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Longevity Spell Azalea's Sisters version

The Longevity Spell being performed by Azalea's Sister.

The Longevity Spell is an extremely potent spell used to transform a mortal person into a prolonged-living being and is used in order to enhance one's time of death. The Longevity Spell was created and manufactured by The Immortal Kateona in order to stunt her aging. The spell has been used by many witches in order to slow down their aging.


The Spell was created by Kateona in order to keep her pure.

How to Perform[]

By using an Immortals blood or energy (if using energy you must convert it into liquid), and mixing it with certain minerals (i.e Kiatero, diamond, obsidian, amethyst, Crystal Quartz, and/or Selenite). Upon doing so you must utter the incantation - Evlógisé me me makrozoía kai dóse mou dýnami, gia na zíso álli mia méra -. Upon reciting the incantation a number of 7 times you must yell the word; Dóse mou tóra, and after this has been done, you (on most occasions), should be granted the power of longevity.

The Bloodline Aid[]

If one belongs to The Salvatore, Gibson Family or Cruz Family, they may be able to have a slight edge over who doesn't have any blood from those families within them. People who have performed the spell without being apart of those 3 bloodlines often results in some completing the spell, although others (like Gloria), have botched it but still have gotten longevity.

The Imperfect Longevity Spell[]

People like Gloria and other unnamed others have used the spell even while not belonging to one of families that created it.

Known Wielders[]


  • Ava Salvatore
  • Azalea's Unnamed 1st Cousin
  • Many Unnamed People

Carmen's Magic[]

Longevity (aging at a slower rate) is seen in those who use Carmen's Magic. This is because, when they first use the magic a complete longevity spell is put upon them. With it this allowed for people like Angelica to age at such a slow rate that made her able to live for centuries over 800 years without experiencing rapid aging.

Powers and Abilities Granted[]

  • Longevity: As the name implies, The Longevity Spell will give you longevity. This means that one will not age for a long time. This could be millenium, centuries and with the shortest spell of life granted... decades.
  • Ability Increase: The longer you live the more that you age with the spell, the more you're abilities will increase.
  • Enhanced Brain Capacity: People who use the Longevity Spell (if it is successful) will be able to recount many of their memories from the past. When the spell is used successfully and the wielder's brain capacity becomes full, it will genetically mutate and be able to be filled with much more knowledge.
  • Photographic Memory: Because of the enhanced brain capacity, those who successfully have the spell performed on themselves (or perform the spell upon themselves alone) will be granted with photographic memory, meaning that they will be able to recount practically all events that occur.

Weaknesses Granted[]

  • Rapid Aging: At a certain point one who has the spell will start to age dramatically until they eventually shrivel up and die.


  • The Longevity Spell sometimes bares striking resemblance to the Immortality Spell and is often mistaken for it.
  • The works best when performed by a member of The Gibson, Salvatore or Cruz Family.
  • Qetsiyah drew inspiration from Kateona whilst creating her spell.
  • Kateona is the creator and manufacturer of The Longevity Spell.

See Also[]
