Vampire Diaries Fanon Wiki
Vampire Diaries Fanon Wiki

"Maybe I deserve this punishment. For all the things I've done against humanity. All the villages, all the children, all the innocent people ha ha. I feel as if I should be ashamed of myself... but I'm not, and I never will be. Ya know I bet that The Darius Stone isn't as bad as lore suggests. But I-I do feel my soul leaving and escaping into this eere stone. Is this it?, no... no it can't be, because I am Ryker!."
―Ryker to Skylar Salvatore while being trapped in The Darius Stone

Early Life[]

Ryker was born pre 5,000 BC. He was one the first werewolves. He lived alongside the primordial vampires and the Original Witch. To keep the world at peace and balance the Original Witch made Starrk, her brother and the leader of the primordial vampires sign a treaty. When her older sister was mysteriously murdered her brother blamed the vampires and evoked a war that would last for centuries and centuries to come. He refused to fight in the war and was left to experience the world for himself, abandoning his home.

3rd Century BC[]

Around the mid 301 BC Ryker founded what would later become known as modern-day Armenia alongside Gregory the Illuminator and Armenian king Trdat III.


In 1089 Ryker would kill multiple Vampires and would stumble meet a young Darius Salvatore within the same year. Ryker taught Darius how to shoot a bow and arrow. Also in 1089 Ryker burned several villages to the ground in rage and laughed as the Civilians within them cried and screamed for help.


In 1543 Skylar Salvatore would start tracking down Ryker.


Ryker meets Darius yet again in 1864 and the two conviene for a while.

October, 1864[]

In October of the same year Ryker kills an unknown descendant of Annalise Denisa.

November 1864[]

In November of 1864 Ryker created The spar torpedo.

Ryker beside Nueva in the 1920s

Ryker beside Nueva in the 1920s.

It consists of a bomb placed at the end of a long pole, or spar, and attached to a boat. The weapon is used by running the end of the spar into the enemy ship. Spar torpedoes were often equipped with a barbed spear at the end, so it would stick to wooden hulls. A fuse could then be used to detonate it.

The 1920s[]


Ryker takes a trip to New York in 1921 and in that same year he would go to Las Vegas. It is unknown what he did during this point of time, though it could be inferred that he started his gambling addiction there.


In 1927 Ryker meets up with his brothers Kylar, Oenomaus, and Drako. They were accompanied by their sister Saskia. The three went to Chicago and took a stop at "Gloria's Bar".

First Death[]

Ryker's clothing in the 1920's

Ryker in The 1920s

After going to Gloria's bar Skylar Salvatore would finally be able to track Ryker down and she would try to kill him. This would prove quite difficult though as he was a Primordial Werewolf. Kylar, Oenomaus, Saskia and Drako watched the fight go down as various people were evacuated out of the bar. Skylar would soon use magic to bind Ryker's siblings to their seats and would hold down Ryker using the same spell. Skylar then proceeds to insert her hands onto Ryker's chest, before pressing down into it and ripping out his heart. This would cause him great pain though his heart would regrow to his delight. Skylar laughed as she then pulled out an Ancient Silver Maple Stake. She would then shove it into Ryker's heart, killing him. Saskia would then break out of the spell and would seek vengeance against Skylar. Skylar smirks and beats Saskia with her hand-to-hand combat alone. Once this happened Skylar would tell Saskia to not get on her bad side or she would kill Saskia like she did Ryker. When Skylar said this Saskia would question what she meant as she believed that Ryker couldn't die because he was a Primordial. Saskia would then be thrown across the bar, as Skylar started pouring lighter fluid all over the ground. She would then pull out a lighter, before throwing it on the ground. The bar would then light up in flames which caused Saskia to run and her siblings to have to endure the pain of the flames, still bound by the spell. Once the flames stopped it was later known that it had destroyed multiple photos and things within the bar, leading to massive renovations that needed to be done.

After First Death[]

After he died for the first time Ryker would be given tremendous amounts of Rakshasa blood and through the use of magic he would be resurrected by unknown Bennett witches.

Cherrysville, Louisiana, 1975[]

In 1975 Skylar would learn that Ryker was brought back to life via an unknown resurrection spell and she would track him down. It was December and was Christmas Eve. Knowing that she would like to spend the very day that proceeds the eve of Christmas for her family she would get to Ryker's location quickly. Ryker was within the city of Cherrysville, Louisiana at the time and because of this it would lead to Skylar going here. Due to the city being created by her brother she would easily be able to enter the city and would head straight for Ryker, whilst accompanied by freshly made Maple Ash. When Skylar got to Ryker's estate where he was with her family she would use her superhuman speed to kill run up behind Ryker. She quickly reached into her jar of maple ash and placed it near Ryker, which immobilized him. Familiar with Skylar's face Ryker's siblings would flee in fear and Ryker would be sealed with The Darius Sword by Skylar. Nearing the end of his sealing into the stone, he would burst into blue flames and would let out a pain-stakingly loud scream, that shook the earth and completed The Inferno Dominion.

Becoming The King of The Inferno Dominion[]

After Hell is destroyed The Inferno Dominion is created and Ryker becomes The King of it as he is the one who completed the realm with the energy that came off of his scream.

Physical Appearance[]

Ryker Wolf Form

Ryker's Wolf Form.

In his normal form, Ryker is a 6' 4" happy, magnetic, charismatic, devilishly-handsome, incredibly charming, dark-haired man with a model-like face and a muscular body. Ryker often sports expensive dark suits. He also has a sophisticated RP English accent, which people usually find "charming." However, no matter which visage Ryker adopts, he cannot hide the visible scars on his back from a maple dagger. Depending on the century or era Ryker can be seen wearing all types of different kinds of clothing. For instance in the 1920s he usually wore trousers, a white dress shirt, and black pants though in 1st Century BC he wore leather clothing made from the skin of animals.

