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The Sword of Alexandria

The Sword of Alexandria, shortly after being constructed.

The Sword of Alexandria (Ancient Greek:To ξίφος της Αλεξάνδρειας) is the sword that is currently wielded by Vixen Salter.


Magnus Forest Salter wielding the Sword of Alexandria

The Sword of Alexandria being wielded by Magnus.

In 1117 A.D The Sword of Alexandria was crafted and created by Alexandria Salvatore in order to go beyond the capabilities of The Sword of Alexander. Alexandria kept the sword with her for centuries and considered using it against her children, though she soon refrained from this idea. Sometime in The 15th Century Alexandria would give the sword to an Unnamed Human man who was mixed with Salter and Salvatore blood. It is presumed that Alexandria trusted this man. From then on this man passed it on to many Unnamed Salters and eventually the sword would be passed down to Vixen's Mother in The 1600s. Then again in the 21st Century Vixen's Mother would give the sword to Vixen, before sacrificing her life for Vixen.


Alexandria Salvatore created the sword and forged it in 1117 A.D using the magical mineral known as Kiatero.

Known Wielders[]

Katerina Petrova finds her family slaughtered using the sword of alexandria

The Petrova Family Bloodline is slaughtered using The Sword of Alexandria. Killed by Niklaus Mikaelson.


  • Bree
  • Many Unnamed Others †


In order to wield the blade correctly, and actually be able to seal one within the blade you must be of Salvatore, Gibson or Salter blood.


"It took days, yet as the hammering and cooling and heating went on I saw how the four twisted rods of soft iron, which was now all melded into the a harder unknown material, had been smoothed into wondrous patterns, repetitive curling patterns that made flat, smoky wisps in the blade. In some light you could not see the patterns, but in the dusk, or when, in winter, you breathed on the blade, they showed. What was created from this is a blade so powerful and great that it could punish every Vampire in the world..."
Alexandria on creating The Sword of Alexandria

Regular Appearance[]

The Sword of Alexandria has a smooth and sleek finish, though despite this it is quite powerful in its own right. It is silver in color and has a brown handle with a swirl-like pattern on it. Finally in the hilt contains the same yellow/golden stone used to create The Darius Stone Sword.

The Swords Altered Appearance[]

When the sword drew the eye of Niklaus Mikaelson it would morph into a shorter though wider hilted blade. Niklaus would use this very blade in order to kill the entire Petrova Family Bloodline. Not long after stabbing it into the last living member (an unidentified man), the sword would undergo its change back to normal, although this would take multiple hours.


The name Alexandria means Defender Of The People and is of Greek origin. Alexandria is a name that's been used primarily by parents who are considering baby names for girls. Feminine form of the name Alexander. Technically The Sword of Alexandria means the Sword belonging to The Defender Of The People.


  • Vixen's Mother used the sword and before her Vixen did.
  • Within the hilt of the sword contains Kiatero, a substance created by Alexandria Salvatore.
  • In order to wield the sword you must be apart of the bloodline of the person who created the sword, or from the bloodline of the unnamed salter/salvatore who passed it down to other unnamed salters.
  • At some point Niklaus would be drawn to the sword and would utilize it.
  • The Sword has been passed down throughout The Salter Family Bloodline.
  • This sword was used to wipe out the entirety of the petrova family by Niklaus Mikaelson.
  • The Sword of Alexandria was created by Alexandria Salvatore.

See Also[]
