes Leader[]

In the 1500s Kateona Gibson (maternal great grandmother to Rayna) takes over Rayna's Army, leading to the armies false destruction for her 1st time.

The Armies False Destruction[]

In the 1600s it was believed that the group was destroyed and most of its members were killed though it would later be learnt that this was but a mere rumour, most likely made up by a member of the group in order to keep the group more hidden.

The Army Under Magnus' Rule and The Armies Literal Destruction[]

Magnus would gain Rayna's trust by becoming romantically involved with her though he soon grew true feelings for Rayna. Because of this he would pity himself for falling in love and before he could get attached any longer, he would stake Rayna.

Rayna alongside her fellow vikings

1271 - Rayna alongside her fellow Vampire Vikings

While being commanded by Magnus practically all members of the group were killed by a newly-resurrected August Salvatore-Knight.

Revival of The Group[]

In The Mid 1800s the group would be revived by Rayna's father Darius in order to honour her name. Kateona Gibson was given leadership by Darius (for the 2nd time) though in The Late 1800s this group would fall into the hands of Darius back as leader and later would become a sub-category of the large supernatural group known as The Order. This is because some of the armies goals align with The Order's and it made it easier to identify them.

Throughouts of Legacies[]

In Evil Shall Perish Darius said that his mother shouldn't undermine what any of her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren have done because they done many things throughout time. He mentioned briefly that Rayna had created an army and had done many things throughout time that are good, with other things being bad.


1419 - Members of Rayna's Army emerge from blood infested waters.



Current Members[]

Former Members[]

Deceased Members[]


  • Rayna Salvatore created Rayna's army, hence the name.
  • In the 1700s Magnus tricked Rayna, sabotaged her, and staked her, killing her.
  • Darius Salvatore took over Rayna's army in the late 1700s.
  • After becoming under Darius' rule Rayna's Army became aligned and allied with The Order.

See Also[]

Rayna Salvatore -
