- "If you are to try and kill all of the Preeminent Vampires in the world, I will need to bind the protective magic in one of the In Ulfus Annulos Rings to the stakes, thus rendering the Preeminent Stakes indestructible. The ultimate weapon... for the ultimate preeminent vampire slayer. To kill the ultimate Vampires. Now hurry, go on, im sure Darius Salvatore has already turned many into Preeminent Vampires."
- ―Gaia — to Edward in Do Not Go Gentle
The Preeminent Stake (s) are weapons that are used to exterminate Preeminent Vampires. There are multiple Stakes that were formed.
During the 1400s word would spread that Darius Salvatore was going to become an entirely new Vampire. Gaia in her ghost form and Heka would travel to Greece where the spell was being performed. Once there they would try and stop the spell from happening. After realizing that the spell was practically complete they would obtain the last pieces of the Eternal Tree, before running away to a secrete location. The two would then forge the various tools necessary in order to put down an Original Preeminent Vampire (permanently).
The Preeminent Oak Stake[]
The First one is called The Preeminent Cherry Stake (often referred to as the Cherry Stake) is a quite powerful object and one of the only physical weapons on Earth with the capability to permanently kill an Original Preeminent Vampire. By appearance, it resembles a small wooden stake with powerful magical sigils on it. When Gaia laid down the groundwork for the stake and Heka augmented the stakes with the protective magic of the In Ulfus Annulos, it had Silver "veins" enveloping it around from the base.
The Preeminent Acacia Stake[]

One of the Preeminent Stakes (The Smallest One/The Preeminent Acacia Stake)
The Preeminent Acacia Stake (The Acacia Stake) is one of the potent stakes used to kill an Original Preeminent Vampire. The Acacia Stake has multiple sigils that mean different things. They are in Ancient Latin but were translated into English. The very first sigil represents Fire, the second stands for torture the second means Shock that the one stabbed with the stake will experience. The third and fourth sigil mean Pain and Agony and because they are closely related they share the same sigil, and the 5th and final marking on the stake means Permanent Death as the Preeminent Vampire who's stabbed will perish and burst into Blue Flames, being permanently killed.
The Preeminent Birch Stake[]
The Preeminent Silver Birch Stake (also known as The Silver Birch Stake, The Preeminent Birch Stake, and the Birch Stake) is the 3rd stake created to deal with Preeminent Vampires. It is heavily recognizable because of its appearance that differs from most of the stakes. It was also the stake that had the most work done to it and the stake that works the best out of all of them (usage-wise), falling directly below the Acacia Stake in power and strength against a Preeminent Vampire.
The Dark Oak Preeminent Stake[]
The Dark Oak Preeminent Stake (The Dark Oak Stake) is the most different stake out them all. In its natural form it seems to be just a regular stake that one could kill the average vampire with. But when in close proximity to a Preeminent Vampire (when you say a special word) it will split itself into 3 different stakes with a hammer to bash the stakes into Vampires. The Previous Wielder of the Stake (Edward Montgomery) almost killed Darius Salvatore (and due to the sire bond all Preeminent Vampires would've died). Darius Salvatore would prove to be fast though and would kill Edward, ending life, and taking the 3 takes along with the hammer.
The Preeminent Dark Oak Stakes were used to try and assassinate Evelyn King while she slept but Edward Montgomery wasn't fast enough.
The Other Stakes[]
There are multiple other stakes and the total is said to be 7 to 14 but they all are quite similar to the others just with different shapes and semi-different abilities.