Vampire Diaries Fanon Wiki

Superior Beast are unique category of animals that are the result of certain animals consuming Blue seaweed or consuming the blood of a Superior Beast.


Superior Beasts resemble the creature they were before turning, however, they can several unique features such as the ability to replicate human speech, the ability to transform into humans, and can enough intelligence to begin plotting against humans.


Superior Beasts only exist in the New Omega Universe following its creation due to the requirement of Blue Seaweed which only grows when Merfolk blood makes contact with the sea floor and due to the New Omega Universe's isolation from the rest of the Multiverse it is not possibly to share the ability to become Superior Beasts.


  • Burke
  • Murray
  • Danny
  • Ronnie
  • David Lambert
  • Zita the Shortfinned Eel (deceased)
  • Bruce the Cane Toad (deceased)
  • Bernie the Hermit Crab
  • Crocodiles in Mako Island's Horn Cave (deceased)
  • Frill Sharks from the Hunted Universe

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Agelessness - Superior Beasts don't age once turned and live longer than they traditional will.
  • Human Speech Replication - Superior Beasts are capable of making human speech either in their true forms or Human forms.
  • Human Form - Superior Beast can assume Human forms.
  • Supernatural Lung Capacity - Superior Beasts especially aquatic Superior Beast are capable of breathing at locations which would be difficult to breath in/at.
  • Regenerative Healing Factor - Superior Beasts can heal from a majority of there wounds.
  • Supernatural Survivability - While Superior Beast are indeed mortal - they are very hard to kill. Superior Beasts can survive longer than most should they be decapitated, but will eventually die if left too long, and they can also survive longer if their heart is extracted.
  • Immunity to Poison - Superior Beasts are immune to all forms of poisons.
  • Super Strength - Superior Beasts are significantly stronger than what they were as animals.
  • Super Speed - Superior Beasts are significantly faster.
  • Genetic Traits - Superior Beast retain their natural abilities.
    • Camouflage - Animals with the natural ability to camouflage like Octopuses and Chameleons retain their ability to camouflage themselves.
    • Electroreception - Sharks retain their ability to perceive electricity and electrical stimuli
    • Poison - Animals that are naturally poisonous like Cane Toads and Toadfish retain their poisonous flesh.
    • Temperature Regulation - Animals that retain their natural ability to regulate their body temperatures like Toads and Frogs can still use this ability.
    • Strong Skin - That have strong skins like Crocodillians retain their skins strength.


  • Mortality - Superior Beasts are mortal despite the extreme difficulty in killing them.
    • Fire - Superior Beast can be burnt to death.
    • Heart Extraction - Even though they can survive longer without functioning heart - they'll eventually die if they're heart isn't reattached.
    • Decapitation - Even though they can survive longer while decapitated - they'll eventually die if they're head isn't properly reattached.
  • Explosion - An explosion can quickly kill a Superior Beast
  • Rigid Heirarchy - If a Superior Beast was turned by a Superior Beast - they are as a result bound to follow their sire, however, some Superior Beasts can resist the Rigid Heirarchy.