Vampire Diaries Fanon Wiki

This article, Samantha Sertori, is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time. Please contact the article creator for collaborations..

Samantha Sertori is a character in H2O.


Samantha is a headstrong, warm, compassionate, and witty young woman. She can also be whimsical, tough, abrupt, and blunt.


Samantha is a 5'5" tall woman with brown hair and brown eyes.



Samantha Sertori was born to a Russian woman after Donald made a donation to Samantha's mother, however, Samantha's mother died in childbirth and Donald took full custody of Samantha.

Throughout H2O[]

Samantha Sertori stood up for Elliot Gilbert against Zane Bennett, Cam Mitchell, and Lyla McCartney when Thomas Kent and Carly Morgan arrest Lyla for assaulting a minor.

Samantha later learned from Elliot that he was in love with Cleo. She hid the fact that she was in love with him from him as she seemed heartbroken by his confession.


  • Samantha and Elliot (girlfriend/boyfriend)
  • Samantha and Will (best-friends)