Wolf Form Appearance[]

While in his wolf form he has white fur, orange eyes, and a charcoal black nose.


Ryker can be very nice, compassionate and kind on some occasions. He cares deeply for his kin; as shown when he killed 41 werewolves in order to save his siblings and takes action when his own safety is put into danger. He can be cited as evil sometimes though his family just believes that others misunderstand him into being a vile person.

Attitude Towards Other Species[]


Ryker showed little sympathy when he burnt down a village if it meant that he get what he wanted. Even as he heard the cries of many children he could care less and was only irritated by what he calls "their odious and detestable cries". Ryker gladly slaughtered a band of presumably good humans with no problem and treated them with no respect. Any other species that he encounters, he seems to see as below him. When Darius Salvatore was a Human Ryker taught him how to shoot and bow and arrow. He acted as a kind of mentor to him so his disgust may not be that harsh.


Ryker can be "two faced" when conversing with witches. If needs one to perform a spell he will kill others or commit other shenanigans in order to sway their hand. In the rare occasion that a Witch is more powerful than he is he may test their power but respects them nonetheless and knows not to get on said witches bad side.


Any werewolf that Ryker comes in contact with is instantly seen by him as weak and inferior to him. While around Werewolves not on his caliber he will continuously put them down to the dismay of The Primordials. If a Werewolf defies him he is quick to use his powers in order to force them to do things for him and he generally could care less for them.


Ryker meets Darius in 1864

Ryker rekindles his relationship with Darius Salvatore in 1864.

When Ryker first met Skylar Salvatore he could smell the blood upon her. Realizing she was a Vampire would make Ryker on his toes and alert. He didn't hesitate when told to take Vervain and was quite excited to be able to force feed a Vampire the dangerous plant. When Skylar bested him he was unable to believe it and believed her to no longer be a Vampire but something else entirely. Some say that he fears the Vampire species though this could be due to the fact that he and siblings warred with the Vampires and fought violently and brutally against them. Even though he appears to see the Species as putrid he did ally himself with Dante Salvatore and did manage to befriend the young witch. In 1864 Ryker and Darius Salvatore would rekindle their relationship and would have a long conversation. He showed no hate towards Darius despite him being a Vampire and instead felt more at home than he is than some of his siblings and kin.

Powers and Abilities[]

As one of The Primordials he is one of the most powerful werewolves in existence. All his abilities are at their peak during the full moon.

  • Super Strength - Primordials are far much stronger than the originals, normal werewolves, vampires, non- hybrids and humans. They can decapitate others with little to no effort. They grow stronger with time; their muscular physique is much more defined and muscle mass is increased. Their strength matched by The Primordial Vampires
  • Super Speed - Primordials are faster than the Originals, normal werewolves, vampires, hybrids and humans. They are able to outrun any supernatural species.
  • Heightened Senses - Primordials have extremely enhanced, keen senses of hearing, sight, smell, and taste. Their senses improve over time.
  • Super Agility - Primordials possess superhuman stamina, flexibility, reflexes, agility, and dexterity. They can move, jump, climb, and run incredibly fast without difficulty or exhaustion. This ability improves with age.
  • Healing - Primordials can recover/heal/regenerate from any injury almost instantly and more effectively than ordinary werewolf, vampires and humans.
  • Immortality - Unlike normal werewolves they possess immortality and such will live forever.
  • Telepathy: Primordials can communicate mentally with other werewolves.
  • Lie Detection - Primordial Werewolves are able to sense if you're lying or not, they also don't need to only listen to a person's heartbeat to tell. This power can be used without transforming.
  • Anger - When a Primordial werewolf is furious, their anger increase all their powers and abilities for a short period of time, as well as can have an advantage over another species. This power can be used without transforming.
  • Werewolf Bite - The poison in the bite of a Primordial werewolf is extremely lethal to normal vampires and will kill them in less than 24 hours, but not as lethal to an Original or a Primordial Vampire. 
  • Full Moon - Primordial Werewolves powers and abilities are enhanced and are at their peak during a Full Moon.
  • Transformation Control - They can change at will and will have full control over themselves.

Emotional Rises - He can bring out inner feelings from anyone when he speaks to them long enough and can make them feel anything from fear to anger to sadness and he can pick whichever one he wants to bring out of the person he talks to and take advantage of them.

  • Resurrection - Under the right circumstances they can bring back another Primordial or another werewolf.


  • The Cure - If the cure is used on Ryker he will lose his immortality.
  • Magic - Ryker can be affected by very powerful forms of magic.
  • Wolfsbane - Wolfsbane burns Primordials just like it does with the other Werewolves, although a Primordial will heal very fast to the point where the damage done by the Wolfsbane is gone in seconds.
  • Desiccation - They don't require blood to sustain them but through the use of magic desiccation can immobilize them. Though this only happened with Starrk.
  • Ancient Silver Maple Ash Dagger - An enchanted Silver Dagger that is dipped in the Ashes of the Ancient Silver Maple Tree can kill a Primordial, if temporarily. The Dagger must remain in the heart of the Primordial to keep them incapacitated, otherwise they will revive.
  • Ancient Silver Maple Stake - Primordials can presumably only be killed with a stake of wood from an Ancient Silver Maple tree that was created by the Original Witch so that they can have a weakness. By being stabbed through their heart they will presumably die.
  • The In Ulfus Annulos - They can be sealed by the In Ulfus Annulos.


Ryker is believed to be the transferred use of a German surname, Riker, from the Germanic “rike” meaning 'rich'. More likely, however, the name was invented in the United States having been influenced by the popularity of other male names beginning with the “Ry-“ prefix (such as: Ryan, Rylie, Ryder, Rylan, Ryland).

