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This article, The Stars Among Us (Reboot), is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time. Please contact the article creator for collaborations..

The Stars Among Us is the first part of the first chapter of The Omega Chronicles and the first episode of the series overall.


David Phoenix mysteriously wakes up in the main universe as he was trying to fine an answer to his issue.


In 1692 - a family was nursing a woman whom was bed ridden in the Fines House as the Salem Witch Trials were occurring as a woman was being burned at the stake for being witch. The woman was chanting under her breath as she was burning which accelerated the flames turning her to ash in seconds. Suddenly, the woman at the Fines House awoken a proceeded maul and devour Lachlan Fines and his 12-year-old daughter Allison Fines.

March 15, 2029; Mystic Falls, Main Universe; Landon Kirby had been killed with the Golden Arrow and Hope was trapped in Josie's mind. A David Phoenix was awoken by a Mystic Falls deputy as he was sleeping in a ditch. David was confused and asked what the year with the deputy stating that it was March 15 of 2029 as he was calling for an ambulance only for David to introduce himself to the officer as he was surprised that it was 2029. David was suddenly gone living the officer confused and calling for back-up.

Elsewhere at the Mystic Grill; a man entered and ordered a scotch on the rocks as he sat alone. A woman approached him and introduced herself as Natalie Myers before he introduced himself as Patrick McIntosh before declaring that he wasn't interested causing her to leave in a huff. He left after a while and arrived at a warehouse that was once used to by Klaus to store the coffins that his brothers and sister were kept in. Patrick entered and heard a noise at the back - he called out; David revealed himself and told Patrick that he was looking for a witch to could turn him Human again. Patrick told him that there was no cure for vampirism in which he told him that he was Rakshasa not a Vampire. Patrick was alarmed by the blood around David's mouth but he pointed to a dead vampire on the ground as explained that his hunger was getting out of control and needed a quick fix and so he ate that vampire's heart. He explains the lore of Rakshasa to him and told him that he was a stillborn child but he was revived somehow and turned into a Rakshasa.

1692 of the Omega Universe - a few days after she killed Lachlan and Elisabeth Fines; the woman was cleaning the blood off her face as her appearance returns normal from her hair being red and her eyes being black. She meets with a man by a riverbank and introduces herself as Yashvi Venkatesh. He tells her that the Elisabeth Fines broke the spell at the cost of her life with Yashvi adding that it also cost her husband's and daughter's life. He admitted that it was unfortunate for them, but it was necessary to bring back Yashvi as they were nearing the answers she was seeking.

Back in 2029 of the Main Universe; David told Patrick that he was looking for trouble. Just as spell that can free him from his curse. Patrick told him that such a spell may not exist before using a spell to uncloaking an ornamental Urn. David was confused as Patrick revealed that the Urn held a secret that could be used to destroy Malivore. Patrick reveals he and his family had been trying for years to open the Urn, but it was more secure than a double-bolted door. David suggested that he just break it but Patrick stated that he already tried that. David proceeded to grab it and looked over it found an odd inscription on it. As Patrick got out a bottle scotch and got a couple of glasses to share it with David as they were trying to figure out how to open it.

In 1692 - a man that went by Edwards arrived in Salem and appeared to be carrying around a large sack in which he went to the local inn to book a room. He placed the sack on the table as he kept his face covered as such through his sack. He sack contained a variety of weapons which were wooden stakes, vervain, wolfsbane, enchanted pearl-bladed weapons, and an dagger with blade made from flint with an inscription in another language which was in black. Edwards got out a bottle of wine and began drinking it before he headed into town and watched a witch trial where he observed Yashvi speaking with a man. He was drinking wine as trial continued before following her.
He cornered her in an alley attempted to stake her, but the stake splintered against her as she was amused by his attempt before telling him that she wasn't a Vampire. The man in the mask was confused in which she told him that killing her wasn't going to stop the inevitable and that the Champion Prophecy will see the elimination of humanity, and that today was just the beginning before slamming the man's head into a metal pole causing him to be impaled through the eye before she searched him and found the flint dagger on him as she took before leaving the area.

In 2029; David and Patrick was still trying to open the Urn when suddenly; the warehouse began to violently shake as David became shocked before the warehouse suddenly ceased shaking without warning. A woman entered the warehouse to inform David was back in 2030 and back in the Omega Universe. Gemini explained to David that that was all the time she could give him in the other Universe as they were back in the Omega Universe. Gemini introduced herself to Patrick and revealed that she didn't mean to bring him back with David, but he was in the vicinity along with the Urn. Gemini told them to get in the car and bring the Urn with them.

Gemini was drive down the road in her Chevrolet Colorado with David in the front passenger seat and Patrick sitting behind David. She explains that Urn must stay shut as it harbors a weapon that can destroy her family and even threatened nature itself. Gemini told Patrick that they'll will need to put the Urn somewhere safe for now.

They arrived in Fall River as David led them to a large house where Gemini places the Urn in a safe that she uses magic to spell shut to which Patrick was intrigued and asked if she was a witch to which she said no. She reveals that she was one of the 12 Zodiacs, Gemini. Gemini told David that she can turn him again, but he told that she already ask him that and he refused because Cancer will known that she cured him and will try to kill her.

Elsewhere at Kīlauea, Hawaii a group of witches were standing on the rim of the volcano as they were chanting. The leader of the group stated that they were one step closer to breaking Aries from her special Prison World. In Aries' Prison World - it was comprised mostly of molten magma, and volcanoes. She awoke while sleeping atop a mountain before suddenly jerking awake. Aries began walking down the mountain as she was reflecting on the time that Cancer trapped her in the Prison World.

Patrick was shocked to learn that their were "stars among us" and agreed to help before telling her that he was going to make his way to Salem. David head down to basement where he proceeded to open a fridge filled with a number of hearts and proceeded to start eating one of them.


  • Elisabeth Fines
  • Lachlan Fines
  • Allison Fines
  • Mystic Falls deputy
  • Coffin Warehouse vampire
  • Edwards



  • Main Universe
    • Mystic Falls, Virginia
      • Mystic Grill
      • Coffin Warehouse
  • Omega Universe
    • Salem, Massachusetts (flashback)
      • Fines House (flashback)
    • Mystic Falls, Virginia
      • Coffin Warehouse
    • Fall River, Massachusetts
  • Aries' Prison World

Body Count[]

  • Elisabeth Fines - Burned at the Stake; Killed by Salem residence & herself. (flashback)
  • Lachlan Fines - Mauled; Killed by Yashvi Venkatesh. (flashback)
  • Allison Fines - Mauled; Killed by Yashvi Venkatesh. (flashback)
  • Edwards - Impaled through the eye; Killed by Yashvi Venkatesh.
  • Unknown Coffin Warehouse vampire - Unknown; killed by David Phoenix.