One of the few books describing the Draconus sword.
- "See, when a vampire is stabbed through the heart with, uh, the completed sword, it acts as a magical conduit, transferring their spirit into this particularly nasty stone. And the purpose of the stone is to punish vampires like you boys."
- ―Julian to the Salvatore brothers in Cold as Ice...
The Draconus Sword is a supernatural short-sword used by Heka as well as Draconus. The Draconus Sword contains the Draconus Stone in the hilt and acts as conduit that traps the spirits of Supernatural beings when stabbed (though it is most strongly associated with being used against Vampires).
Description Of The Draconus Sword[]
Very little is actually known regarding the Draconus Stone, With even fewer written accounts regarding the sword's creation and use as a weapon seems to be unavailable on the subject, as none of the books Alaric sought out had any concrete information regarding the weapon, In fact, he mistook it for the Phoenix Stone due to their unknown similarities.
The sword itself is very short, around one foot four inches, almost like a dagger. The blade seems to be made of a hard gold or amber, possibly bronze material. The blade also has some kind of a D/X-shaped edge quite similar to The Phoenix Stone Sword. At the pommel within the hilt, there is a circular empty space, made of the same metal from the blade. The round empty space is where the Darius Stone fits in, completing the sword. It can then be used to stab a vampire (or other supernatural) in the heart to transfer their soul into the stone. On some occasions sealing one within the stone doesn't require one to stab their target in the heart and can instead be in the torso (preferably the chest region). This is done quite uncommonly though due to the fact that if one has enough willpower they will be able to break free from the stone or resist their soul being transferred within it.
The Second Draconus Sword[]
The second Draconus sword (Draconus Stone Sword) is the copy that was made using magic. It works the same as the original sword though it is slightly weaker. Also the swords both share the same stone, so if one was to be trapped within the second darius stone they will be placed with the stone of the original sword. Samara Gilbert is the current wielder of the second sword.
One of The Draconus Sword Books[]
In one of the few written accounts of Draconus Sword as well as stone there is a book that is called the most dangerous stone and sword in existence.
It reads: "The Draconus Sword and Stone can hold any supernatural being no matter their power nor strength. Once placed into the supernatural beings heart (or torso) It will rapidly absorb their soul into the stone, trapping their lifeforce within it. After being trapped they will experience torment for every single bad thing that they ever did and will experience so much trauma and pain that it will cause one to lose their sanity and go insane."
In The Omega Universe[]
The sword also exists in the Omega Universe, and was created by Heka in the early 1400s instead of the 1800s. It was used by Aries on the August Salvatore-Knight that resides within the Omega Universe in order to acquire the Golden Shears. However, Aries tossed the sword away after using it and it is now believed to be lost.
Appearance []
The Draconus Stone is a sleek golden sword with waves that almost pop out from within it. The handle of the sword is maroon and golden with a sector at the bottom the holds the sword within. When taking a closer look one is able to examine and see that there is multiple powerful inscriptions embedded onto the stone. This hard to decode language is Latin and Egyptian, being of very old and ancient writing.
The Creator of the Draconus Sword was Heka who studied off of various works by the great witches Gaia and Esther Mikaelson in order to create it, working endlessly on it for a multiple years. It wouldn't be until 1804 after the Vampire Darius Salvatore came back from a bloodbath known as the 1804 Haiti Massacre, it was then used to trap him. It wasn't long before the Vampire was freed though and he stole the sword, before returning to his home in Cherrysville.
Known Wielders[]
- Unknown Holder of The Draconus Stone - (Early 1200s - Late 1700s)
- Heka - (1804)
- Darius Salvatore - (1804-1972)
- Dante Salvatore (1973)
- Cyrus Salvatore (1974)
- Skylar Salvatore - (1975-1999)
- The Salvatore Family - (Early 2000s-Modern-Day)
- Unknown Shaman - (2023-2024)
- Samara Gilbert - (2024 to Modern-Day/The Owner of The Second Sword)
- Aries - (2031)
- According to Aldus Charlamange and Heka before her ultimate demise, the Darius Sword was custom made just for Darius Salvatore (Despite being the weapon originally designed to be used to seal him inside of it). This could have possibly been Heka's plan all along with the making of the sword. If Darius takes a liking to the sword (highly possible to happen due to it being designed just for his use), then he could kill other supernaturals and rid them from the world, though this is unknown.
- The sword can only work if the Draconus Stone is attached to the hilt of the sword.
- Non-fatal wounds inflicted by the sword do not heal and leaves a D-shaped scar with an X through it on the intended target. The scar reopens when in near proximity to the complete sword.
- Such power makes this sword the first known weapon that can do somewhat lasting damage to vampires and supernaturals who would typically heal from their wounds.
- The scar, left by the sword could have its signal masked with a rare anti-magical herb that witches like Freya and Valerie know about. However, now that the herb has been found and destroyed, it is unlikely any magic could hide the signal.
- Such power makes this sword the first known weapon that can do somewhat lasting damage to vampires and supernaturals who would typically heal from their wounds.
- The mark left behind from being impaled by the sword, alongside the connection to Darius and Heka, can be transferred to another blood relative.
- If The Draconus Stone and Sword are destroyed then every single vampire soul trapped inside of it will be released and freed. The number of Vampires within the stone is so enormous that if one was to destroy it the magical blast that the stone would create would plague the lands of its nutrients for decades to come and everything in a multiple-mile radius would be affected by this magical eruption.
- According to Julian, time has no meaning in the stone's prison, suggesting that the prison dimension exists outside of time and space, or otherwise manipulates the vampire soul's ability to sense the passage of time.
- The Draconus Sword is practically unbreakable and indestructible, along with the stone.
- If a Primordial Werewolf or Hybrid has the blade drivin into them they will burst blue flames and will have their lifeforce sucked into the stone.