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This article, Virgo, is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time. Please contact the article creator for collaborations..

Virgo, also known as Doctor Vironique Goad, is one of the 12 Zodiacs with a PhD in Astronomy. She teaches at the Salem State University and is a sister to Aries, Cancer, & Gemini.


Virgo cares deeply about her siblings even her wayward sisters. She is also quite intelligent and was able to become an Astronomy teacher in Earth following Aries imprisonment. The rift in her family sent her into an emotional rollercoaster in which she abandoned her responsibilities as a Zodiac, and wondered Earth for 500'000 years. After causing a section of moon to crash into Earth and become Mako Island; she decided to observe Earth more personally.


Virgo is a 1.68 metre tall Zodiac with Blonde hair and Blue eyes. She often wears bright-coloured clothing.


489'999 BC[]

Her sister's imprisonment; Virgo arrived on Earth years after and caused a section of moon to crash into Earth and area near Australia. Virgo transformed it into an Island; terraforming it and thus creating Mako Island along with the Moon Pool. However, she decided to use a cloaking spell to ensure Humans can't see or touch it. She spent the next 10'000 years on island and riddled it with fake prophecy and a real one predicting the fall of the Zodiacs.

400'000 BC[]

Virgo met with Cancer and was almost talked into help her sister's release, but Gemini convinced her into keeping Aries locked away. A fight broke out between the sisters which resulted in the destruction of the Fountain of Youth that Virgo tried to create. Virgo proceeded to take blood of a Prehistoric Human that would become the Ancestor to the Bennett Witch Bloodline and trap Cancer in a Prison World. However, Cancer proved that Prison Worlds don't work on Zodiacs by simply teleporting out of the dimension.

2 AD[]

Virgo first left Mako Island in the Year 2; she travelled much of Europe and Asia disguised a various women through out the ages. She met a family of witches that would become the ancestors of the founder of the Gemini Coven, and teach them a variety of powerful magic. She would go on to find several witch children abandon by their family and take them to Mako Island. All 12 of the children would become the first group to use the Moon Pool to become Merfolk. Virgo would then create a spell that'll allow them to be cloaked to Humans that they don't wish to be seen by.

Virgo repeated the process of finding abandon children witch or not, and offer them a new life as Merfolk and casting the same cloaking spell.

22 AD[]

20 years later - now as adults - the Merfolk were voice their discontent at being abandon and as a result Virgo proceeded to create her second Prison World to trap all Merfolk to protect humanity and decided to stop turning humans. Cancer ventured to the Prison World and accelerated age of all under 20-year-old Merfolk to the age of 20, and decided to speed up their knowledge. Virgo sealed the Ascendant to the 22 Prison World under the destroyed Fountain of Youth on Mako Island. Virgo proceeded to return to the Island and as penance decided not to leave for years.

1114 AD[]

Virgo met with Gemini in Italy 1114 AD. They were investigating the slaughter of the Five, and the two discussed Virgo's decision to isolate herself from the world on Mako Island for 1092 years. The two proceeded to form a diamond using strands of their hair and some of their dead skin. However, before they can finish - Cancer attacked and proceeded to knock out Virgo by snapping her necks and using a spell to bind Virgo to the service of Emperor Conrad II with use of Magic Sealing Cuffs. Virgo was forced to abide by Cancer's spell for 114 years while Gemini spent time trying to figure out how to undo the spell.


Gemini was able to free Virgo from Cancer's spell allowing Virgo to finally leave Conrad II's final resting place. Virgo and Gemini left Italy and went to France to live. Virgo took name Vironique while Gemini took the name of Giselle. As Vironique and Giselle; the pair met with a pair of local Mill works. Vironique married Zacharie, and two children - Sebastien and Syrah. Gemini would live with Zacharie until his death even after Sebastien and Syrah were imprisoned by Cancer in the 22 Prison World as revenge for Virgo's interferences in the past.

Through out Omega Chronicles[]

Gemini met Virgo at Salem State University after the successful use of the Zodiac Knife on Aries to inform her of Aries' return. David Phoenix, Jerick, Olga Milkov, Rikki Chadwick, Emma Gilbert, and Cleo Sertori met Virgo after tracking Cancer to the Island after Pádraig decided to inform them of Gemini's plan to kill Cancer and Aries. Virgo was able to save each of them from being almost killed by Cancer by teleporting her to Annalise's Universe and trap her their by using the Zodiac Knife.

Powers & Abilities[]

Aside of the powers normally displayed by Zodiacs; Virgo has several unique powers that she can use.

  • Earth Manipulation - The ability to manipulate the Earth and other forms of Geokinesis.
  • Terra-forming - Virgo can transform a deserted desert island into an island that florish with flora life.
  • Mercury Manipulation - Much like her sister; she is able to manipulate chemical Mercury.



Virgo maintains a positive relationship with most her siblings while maintain an estranged relationship with Cancer. Although she disapproves of Aries and Cancer's ideologies; she still cares deeply for them.
