This article, The Camera Never Lies, is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time. Please contact the article creator for collaborations.. |
The Camera Never Lies is the fifth part of Chapter One of H2O.
On the 1st of December, 2031 at the Sertori Home; Cleo was fast asleep when the sky was illuminated by a green light. Green lightning began striking around the town, but never in town. Cleo awoke to the violent sounds of thunder and lightning to which she noted that it looked like the end of the world outside. A bolt of lightning proceeded to strike the street in front of her house. Cleo noticed someone in the where the lightning struck and Cleo rushed over only to discover Vixen laying naked in the middle of the road. Vixen got up and approached Cleo before arming herself with the Sword of Alexandria and proceeded to slash Cleo in the shoulder with the Darius blade; marking her. Alexandria was about to strike her down, however, Louise and Lisa managed to stop Alexandria as Louise was able to easily overpower Alexandria with her Mermaid strength and Lisa proceeded to take enough blood to cause Vixen to pass out but not enough to kill her.
The morning following Vixen's attack; Cleo was inspecting the mark left by Vixen when Bev and Donald entered the room arguing about the who's taking Samantha for her appointment; Cleo asked what appointment they were referring to and Bev turned to her reminded Cleo that Samantha had been feeling ill since the 29th of November and they want to do a check-up. A man knocked at the door and informed the family that Southbank's December Filming Competition. Cleo mentioned that she had completely forgot about and decided to partake in the competition - the man thanked her for her participation.
Zane Bennett awoke in his bed with little to no memory of Alicia Watsford as he was shocked to see her in bed with him. Zane rushed out of bed and quickly got change when he ran into a rich woman informing him of the Filming Competition; Zane realised that a filming contest could be what he needs to get proof of the "sea monster" and decided to enter. However, he asked about a strange mark on her, and the rich woman told him that it was nothing. She drove to edge of the street when Vixen appeared in front of her. Vixen approached her and addressed her simply as "vampire" and demanding her clothes. The rich woman proceeded to try to attack Vixen, but she was able to stab the woman with the Darius Sword before stealing her clothes.
Lyla and Cam Mitchell meet with Zane when he kept talking about the "sea monster" Lyla realised that it would never be possible to remain friends with Rikki and Zane given his track record and told him that was he insane and that she never wanted to see him or Cam again.
Carly Morgan pulled over Vixen after spotting her driving on the wrong side of the road and asked for her Australian license and/or passport. Vixen was unable to provide either and in order to prevent herself be part of a immigration investigation - she proceeded to use her Sword of Alexandria to decapitate Carly. Louise awoke in her house and remembered Vixen managing to overpower her and Lisa despite being weakened from blood loss and ran off. Louise managed to find the corspe of the rich woman and Carly Morgan. Louise told Lisa to bring Carly's body back to her house. At Louise's House; she attempted to resurrect her but couldn't conjure enough power and as a result; she decided to use Alicia's blood to perform the Vampire Merfolk Linking Spell in order link them so that she can channel her and used the Merfolk Damaged Body Resurrection Spell to revive Carly.
Elsewhere - Alicia Watsford was leaving town when her car was struck by Vixen's stolen car and the Darius sword proceeded to drive through the window and cut Alicia's shoulder. Alicia recognised her as a Rayna Cruz copycat and ran as Vixen's mark began to appear on her. Alicia ran to the town's outskirts, however, Vixen was able run her down with the stolen car. Alicia became weakened as a result of Louise linking to her and using her to use the resurrection spell. After she felt her strength comeback; Alicia propped herself up against a tree before deciding to deny Vixen of her kill, but stake herself with stick. Louise was killed as a result.
Meanwhile - Emma and Rikki was working their shift when Lewis entered the story to say goodbye to Cleo as he returning to work. The two shared a kiss before he left to return to his work as a commercial fisher while Cleo made a vlog about being in relationship with Lewis. Miriam and Thomas entered the cafe and Miriam began poking fun at Cleo when Thomas scolded her for causing a scene. Lyla enter the cafe and gave heartfelt apology to Emma and Rikki for being friends with Zane and bullying their brother. Elliot approached them and he told her that he'll forgive her if she promised to never hang out with Zane again. Lyla promised Elliot that she'll never see him again and offered to be him a coffee. Rikki made them a cappuccino and latte respectively before tending to Will Benjamin. Will flirted with Rikki, however, he was shot down and told that he wasn't interested in him. Will decided to hang with Carly Morgan after she entered the cafe and noted that Carly seemed shaken.
Cleo followed Zane out towards Mako Island when his boat crashed into a group of windsurfers causing him to fall off his boat. The windsurfers angrily berate him from ruining they're filming before angrily sail elsewhere. Zane proceeded to take his camera underwater, but unbeknownst to him he was currently be stalked by a shark. Cleo noticed the shark was unsure of what do before diving into the water. Knowing she couldn't use transform while Zane was present she used her ring to perform partial transformation allowing her to breathe underwater and proceeded to stick her hand out towards the Shark and mouthed stop at it. The shark immediately stopped and turned around as Zane was confused - he swam quickly to surface allowing Cleo to transform completely and converse with the Shark. The shark revealed that its an escaped aquarium Hammerhead shark called Burke and that it was still rather annoyed at the humans for taking him away from his home and family.
Unbeknownst to Cleo; Zane was filming the entire exchange between Cleo and the Shark so she used her magic to liquefy his camera before swimming off with the shark. Cleo decided to return to Southbank after talking with the shark and went to Louise, but found her dead. Cleo told Lisa that she knew a spell to help her, but before she could Vixen tried to attack Cleo, however, Vixen's mark was no longer on her as Lisa grabbed Vixen around the neck and proceeded to strangle her to death. Cleo used the Merfolk Resurrection Spell. Louise proceeded to use her magic to restore the lost life of Vixen - allowing her to have eight lives even after she self-resurrects. Louise opened a portal with the help of Virgo and sent Vixen through out from going after Cleo again. Louise deduced that Merfolk can't be properly marked by Supernatural Huntresses as it easily washed away while Cleo was in the ocean.
Elliot spent his day with Lyla and Samantha trying to film themselves windsurfing.
Zane awoke in his bed the next morning with no memory of the 1st of December. Zane became convinced that he was blacking out and losing days.
- Antagonist(s): Zane Bennett & Vixen
- The events of the Time Ripple make its first appearance in the H2O series.
- This Vixen's first only and appearance in H2O series.
- Vixen was strangled to death by Lisa Gilbert while in the Omega Universe, but Louise managed to reverse the destruction of the body of Shaman restoring the life she lost completely.
Body Count[]
- A rich woman - Stabbed with the Darius Sword by Vixen
- Carly Morgan - Decapitated with the Sword of Alexandria by Vixen (resurrected)
- Alicia Watsford - Staked by Herself
- Louise Chatham - Staked by Alicia through Life Link (resurrected)
- Vixen - Strangulation by Lisa Gilbert (self-resurrected)