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This article, Separation Anxiety, is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time. Please contact the article creator for collaborations..

Separation Anxiety is the first part of Chapter Three of Omega Chronicles.


In 2011 of the Hunted Universe; Agnes used the Needle of Sorrow on Sophie Deveraux and she began heating up. Later, as Elijah, Hayley, and Sophie were working to keep miscarriage from happening, however, Davina Claire fails to complete her spell in time and as a result; Sophie senses that the baby had been miscarried to which Elijah remained her that they were only on her leash because of the baby and decapitated Sophie as Elijah called Klaus and told him to execute Agnes.

Klaus complied as he went to Marcel and told him everything before in his grief he tore out his heart. Klaus and Elijah went on a massacre to kill almost every witch in New Orleans. Angered; Davina used Esther to complete the Harvest and when Rebekah and Elijah tried to stop her for taking revenge, but she stakes them with the Indestructible White Oak killing them with Hayley Marshall managing to arriving in time before snapping her neck.

In 2032 of the New Omega Universe; Aries and Virgo were having a drink together when William Smallwood arrived with a few grimoires to figure out how to get the three back. Virgo looked them over as Aries seemed hopeful.

In the Poor Universe of 2029; Rajesh Tripathi awoke in an alleyway of New York where she searched around. Rajesh noticed a newspaper stating that the year was 2029. Rajesh noticed Hope Mikaelson (Poor Universe) and Josie Saltzman (Poor Universe) as they approached him as they told him that they detected massive magic from him notice the broken end of the Spear of Destiny. Rajesh told asked them to him their school as he needed help.

In 2029 of the Mikaelson Universe; Olga Milkov awoke with mid section of the spear in her hand as she stumbled out to the streets before calling Alaric Saltzman (Mikaelson) in order to inform him of a magical artefact. Kaleb Hawkins (Mikaelson) and Jed Tien (Mikaelson) arrived to give her a lift to the Mikaelson School.

In 2029 of the Hunted Universe; David Phoenix was on a road in Arkansas. David was about to stumble across a Triad Industries checkpoint when Mara (Apocalypse Reality Samara) managed to stop him before being spotted. David noted that she was covered in blood. Samara explained that she was in another world in the middle of going after the Louisiana Werewolves when suddenly she was warped into her former reality. David explained the events of Insurance Policy to her and Samara attempted to attack him as she holds him responsible but David slashed across the cheek with the top of half of the Spear of Destiny. If as a Supernatural Huntress she felt the magic in the spear and told David that such an artefact would be a treasured find for anyone to find, but told him that she wouldn't help him before snatching the half from him and stabbing him in the thigh with it. She ran off as a Triad Industries noticed him and captured him. She felt a stinging pain her cheek as they took David and suddenly she was launched backwards towards him. She realised that the Spear had tethered together and that not even the Supernatural Huntress and Upgraded Supernatural Hunter powers were protecting them. David awoke in a cellar and was tortured by Triad Industries goons when Samara arrived and proceeded to kill them with a pipe wrench before freeing David. David was confused and he realised that the spear had tethered each other together and thus they were forced to remain close with one another.

David told her that he knew someone for the reality was going to try find the resistance. David took the spear half from Samara and got in one of Triad Industries cars with her. David told her that he was good friends with her Doppelganger and told her that if he had to kill her to protect; he would but knew that she had additional lives. David drove off.

Ivy Carydotter in the Anti Universe; was plotting with the remnants of Mara's army to open a new rift and planned to use a sample of David's blood that she got from her time in the New Omega Universe. She called over her witch to perform a spell on it and managed to open a rift. Ivy attempted to go through but she was unable to move forward as if an invisible wall was blocking her. Ivy requested that witches find away to loosen the reigns of the her connection to the universe.

In the New Omega Universe; William was saddened that he was unable to learn of a spell to access the three new ones as each spell they looked over were representational magic and that needed something to represent each universe, and since they were new - they were unable to decipher their symbols.

Back in the Poor Universe; Rajesh was still in New York when their car overturned. Rajesh looked around and noticed that a cyclops was blocking their way. Hope burner away his hair to reveal his eye before grabbing a stone and launching it through his eye killing him.

Olga arrived at the School with Kaleb and Jed, and they showed her to Alaric's office where she introduced herself after she was mistaken for Elena before she revealed everything about the Multiverse and that she believed she was trapped in an alternate universe and even present her half of the spear of destiny to him. He told her that he believed her and offered his help to get her back to where she came from. Olga told him that she might know away to help and went out to look for assistance with Alaric and Josie accompanying her.

David and Samara arrived at a battle site and noted the bodies on the ground. David found some dried blood on the ground with him taking a sample of the blood before noticing a glow on the spear. He realises that it was still powered and used it revive one of the corpses. It turns out to be Penelope Park (No Hope). She nearly attacks David and Samara but he managed to convince her that he was an ally seeking Alaric Saltzman (No Hope). Penelope asks for the dried blood and using his magic to locate him as they set out to locate.

Ivy was able to get through the rift but it was one way as she emerged in the No Hope Universe. Ivy encountered a few vampires and identified one of them as Caroline Forbes (No Hope) and asks her to pass on a message to David as she baring her Werewolf fangs.

David was able to locate Alaric at the old Lockwood Cellar and introduces himself as he discusses the multiverse and other world. Alaric told him that Lizzie once told him about the other world to which David asked about her. He told David that Lizzie was dead as he couldn't find her after the battle. Alaric believes that he failed as a father and asked David for his help against Triad Industries and he'll help David get home. David felt that the power in the fragment getting weaker and decided to use it to sever his tether with before using it send it back to Annalise's universe as it grew weaker with each use.


  • Antagonists: Triad Industries and Ivy Carydotter
  • Rajesh landed in the Poor Universe and Olga land in the Mikaelson Universe.


  • New Omega Universe
    • Ravenshoe
  • Anti Universe
  • Poor Universe
    • New York
  • Mikaelson Universe
    • New Orleans
    • Mystic Falls
      • Mikaelson School
  • Hunted Universe
    • New Orleans
    • Arkansas
    • Virginia

Body Count[]

  • Agnes (No Hope, flashback) - Decapitation by Niklaus Mikaelson (No Hope)
  • Marcel Gerard (No Hope, flashback) - Heart Extraction by Niklaus Mikaelson (No Hope)
  • Witches of New Orleans - Killed by Elijah and Klaus
  • Elijah Mikaelson (No Hope, flashback) - Staked with the White Oak by Davina Claire
  • Rebekah Mikaelson (No Hope, flashback) - Staked with the White Oak by Davina Claire
  • Davina Claire (No Hope, flashback) - Broken Neck by Hayley Marshall (No Hope)
  • Triad Industries torturers - Beaten with a pipe wrench by Mara (Apocalypse Reality Samara)
  • Cyclops - Fatally stoned through the eye by Hope Mikaelson (Poor Universe)