Vampire Diaries Fanon Wiki

This article, Sherilee Bennett, is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time. Please contact the article creator for collaborations..

Sherilee Bennett is the widowed wife of Axle Bennett and mother of Zane Bennett


Sherilee is dogmatic, nihilistic, sordid, wise, stern, and flexible individual. She is willing to protect the community of Southbank through any means even by killing her own son or long-time family friends. She has no problem in lying to those she loves and was even willing to kill her husband after finding that he was witch from the Bennett line. She attempted to have Zane's witch side suppressed but ultimately failed.


Sherilee is a 5'3" Aborigine woman with brown hair and brown eyes.


Early life[]

Sherilee is one of the founding members of the Inner Circle and became the Superintendent until her role in the Inner Circle cost her judgement when she killed her husband. She murdered her husband by driving their car off The T Bridge while she was able to survive.


Zane Bennett[]

Sherilee always had a distrustful relationship to Zane due to him being a Witch, but maintained a healthy role as a mother to him. However, after Zane accepted his witch side and began embracing it - she became determined to eliminate him.
