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An Upgraded Supernatural Hunter is a human endowed with Supernatural abilities to hunt and kill any manner of Supernatural beings.



Gemini used the Upgraded Hunter Creation Spell to turn David Phoenix into a Supernatural Hunter in which a serum was created using fire and few other factors as a power and life source.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Supernatural Slaying - An Upgraded Supernatural Hunter is capable of killing "hard to kill" supernatural creatures such as a Rakshasa.
  • Enhanced Condition - Upgraded Supernatural Hunters possess an Enhanced Condition which grants them Enhanced Strength, Speed, Reflexes, Stamina, Endurance, and Durability, accuracy, dexterity, mental capacity
  • Healing Factor - An Upgraded Supernatural Hunter will heal from any injury inflicted by a Supernatural creature and even certain fatal wounds.
  • Invulnerable Mind - Upon activation, a Supernatural Hunter's mind becomes immune to all mental intrusions.
  • Harmful Blood and Flesh - The flesh of a Supernatural Hunter is harmful to Werewolves in a similar fashion to Wolfsbane being harmful to werewolves as well as their blood causing the same effect as Vervain to Vampires.
    • Compulsion Immunity - By feeding his blood to a Human; he can temporarily grant them immunity to Mind Compulsion.
  • Immunity to Magic - The body and soul of an Upgraded Supernatural Hunter is immune to magic especially resurrection magic and as a result - an Upgraded Supernatural Hunter cannot become a Rakshasa.
  • Self-Resurrection - Much like a Supernatural Huntress; an upgraded Supernatural Hunter possesses the ability to resurrect upon being killed, however, unlike a Supernatural Huntress - an Upgraded's self-resurrection is seemingly limitless. However, they'll resurrect with a few minutes after dying. The only method to neutralise and eliminate an Upgraded Supernatural Hunter's Self-Resurrection ability is through the Golden Arrow or the spell that made the Golden Arrow. After David's revived following his death as a result of the Golden Nail he could no longer Self-Resurrect. After David was remade an Upgraded Supernatural Hunter, he regained this power.
  • Hunter's Curse - Much like a normal Supernatural Hunter if theyare killed by a Supernatural creature - that Supernatural creature will be afflicted with hyper-realistic hallucinations until they kill themselves. Since the Upgraded Hunter's Curse was dependent on David's Self-Resurrection and the only cure was to permanently kill the Hunter; the Upgraded Curse could no longer be placed upon the Supernatural who slays David.


  • Mortality - Although an Upgraded Supernatural Hunter is very hard to kill - they are still mortal can be died from old age, decapitation, suffocation
  • Equinox - An Upgraded Supernatural Hunter is powerless during an Equinox
  • Supermoon - An Upgraded Supernatural Hunter is powerless during a Supermoon.
  • Heart Extraction - An Upgraded Supernatural Hunter can be killed by having their heart ripped out.
  • Decapitation - Decapitation will result in instant death for an Upgraded Supernatural Hunter.
  • Hunter Instinct - When awakened, an Upgraded Hunter becomes filled with a supernatural urge to kill other supernatural creatures. However, an Upgraded Hunter can overcome the urge through a sheer force of will.
  • Omega Werewolf bite - An Upgraded Supernatural Hunter like nearly all mortal and Supernatural creatures can be killed by the bite of an Omega Werewolf.
  • The Golden Arrow - As a Phoenix can be felled permanently by the Golden Arrow so can an Upgraded Supernatural Hunter due to their blood fuelling their Self-Resurrection ability.
  • Golden Nail - Since a similar spell was imbued with the Golden Nail; like the Golden Arrow - the Golden Nail can permanently kill an Upgraded Supernatural Hunter and neutralise the Phoenix blood in their system.